[Hae-Joo] Dreams of Awakening - Where the Devil Doth Lurk

in #dreaming7 years ago
Dear Fellow Steemians,
Last night, I dreamt of the Devil.
This was the very night after my first Dreams of Awakening post.
I had a feeling after making that post that I would receive another semi-lucid dream... I had received several signs and omens all through the day and had a very excited feeling as I went to sleep...
But I wasn't prepared for how deep it was going to be... Well, to my beloved reader, I would like to share with you this dream of Ahriman and how I symbolically cast out my Shadow and Became nothing but Light...

Upon waking up, it did not feel like the dream had unfolded in any kind of linear fashion, as I keenly remembered earlier parts of the dream more vividly than later parts... But having spent a considerable amount of time reworking everything I wrote down and noting everything I subsequently remembered, hopefully you can follow this dream in a way that makes sense to the outside reader
Without self-psychoanalyzing too much (You're all free to do so yourselves), what I'm most interested in sharing here are the esoteric understandings I gained about this infamous force we call the Devil, or as he is known in anthroposophy: Ahriman.

Vincent Vega? The Perfect Embodiment of my Shadow-Self?

Okay, the foremost interesting part about the dream was that it was all centered around my relationship with John Travolta... Yes, John Travolta was the The Devil in my dream.
Strange, but trust me, it had the desired effect.
It was the John Travolta from pulp fiction... His long hair, cool and possessed demeanor, his playful and witty spirit.

Travolta Devil.jpg

This Guy
Well, I could see why my psyche chose his character from Pulp Fiction...

That Character, Vincent Vega, and my Shadow-Self... Are a Perfect Match.

So how did John Travolta end up being the Devil? Well... Let me walk you through it...

Part 1: Don't live in the Past

Originally, he and I met and were having a fantastic time. We got on like a house on fire. Liquor, substances, women, right? Some very fun times with my bro.
But as time progressed, we grew attached to each other. It started to become an unhealthy attachment.
Suddenly, we couldn't really have a good time without each other, and the good times we we're having we're getting less good as the times went on... I remember this one time, I was too tired and beat to go out, and he started having a go at me, like fuck you man, get your shit together and get up, we gotta go... I was like woah, okay man...
I couldn't really put my finger on it... I couldn't quite see it as a toxic relationship...
There were so many things that kept bringing me back to him every time...
For example, I remember in our drunken states, after long parties, we'd have these moments of white light.
This one was a key lesson, a parable in the dream if you will:
Travolta was telling me about how he had an Unreleased Director's Cut of Pulp Fiction...
It was a much better movie than the original Pulp Fiction, but they we're never able to finish it because of X/Y/Z.
He said he just wished so bad he could go back in time and finish the movie back when he still had the chance...
That because of how Pulp Fiction turned out, if it had just been different, his career would have been different, he would have had better success, and he wouldn't be so miserable in the present...
He felt like this big fuck-up from his past was holding him back in the present.
I remember telling him that his big fuck-up was actually his greatest success, and that he shouldn't spend so much time wishing he could go back and change the past, but should focus on what he can do right now in the present to make his life better...
Which he got furiously angry with me for saying... He was a loser now, he was a bum, he'd never get the break that he had back then... He got the one shot to make his life perfect and he missed it...
He was saying all this stuff about all the money he'd missed out on, and all the choices he'd made after that, and how everything had just gotten so fucked up that it'd landed him here, with me. He was like kickin' shit over, throwin' empty beer bottles at the wall and stuff... Like I'd really pushed one of his buttons...
This situation did not end well, and indeed it took a turn for the worse in the next part of the dream.

Quick sidenote: I hope John Travolta is not such an rippin' degenerate ass-hole in real life


Part 2: The Devil

Well, eventually, these scenes eventually faded and I entered into what I would call the second part of the dream...
Let me attempt to paint the scene...
The dream was gradually shifting towards a dramatic theme of darkness... Everything was becoming distorted, heavy, dense... My consciousness was beginning to feel clouded by shadowy figures, who became the most pronounced and distinguishable features of the dream.
Imagine the scenes of walking through New York in the 1980s in the middle of the night, under the spell of a psychotic breakdown...
Dark alley ways branching off empty boulevards and avenues, scattered with bums huddled around makeshift fireplaces constructed from sawed-off barrels...
Trying to get home after a long day's work... But work doing what? You're so exhausted you can't even

All you're left with is this feeling of living and breathing Hell... Is this what life is?

Are you depressed? You haven't felt emotions in years it seems... Everything is just heavy, burden, weight... You're just tired, exhausted from this long and drudging struggle...
You're battling your own psychosis, seeking ways to escape this fake-reality that you seem locked into...
How do you escape?
Always lurking in the shadows is Him... Travolta...
Except he is no longer the human being from earlier times... He is a wicked and demonic spirit... Always haunting you...
And he wants to hurt you...
He's torturing you.
As you wander the darkest corners of the recesses of your subconscious; lost, drifting without a purpose...
Seeking for the answer...
Looking for the key to unlock your freedom
He oppresses you... Hurls slurs at you...

Hey where do you think you're going dipshit...

What you looking for you fucking loser?

