A few words about dreams dictionatries

in #dreams6 years ago

Dreams glossaries, dreams dictionaries, are not effective tools for interpreting dreams!


Credit: Jonathan Wolstenholme

It is inconceivable that a person who wrote a book, say 20 years ago, would be able to interpret the meaning of symbols in people's dreams today. For example, how would a cell phone in a dream be explained? Such a phone was not so common in the mass consciousness 20 a decade or two ago!

The same applies to other symbols - Internet, spaceships, and so on and so forth.

And beyond that - how can anyone interpret our own personal and individual dreams? After all, our dreams - and especially symbolic dreams - are based on our personality structure, on the special interpretation that each of us has for the experiences of the surrounding world. Each person perceives reality differently and accordingly their dreams are different.


Credit: neosurrealismart

So you say - how do you interpret dreams? Good question.

  • First, I always stress the basic assumption that my interpretations are only a suggestion coming from my inner world and the last word is always the dreamer's.

  • Secondly, there are symbols that are common, of universal significance, which are rooted in the minds of the masses - such as aviation, travel, cars, etc. - and therefore can be interpreted, especially if one has repeating dreams. Read here and here about Carl Jung, in developing such pool of symbols.

  • Thirdly, there are dreams that are not ordinary dreams, but experiences in other dimensions which I find easier to explain because of the context in which I work, that is the journeys IU have done myself. These journeys are similar in essence (but not in detail), so I can give the dreamers a general direction and enlighten them.

Further reading: So, how do I interpret dreams and how can you too?


זה באמת נכון, עולם המושגים כל הזמן משתנה ולכן פירושים ישנים לא יהיו כל כך רלבנטים וגם לכל אינדיבידואל יש את העולם שלו. אין לי מושג לגבי ניסיון בעולמות אחרים...

ובלי קשר לפוסט הספציפי הזה מעניין שמאז שאני עוקבת אחרי הפוסטים שלך אני יותר זוכרת חלומות .
אני עובדת בחברה דתית שומרת שבת ומצחיק שחלמתי שאני מסתובבת אחרי מקלחת מכוסה עם מגבת, זה קרה פעמיים ולא הרגשתי שזה לא במקום ואחד המנהלים ממש כעס עלי ולא הבנתי כל כך למה? מה לדעתך הפרשנות?

את זוכרת מכיוון שהמוח שלך עוסק בנושאים האלה על בסיס קבוע, אולי יומי, אז זה הגיוני.

לגבי החלום,
שתי אפשרויות.

  1. את מעוררת התנגדות בעבודה בגלל מי שאת, אולי הדעות שלך, ובחלום את נחשפת למידע הזה.
  2. את מביאה דעות שונות למקום העבודה, חורגות מהנורמה, ועלולות לעורר התנגדות אבל לא אכפת לך.
    תהיי קשובה להלך הרוחות בעבודה.
אני חושבת שאפשרות 2 היא הפרשנות היותר מתאימה, זה פשוט מדהים שיש לך חוש טוב לקרוא את הדברים.

בדיוק לפני כמה ימים חשבתי על נושא שקשור לעבודה ואמרתי לעצמי שלא מעניין אותי מה אומרים ואיך מתייחסים לזה אחרים אני פשוט הולכת עם האמת המקצועית שלי עד הסוף גם אם היא לא שגרתית, חשבתי שלאור הניסיון הרב והרקורד אני לא זקוקה לאישור של אף אחד.
בכל זאת, אשמע לעצתך לעקוב אחרי הדברים ואומר לך בכנות שאם יהיה מקום לתת למישהו סולם לרדת מהעץ אז אני מוכנה לעשות זאת, כי מה שחשוב לי הוא להשיג את המטרה של הצלחת הפרויקט ואני בהחלט יכולה לשים את האגו בצד כשצריך.
תודה !

Regarding the dictionary of dreams I want to tell you something funny; in my country the old people have the habit of interpreting dreams as a dictionary, as an example: mom, dream about dead... son plays the 48th in the lottery* hehehehehe (joke of bad taste, but I hope to see you smile some day)...

And beyond that: how can anyone interpret our own personal and individual dreams? After all, our dreams, and especially symbolic dreams, are based on our personality structure, on the special interpretation each of us has of the experiences of the surrounding world. Each person perceives reality differently and, as a result, their dreams are different.

That being so, even if you have dreams about the same characters, they most likely have different meanings? Since I've been reading to you, I've paid special attention to my dreams, I'm still not sure I remember my dreams, but at least I've been trying and I'd love to decipher them someday, not with a dictionary, but with the experience you have, do you feel you've developed that skill or virtue through the years or studies? or did that gift come from your birth?
I hope my English is working, if not please blame the translator

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

That translator works pretty well. But I think it doesn't have a sense of humor 😉

About remembering dreams you may check my article -

And about your question - mostly self experiencing. Waking up in the morning, pondering the meaning of the dreams and coming up with answers. I studied very little, from a book of two. This one was really good :


But again, mostly throughout the years, interpreting my own dreams and others'.


