[Hae-Joo] Dreams of Awakening: Solar Ascension.

in #dreaming7 years ago

Hi fellow Steemians,

Dreams of Awakening is another mini-series I want to start working on… More and more, as I continue on my path to ascension, I’ve been engaging in semi-lucid dreaming…
These kinds of dreams are dreams where I am aware that I am dreaming, but instead of taking control and exerting my will over the dream, I just sit back and let the whole thing unfold in front of me, more intrigued by observing and passively participating in the dream, than of letting the whole dreamscape know that I am lucid.

I’ve had a few fully lucid dreams, but ironically, even though I wrote everything I could remember down as soon as I woke up; I can’t really remember these dreams in much detail. The events are so extraordinary in lucid dreams, words fail to deliver justice to the impact that they have on our soul. Waking up from such experiences is like realizing that somebody roofied you with DMT... You were simply fully unprepared for something like that and upon re-entry you're too disorganized to categorize your experiences in ways that can be easily accessed.

Semi-lucid dreams are much easier for me to remember, because my Soul (Subconscious) uses images and symbols my waking-consciousness is already familiar with, which makes these dreams much easier to assimilate & integrate, and thus communicate & share with others.

Hopefully as I become more conscious, I'll be able to process and understand lucid-dreams better!

I encourage everybody to share their own spiritual experiences using the tags #dreaming and #awakening ; let's get these tags up in the ranking. Thanks 😁 😄

Solar Ascension

This dream, which I was semi-lucid for more than half of it, was a gift from the Universe. It changed my life forever, because after having had this dream, I’ve never been able to experience existential dread, and it has empowered me beyond my previously-held wildest dreams. It wasn’t the first time that I died in a dream, but this was the first time that I died, met God, and ascended to Heaven in one dream. I hope you will accept my humble and personal account of what the experience felt like.
PS: The following text is copied verbatim from my dream diary. The entry was dated to April 2017. I redacted the entry in the evening based on everything that I wrote down and could remember, after letting the dream sit with me for a day. Enjoy:

The Dream Started Like This.

I was on Earth and an impending disaster was about to destroy humanity as we knew it.
A kind of apocalypse, everybody had been made aware that the only way to save ourselves was to fly into the Sun.
So we assembled a spaceship big enough to house all the souls on Earth that were going to make the voyage to the Sun.


Like the one in Wall-E!
And for the reason of showing me that the journey to the Sun (the Light) must be made by conquering the shadow elements (the moon represents the darkness of the night), we we’re heading to the moon first, to transit.
We had to reach the moon first, and from the moon, we would bounce off it like a ricochet, and this would propulse us in direction of the Sun.
As one might imagine, the journey to the moon was the terrifying part. Filled with uncertainty, dread, moroseness, outright terror and holistic fear… People were wailing, crying, screaming, shouting, freaking out in all manners…
Beyond this façade, this sight, I remember myself feeling a certain composure, and yet within the manner of composure there lay a certain uneasiness. In that even though I was not outwardly freaking out, I was still quite uncertain, undecided within myself.
But as we approached the moon, and collided with it, a certain period of stress overcame everyone. Where we all mad? Was there any purpose to this? Colliding off the moon, I remember feeling a sense of excitement, like from here on in, there was no going back. Our fate was decided. We were flying into the Sun.
Things calmed down upon the vessel. People regained a certain amount of lucidity, a certain grip on reality. Suddenly people weren’t losing their minds. They were coming to their senses. Some began pondering on the final outcome of our mission. Others began preparing for their inevitable demise.
The philosophers among us began spreading their ideas as the seers began preaching their gospels of truth. Families came together and began making preparations. It became clear that a barrier, a stage, a membrane was about to be crossed.
I remember airing through the corridors of this space ship, soaking the images in deep within my psyche. That’s when I came across Alex for the second time. I remembered that I had seen her before on our way to the moon, but we we’re both too self-absorbed to connect in any meaningful.
Now it was clear that this was our last time to say goodbye to each other. We came close together in an embrace. We kissed deeper and more powerfully than ever before. The way we expressed our love was by the mutual feeling and appreciation of every inch of each other’s body.
There was a certain undertone of sadness, melancholy, to this experience, as we knew by now that our physical bodies were going to be destroyed and whatever awaited us on the other side, it would never be the bodies of [Hae-Joo] and Alex displaying and expressing this form of human love. And so like one enjoys a last cigarette during a sunset, as one has his last beer before swearing it off for life, we said goodbye to each other’s physical forms that we had grown so attached to, and this was where the pain came from.
And thus we bid farewell to each other before being separated, as other matters had to be attended to before we reached the Sun.