Though it feels like he's always stalking you from a distance... lurking from around the corner on the back alley dumpster... sitting atop the lorry by the wayside of the opposite road, glaring at you through the window glass of the borded up neighborhood cafe...
His words resonate in your mind as if he was whispering them directly into your ear...
The more you try to shut him up and push him out of your mind, the more vengeful his retaliation...
Looking for respite, you walk into an all night corner shop...
You pick up a packet of chips and a few other distractions telling yourself this will temporarily put you out of your misery...
But as you walk out, you realize that as you're opening up the chips, there's a miniature cartoon version of Travolta where the nutrition facts should be... He's mocking you, laughing at you, sneering at you as you shovel in these snacks which you are unable to even taste anymore...

Yeah there you go piggy...

Slurp it all up you dirty piggy...

The abuse is potent... It pierces your defenses...
This Devil is the most narcissistic manipulator you've ever faced...
He's destroyed all of your Spiritual Defenses and reduced you to nothing but a Shadow of Yourself...
You fear that he is right...
It becomes apparent he wants you dead...
You're so miserable you shouldn't be allowed to live...
Never has such a pathetic and disgusting example of a Creature been allowed to draw breathe on this Earth...
He's throwing empty cans at your head as he tells you you're nothing but a miserable worm... Bruises begin to appear...
He's poking you with sticks in your side, reaching deep into your rib cage and poking holes in your lungs...
Cuts begin to emerge
Scabs form which are then ripped off by the onslaught of incoming objects grazing your skin...
He's now actively stabbing you in the back...
Infection... Putrefaction... Putrescence...
You feel your body beginning to rot and decompose...
It seems like this is the end...
The Devil has your Soul and he's taking you with Him down to Hell for all Eternity to face Fiery Damnation...
His Evil is tangible... He wants to erase any trace of light from you until you become nothing more than an empty vessel that he can use as his slave for any wicked purpose that crosses his mind...
The sexy facade of the John Travolta character reveals itself to be nothing more than a skitsuit...
You can see the blood coloured eyes of lust and greed appear as the mask is being removed...
Bulging muscles and demonic horns rip through the meat suit to reveal the true form of this Demonic Entity...
Its power is so great it could snap your neck with the mighty power of its two fingers...
You begin to feel a sense of lightness as you surrender to this creature's threat...
You begin to accept your fate and let go off all fear...
You stop resisting and surrender, falling to your knees...
Your eyes tired of staying open as you you realize there is nothing that can be done... You begin to feel yourself slipping into the Great Void and Abyss of Pure Darkness...
The Devil pronounces ''Yes... Surrender... I own you... You are nothing more than a maggot rot---...''

And then something changes within you...
By the Grace of God, a spell is broken. The facade of the illusion has been seen through...
This small Light centered in the middle of your chest, where your heart used to rest...
Suddenly you can breathe again
It is a faint glow, nothing more than the shine of a little flashlight...
Suddenly, you feel the vibrations in your chest...
The Devil has paused and fallen silent
You are still on your knees, but suddenly, the weight of the gloomy and lightless surroundings of this empty boulevard are no longer falling weight rested upon your shoulders...
Suddenly, you feel separate from this environment... You start to feel distinct from this world around you...
A small spark in your stomach and suddenly, the ignition of a powerful flame...
The blaze it creates is feeding this light source of white Light in your chest...
Suddenly you feel a tremendous rush of energy...
You're no longer tired like you've been this whole time...
You feel... Awake...
Energized like you've never been, you get up on your knees.
The Beast is starring at you a few feets distance... But it does not seem as Mighty and Powerful as it did just a moment ago...
In fact now it appears to you in a dysmorphic and ugly form...
It's muscles are not those of an incredibly strong and powerful Beast that could crush you with its bare hands...
But the muscles of a misshapen and deformed freak of Nature...
As you straighten your back and assume a grounded and well-rooted martial position
And begin to look down on this wretched creature
It tries to engage you...

What do you think you're doing? You think this changes anything? I OWN you remember!?

But these words do not impress you anymore...
As your inner power keeps rising, and a bright aura begins to envelop your body, casting ever brighter hues of white light in the surrounding darkness of your environment...
The Beast tries to fight back...

You're NOTHING without me...! You need me to SURVIVE you fool... What would you be without me guiding you in your moments of weakness... What would you do when you don't know where to turn... You'll never last a minute you worthless---''