It is inconceivable that a person who wrote a book, say 20 years ago, would be able to interpret the meaning of symbols in people's dreams today.


The books are just the collection of assumptions, just to assume what the dream might mean. The real interpretation belongs to the dreamer.

The reason why lots of people are missing out on the interpretation of their dreams is because they are looking for one man who can give the very accurate interpretation of their dreams, this might not be easily come by, because the interpretation belong to the dreamers.

Even if you end up having someone who is able to interpret your dream accurately, your acceptance or rejection of such interpretation still has a major role to play.


People don't rely enough, as they should, on their own wisdom!

hey @nomad-magus for the beautiful message true the dreams that a farmer gets is different from the ones the nurses get but there are also general dreams for example if you dream swimming in an enclosed area then you know that you are next to your success but there are hinderances , then dreaming when a dead person is chasing you that is downfall in your life but also they are dreams that come from our minds like if you starved the whole day then you are bound to dream about food or if you are obsessed with a certain person and you always think about them always then they will apppear in your dreams... That is what I think

The more experience we have with dream-world, the better awareness.

Personally dreams have been an easy thing for me to interpret. This is because most often, I dream about things that I did during day or things that I spent much time thinking about during day. Most times when am worried or anxious about something, it usually reflects in my dreams . I usually go ahead and dream about that particular thing when I go to bed. So to me, dream interpretation is usually much easier for me than anyone can think. Like lately, my boyfriend has another side chick and am always thinking about her 24/7 , guess what, it's all I dream about every day. Am having nightmares every single day and they are always about her. Thanks @nomad-magus for sharing sweet content always. Am your loyal follower.

Am having nightmares every single day

Take note that continous strees, without the ability to release, might affect your immune system.

Sometimes some dreams are very clear that we can understand on our own. However, some too can be confusing. Anyways, I just pray to God and hope everything turns out fine. I don't really like explaining my dreams to other people_it always seems weird to me_

Asking yourself questions helps you to start picking apart the dream. The questions you ask should vary depending on what your dream is about. Question the meanings and relationship behind the individual elements in that dream.

On the surface, the dream might not seem to relate to your waking life, but focusing on the way you felt can help you find direction.

Some of my best ideas for my stories are from my dream and as such I need to remember my dream when I wake up.
I had read this somewhere when I was 15 and this is what I do:
When you are on bed, close your eyes and try to focus your attention as if you are trying to see something that is right in between your eyebrows and then tell yourself that I will remember my dream and you can even dictate what you want to dream. You also say that I will remember what I dreamt when I wake.

Quite often this works for me:)

Some of my best ideas for my stories are from my dream

The creator of the film "AVATR" dreamed about Pandora before making the film!

@nomad-magus dreams about flying often represent two very different sides. On the one hand, such dreams can represent feelings of freedom and independence. On the other hand, they can also indicate a desire to flee or escape from the realities of life.

...or literally flying in other dimensions!

Thanks our elder brother/ actually a father to us for this kind of insight about dream interpretation, here is my understanding of how we can interprete dreams in a biblical persepective @nomad-magus.

  1. First and foremost, dont look at things far away from you,actually the Lord use thing which you normally think of or even people to communicate and at times situations bothering you and that is clear that you just have to understand what he requires of you to do.
    Example. If you dream of people chasing you and in your mind its true that you under such threat, then the Lord will be warning you not either walk alone or to stay away from some ndividuals who may appear good outside while inside are filled with dead mens borns as Jesus said about hypocrites in Matthew 23:5-12

  2. Learn to hear from the Holly Spirit through the dreams so that you can know what is expected of from him, once we master to depend on him in such tthings, i can assure you it will be easy to learn these hidden things caaried in dreams. I still say this my fellow brethrens, do not depend on internet, some of those interepretations are not from God but the evil world and normally those kind of dreams present a certain kind of positivity instead of warnng someone incase is going astray. The Lord used these for normally for redemption so that his Children me and you can escape the deception from the enemy.

  3. Take note of the features you encounter in the realm of the dreams and alway find someone with the gift to help you interprete the dreams for you. Personally am growing into that gift and what seems to be very complex for me, i send it to my father in the Spirit or friends who are at higher spiritual ranking than me. In doing that you begin learning to put things to light which are in the dream for the benefit of the church.

In addition to what you said in the dream, how we interprete a cell phone according to the Spiritual way is the aquision of a more advanced means of communication to the Father or what we call a smart way of talking to the father.

According to the dreamers, i believe such a dream was so prophetic actually sseing a head of time of things which people in such a generation will intend to intriduce to simplify life and hence we perceive this from the physical environment surrounding us as well as the challenges and how to counter them.

Great post i have to say because of what you put out really fits our brains and helps us to grow in knowledge and understanding @nomad-magus

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