This is when I entered the semi-lucid state and realized I was in the out-of-body astral state

And this was where I was contacted by my Spirit Guide, a certain kind of light being, an angel if you will, who in no uncertain terms, explained to me that we were all about to die and we were going to be brought back to Heaven.

And before we could enter Heaven, we all had to be judged by God.

So I was told that I would have to enter a kind of space between spaces, a kind of purgatory, where I would receive a kind of evaluation, a final verdict on the quality and success rate of my life.
I would be made aware by the supreme authority itself where I excelled, where I failed, where I could have tried harder, where I gave it my best… A kind of holistic understanding of where I could improve, what lessons I hadn’t quite managed to learn, this was the nature of this final experience that would precede my ascension to Heaven.
And so as we began to enter the Sun, everybody began vaporizing, leaving the physical body and entering the light body.
And I found myself in a limitless expanse of white light, almost like a room but with no edges. And from this infinite space a door opened, and a meandering small creature emerged.

Mind-game Gif.gif

This is where I have to give mad props to the movie Mind-Game. In the movie, God is depicted as a constant flux of subconscious images, which I thought was absolutely brilliant and completely nails how God appears to the dis-incarnate man. I can really personally attest to the accuracy of this artistic depiction of God and the death experience.

It was so insignificant, so meaningless in its shape, so unassuming, so unimposing. And so I knew that this form was the most suited form for the Godhead to assume, because of its very nature of being so ridiculous it could not begin to encapsulate the grandeur and totality of the Lord.
And yet here it was. In fact I can only assume the way I saw it was merely a reflection of my own imagination and creativity, for we were in a limitless expanse of space, and I am quite sure that its shape kept morphing every second to the next random creation of my subconscious, in a way that seemed out of control, but of course is just the nature of the duality of self and other, the myriad of ways that the oneness can experience itself.
So to bring it back to what happened, this form was reviewing this kind of artefact that resembled a kind of illusion that appeared to be a stack of papers, of course I am quite certain there was more information than contained within the few pieces of papers that I perceived to be attached to an unassuming clipboard.
I would assume that this was the Akashic Record, in some form or another. But this was the form in which I could perceive it.
In any case, I remember feeling a certain kind of uncertainty. There was a kind of suspense as this review process took place. I was just witnessing this rather ridiculous scene, fully or at least partially aware of the importance of its implications.
And suddenly, the form passed on to me, non-verbally, a certain kind of sense of satisfaction. Maybe something I would identify as a ‘Could do better. B+’ comment from my childhood school teachers.
And suddenly all sense of human fear disappeared. All sense of duality vanished. All the negative karmic pain and suffering from the human psyche and consciousness was now out the door as I transcended the room and emerged on the other side of this ‘room’ to what I could only think of as Heaven.
And there I was: in the Sun. In Heaven.
Where I landed I would quickly try to describe as an Assemblage Point from a kind of steam-punk novel. There were pieces of technology absolutely everywhere. In fact I seemed to be in a kind of large hangar, perhaps one of many million, where souls were welcomed and slowly could begin to regain consciousness of their pre-Earthly home.
I was up on a deck, and before proceeding forward with Heaven I was asked, in a similar way to a video-game menu, to select some ground characteristics for my future life. Using two archetypes that were made manifest in 3d holograms of two kinds of alien species (loosely resembling Dragon Ball Z characters), I had to select an archetype that resembled my current pattern of incarnation, like a kind of ‘story-mode’ option, based on the progression of my soul, or a random life archetype, one that did not really advance the purpose of my soul, but could be thought of as a one-off, free-play life with no specific spiritual goals to attain.
A kind of relaxing, no pressure life with absolute freedom or at least no ‘destiny’ so to speak. It would allow the soul complete anonymity, and to interact with other souls acting from this blank-state position.
It was a strange concept, one that at the time I was by no means interested in selecting. I wanted to live my next soul-advancing life. And thus I selected this archetype, of an alien with intelligence, and the traits of my soul I have thus attained.
And suddenly I was brought forth to a life circumstance and characteristic menu. Like an incredibly advanced Sims creation menu. Enabling one to select every single aspect of circumstance that would define the parameters of the human life.
From the socio-economic background, the intellectual background, the kinds of abilities that could be harnessed during childhood, the kinds of opportunities and what kind of rewards they would unlock (as a kind of example: living a sad childhood and unlocking the trait of overcoming those difficulties associated with that sadness and rising above them to find wholeness and happiness).
Choosing these characteristics give our life their nature and character, and also determine how much ‘experience’ our souls can acquire, how many points we can acquire.