But his words are becoming distorted...
His voice is breaking as either he is unable to utter these words or the intensity of the vibration around you begins to create a sound barrier, like an energetic force field with a whistling noise from the whirlwind of energy that you are emitting...
The light emerging from your heart is so bright, small spinning vortexes of light have emerged, each associated with the various elements of the world...
A small iridescent point of light made from fire in your stomach...
A gleaming glowing bright spinning ball of light made of water in your throat...
All your chakras are aligning and together they are forming a circuitry of elemental-based light that extends from the bottom of your spine to the crown of your scalp...
Suddenly a red light accompanied by huge discharges of static electricity is beginning to swell up in the root...
The Kundalini is Awakening...
By now the devil looks like a disabled and handicapped rat-like creature...
There is nothing frightening about it and it seems like it is scrambling just to stay alive, desperately gasping for something to breathe as like a fish outside of water it is completely unable to inhale the strong and pure scintillant blue Prana that has filled this empty boulevard...
And as the Higher Self reasserts its control and dominion over your body; it does not even pay attention anymore to the surroundings...
There is a tremendous build-up of roaring energy and the cars on the road, the dust, the litter, everything is being blown away in this legendary outpouring of your inner Qi
And suddenly, you close your eyes... The Third Eye opens ever so slightly, and the Crown is blown wide open...
It seems your Consciousness bursts through the porous membranes of your anthropomorphic body!
Like the steam that escapes the body, released from fresh wounds in the wintery landscapes.
Your Soul gushes out of your eyes, mouth, nose, ears, every single orifice down to the very space that exists between each cell that makes up your Body...
You become pure Light and are instantaneously lifted out of this manifestation of reality and taken to a state of awareness where you begin to...


And then...
You find yourself again in the city of your Dream...
Except that it is Dawn now...
Life seems to have been breathed into this once soulless and desolate landscape...
You take a deep breath...
Inhale... Huuahhh...
Exhale... Phhewww...
The Air feels so clean, so pure, so refreshing...
You feel like every cell in your body is burning with fire
You take a look around...
The sky is pink, orange, peach...
The few clouds that litter sky; blue, purple, indigo
A little boy walks up to you
You don't immediately recognize him, but deep down you know he is your inner child.
He looks up to you, with big, wide-open, sincere yet reminiscent eyes...

'Are you okay Mister?'

You smile... You are aware that in this moment you are filled with a tremendous sense of peace and calm.
Your psychosis is over...
And you begin to realize that this Devil creature that you just did battle with; had never really existed.
All along, he'd been nothing more than a Creation of your own Split Mind...
He was the Shadow of your Light.
He was the distorted reflection of the disowned aspects of yourself that you had sought so hard to repress and push down...
He was nothing more than an illusion...

And now... He was... No more...

You turn your attention to the little boy once more...
And stare deeply into his eyes just as deeply as he has been staring into yours the entire time that you took to reflect upon what you had just experienced...

And you answer: ''Yes little boy... I'm... Okay.''

That was the dream...


I can't help but notice that the archetype of this dream was essentially the same as that of the Matrix
Feel free to take what you will from this dream... I know why I experienced it and why it had to be so scary... Upon waking up, I realized that it was time to put down the cigarettes, the junk food, and the other unhealthy, addictive behavior... Lately I've been doing more meditating and activating the part of my brain that sees itself as separate from the actual body... I don't even know which part it is called, but lately I've been seeing myself as an Animus inside an Animal. I think this makes a lot of sense as I feel very much connected to the flow and will of the Universe...

I would just like to thank my Spirit Guides for being ever-so present in my life and continuously guiding me towards the highest possible Good for myself and others... I'm trying my best not to resist the changes taken place in and around me and just being a vessel for thought, emotion, intention, attention, and action... I know that Spirit is moving through my body, guiding my feet as the ground shifts beneath my find, placing me at the right place at the right time to receive messages, signs and omens... It's such an incredible journey... Even though I would be unable to share these innermost thoughts and feelings of mine with a real human being face-to-face in any convincing manner, I'm able to pen these thoughts here and share them with the world which in of itself feels like a sacred act that is bringing me closer to my ultimate destiny...

To all of you who are following, and voraciously reading these passages with enthusiasm, know that I salute you, I see you, and I honor your Soul for accepting and welcoming these changing times into your life...

We are all but reflections of each other and nothing makes me happier than to imagine the images laid out in this post resonate inside my fellow humans and create that sense of enthusiasm and delight in knowing that the Universe is ruled by Pure Beauty, Pure Goodness, and Pure Truth

With Peace in My Mind and Love in My Heart



Hey great post @imp.unity I didn't read the last part as I wanted my own stab at the interpretation! :D It's like the dream was a mirror image and subconscious manifestation of some form of inner struggle you've been grappling with and perhaps the dream showed that that this struggle was perhaps more profound than you realised in your waking moments. Once through the struggle you are now ready to move on, leave these particular negative thoughts/wound up emotions in the past and move onto the next stage of your learnng path. Indeed negativity can become wound up in a knot but our thought processes can unwind said knot. Many people run from negativity but this is a balance that exists within all of us, there is much that can be learned from it we just need to find a way to weigh these scales in our favour. Indeed you often learn more about yourself through the hard times than the good. Ths is the cycle of life and the downward cycle just means that the upside is coming soon ;) great stuff my friend.

Thanks for your post! I love the way you pen down the details of your dream and also reflect on what it means to you. The dream part reads like a story :). I'm happy for you that you find such an active process of knowing and developing yourself in dreaming. Would you say these are dreams that you remember when you wake up, or where you are also actively directing the scenes?

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The Devil: Kundalini: Serpent: Sentinel: Pheonix

The Serpent Travels Close to the Earth and High in the Trees, Knowing The Secrets of Life. Reverse Esoteric Knowledge, The Devil Being Your Salvation And Your God Being Your Enslaver.....

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