Because Earth in this view is like a school, a kind of place we go to acquire experience and grow our spiritual strength and stature. And a place where we experience life in the flesh, where we create memories for our soul, it’s the way we define ourselves in the world of spirit, I suppose. In any case this was the way it all felt.
I remember looking at my character as having the white characteristic, and was thinking to myself how it was cool but how I was 100% certain I wanted to incarnate black, and enjoy the characteristic that black offered.
Suddenly I could see the form my adult next incarnation would take… With a big ole round nose, high cheeks, nice full lips, interesting eye brows… Yeah, this was going to be fucking sick.
I love my next incarnation. And who do I notice behind me as I am playing around but my good friend [Elian]. His spirit guide was having a go at him. The kind of criticism he was receiving was from wanting to create such a crazy character.
He wanted to be born poor, dark as night, in Africa… But then he wanted to have access to many languages, to be a kind of crazy talented awesome person.
And his soul was giving excuses saying you can’t attempt to learn what rising from the complete bottom is like and yet start with so many advantages. It’s too surreal, it doesn’t compute with our Earth school and the way you would perceive the world to have those kinds of emotions.
You can have 1 or 2 languages but not 3,4,5 etc… A kind of ridiculously funny and awesome argument that my friend was taking into consideration and re-evaluating.
His Spirit Guide had the form of a kind of fat PE teacher, a kind of ridiculous sports coach that was meant to push you as hard as he could, not because he was innately mean but that was the kind of treatment you had asked him to provide.
Mine was much more sensible, or at least much more in line with the kind of guide and teacher I would want. A kind of non-plussed, reassuring guide that gave me the feeling that I had everything under control, and only when I was really lost or confused could I turn to him for help.
A kind of ‘you’ve got this, I don’t need to intervene unless I really see you straying or erring’ approach to helping me. I assume that was the pact we have.
I do recognize that I do have this kind of incredibly independently minded soul, wanting to do everything my own way, rejecting too many suggestions and seeking rather to come to my own realizations through trial and error rather than being led the way by following some kind of prescription.
I think these spirit guides are just like adults to a child here on Earth, they have lived so many human lives and have grown so wise, they have ascended to another level, and so they simply act as positive role-models, or sources of help when we need them in our learning, the way a thesis supervisor looks over and offers advice based on experience to a student attempting to create his own understanding.
It’s funny to me how much of these things in Heaven, despite being out of this world, unique renditions of things never seen on Earth, have nevertheless an imprint on Earth. I think these technologies we use on Earth originate in Heaven, we’ve just made them manifest in the Earth school.
Like souls bring their knowledge of these ideas from Heaven and simply find a way to build a physical copy of a technology that have long existed in astral forms.
What was clear from this dream was that the Sun was inhabited by perhaps as much as quintillions of advanced Souls, whereas Earth was merely inhabited by billions. It will be interesting to see how this esoteric knowledge plays out in my understanding of the world.
In any case, there were so more personal details to the dream, but I think I’ve written the bulk of it.
One last piece I thought was particularly relevant: I remember asking my Spirit Guide a series of questions before meeting God, and when I encountered the question of whether the atheist world view of a black abyss of nothingness awaited us versus the holistic pantheistic world view of infinite dimensions of consciousness and light (a somethingness as opposed to nothingness), I was presented two kinds of images to illustrate the difference between the two.
It was like a poster containing all the characters of the Dragon Ball Z Universe.
The one of the nothingness contained these creatures with insect like consciousness, they had these red demonic eyes, they were essentially soulless.
They lacked any kind of spiritual essence, but we’re merely moving through motions like algorithms.
They lacked a fundamental kind of consciousness: they were as conscious as the 2D drawings of the comic book artist; from a 2D reality they may have appeared conscious, but in reality they were simply executions of a master choreographer that decided every aspect of their appearance.
This would be the view of a God that created a fatalistic universe, where everything is pre-determined, where we have no free will and whatever happens is beyond the scope of anything we are made of to change.
This was quite an ugly and cringy view, and was contrasted with the view of this same picture where all the Dragon Ball Z characters had their own unique consciousnesses. Their eyes, blue, [vibrant], alive, happy in nature, were filled with a spiritual quality of consciousness.
There was clearly an independent centre of experience connected to the body, not limited or fixed to the body, but resonating with it the way two frequencies in close proximity vibrate in a pattern tending towards unity. There was genuine love between the characters, a conscious, generous, loving exchange of vital, spiritual energy.
I wasn’t explicitly told one was true, or another was false.
Rather: I naturally tended to vibrate more closely with the conscious, loving version.

I suppose on some level, both are just two sides of the same coin. But just as we are all just pawns in an incredible mechanism, we are pawns with incredible characteristics and abilities to experience various states and realities in very convincing ways, and thus I would assume the smallest insect, the smallest molecule, the smallest cell, is in some way, evolving, growing, experiencing, living.

And we are just the natural build-up of this process of evolution, to a point where one day, we will have reached such levels of consciousness that we will be creating our own worlds and realities and breathing life into our own creatures made of mud and clay, raising them to become Gods as we are. Something beautiful and incredible like this.
So I resonated more closely with the second and my spirit guide agreed that there was much more to this universe than what a pessimist human would think, or at least [try to lead us to believe]. But I am still left with the hunch that it’s just a question of whether the glass is half-full or half-empty.
Ultimately God can’t be more than what made God, and really this whole process may just be something incredibly meaningless or simply unavoidable; and thus our lives and evolution are simply just the way things are, and the process could never come to an end, which would validate the first view more than the second one, but then again if we had the power to end everything and have a nothingness, would we do so? And that would validate the second view because it is so cool to have something.
So yeah, mind fucks all the way. But word: God in my dream. So that’s something

If any artists would like to do some illustrations for this dream, please get in touch! <3
It's still the most beautiful experience I've ever had, and I can remember it quite vividly to this day.

Thank for reading

Peace and Love,


Great read! Resteeming for my blog

Hey @thethreehugs

Thanks! Love that!
Such a cool little banner hahaha! That Steemit face is hilarious! 😇😊😍

Thanks, one of the members made it for me.

Thank you for your sharing, very interesting to read. Do you think your basic assumptions about life matter for how the dream turned out for you? I guess I'm curious to know how you interpret your dreams - as a reflection of truth (either literally or symbolically) or as a projection of what you believe is true about life and our universe?


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Wow what a trip (Not talking drug induced here). The truths you were shown certainly resonate with me although my experience of learning is far more of this world and mundane; kitchen sink sensations if you like. I have what I call lucid messages both when awake and asleep but have never, to my knowledge, astral traveled; although, once whilst meditating I experienced a sucking back into my body abrupt whoosh which made me question if I had left the building :) My Mum, who died in August 2016, was an extraordinarily ordinary lady, very much of her era, but when I speak to her now she tells me extraordinary stuff - she tells me of how she has traveled the cosmos and spoken to Sir Issac Newton who she termed "A nice bloke!" before telling me to Google him! Bloody bonkers! It seems to me that each of us is shown stuff in a language that works for us, the messages are perfectly tailored to our tastes if you like. I thoroughly enjoyed your take and agree when you have an encounter with the spiritual realm it can be very difficult to retain the information and details let alone unpick the analogy, codes and ciphers. Thankyou for sharing your intimate dream. Have a great week xox (PS, I have downloaded Discord but have no idea how to add folks...)

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