Suncity's Tales: Krisss, Lu''in and the Flying Pharaoh!!!

in #drawing6 years ago

After robots, here some more Suncity's aliens communities 👽

The Tchi collect bones!

Lu''in can't write poetry!

That's the Flying Pharaoh and he can fly!


Krisss is a mysterious foe of Troy Destroy. He's an insecto-reptiloïd (one of a kind) and a DNA expert. Part reptiloïd, he's always hissing and part insectoïd, he bear his skeleton on the outside.

He wants to be seen as a cold and implacable calculator, a machiavelique prince, but he often lose his cool when countered.

Kriss is a scientist with a formidable knowledge that goes far beyond what is known in the solar system. Yet, he is not match for the Mighty Master of Science, Troy Destroy!

To had an adversary who suprass his own genius in every way drive him mad. He carve for Troy's secrets and will employ any means necessary to acquire them, even if it results in the destruction of Mars...

Krisss have already discovert that Troy comes from the future and he is now very interested in Hammerjack DNA! At the beginning of the Tales, he know nothing of the Veil or Reality.


Lu''in & the Tchi

Lu''in is a nice Tchi teenage girl who's in love with Smack Adams. She never miss his concerts at the Dropout.

Lu''in works at the Suncity's clinic as a assistant for the Dr Krull. Lu''in is the best friend of Zed and part of her Secret Girl Club.

To declare her love to Smack Adams, Lu''in wants to write him a poem, the only problem is that the Tchi have no language...

So what about the Tchi? The Tchi are a particular alien community in Suncity as they are the only interdimensional race.

Maybe for this reason, theis behaviour is often incomprhensible for the rest of Suncity inhabitants. For exemple, they collects bones and fequently ask people for it.

Has previously said, they have no language but possess telepathic and telekinetic powers. Powers which of course are used arbitrarily for the weirdest reasons, causing regularly chaos in the city.

For mystic, some say they worship Nebulaar, the Destroyer of Fate, and some say they comes from Hell. If none of this assertion are certain, as inter-dimensional being, they are the only ones who knows about the Quades and Lijan Quade legendary past!!


The Fling Pharaoh & the Pharaoh

The Fling Pharaoh is Suncity superhero wannabe and he's in love with Lu''ii. His only power his that he can fly so when there a fight all he can do is throw smalls rocks from the sky.

He got his power at a very young age by resolving an enigma from the Sphinx, the Sub-martian God that the Pharaoh pray to.

As he stands for the Good, he sometimes oppose Hammerjack and Birdmaster depredations. With very limited success..

Despite being his rival for the love of Lu''in, the Flying Pharaoh really like Smack Adams rock!

The Pharaoh are a very old alien race that have outposts in every systems of the galaxy.
With such a long history one can assume that they reach a form of wisdom... In the contrary! the Pharaoh are childish, bellicious and they made bad jokes.

For exemple, the Pharaoh Gang in Suncity's underground is challenging Giga-Cranium mafia territories just for having fun. And their prank often degenerates...

It is common belief that if their jokes are so bad it's because they are non-euclidean thinkers. Yes, even with their triangular skulls, what's inside can't think straight!!


With Lu''in and the Flying Pharaoh, the circle of Gorak's infernal love affairs expand again!!




If one can be judged by the value of his enemies, I wanted a cohorte of foes opposing Troy Destroy for counterbalancing all the Quades opposed to Lijan and of course Kimen Patec. So Krisss is only one of many enemy of Troy Destroy!!

Once again his design emerged from simple forms as I drew a snake head, but then I wanted him to be more than a mere reptilian, so I broke his knees in two. It's only later, after making hexagonnal hive like shapes in the background screen, that I realized he was a insectoïd too!

The Tchi & the Pharaoh

Early on my project I wanted aliens races that were different in their way to apprehend the universe than what human mind do.

The Tchi and the pharaoh serve that purpose. With them, I can create lots of funny and awkward situations 🤣

With the (traditionals) Tchi, I wanted to play with the concept of intelligences who possess goals so far away from our owns, that we can't even grasp their intentions.

The language limitation is a mean to make them more stranger and apart from us as they can't express himself objectively. Who knows, maybe they want something different than bones ?

With the Pharaoh it's the paradox of a very old civilization that is still clueless about everything that I like.

That's why the Pharaoh will surely be excessively confined in the rôle they decide to play assuming that all they are is just characters. Like Xi, for example, who is Captaine Spectro second and navigator and a wannabe space pirate...

The concept of non-euclidean, that I added because it sounded cool, comes from Van Vogt The World of Null-A book in an two line mention. Still, I'll try to explore non-euclidean space (curved space) apprehension to see the results with the Pharaoh (Ok now I have to study Riemann...)

About their design, the Tchi looks like E.T. and the pyramidal Pharaoh like some Silent Hill character. But the truth is that they come Lego blocks used for characters heads 🐿️🐤🐠 (animal distraction technique)

Lu''in & the Fling Pharaoh

To decline The Tchi and Pharaoh I created Lu''in and the Flying Pharaoh. Idiosyncrasy made them unique while still suffering (or benefiting from) their heritage limitations.

Although I said I wanted my aliens behaviours very different from humans, with Lu''in and the Fling Pharaoh it steem to be a fail because they acts just like teanagers in love... Does that mean that love bind the world?😅 Boooooo!!!!

Drawing Process

I drew this page about two years ago so it's not looking very great but I've add lights spécially for this posts :)

the linework

the previous version (without lightning)

Hope you've enjoyed this post! Next time we will meet CAPTAIN JOHN SPECTRO 💀💀💀

If you want know more about my steem-webcomic:Introducing Suncity's Tales. And here is the Suncity's Index connecting all my Suncity related posts (so far).


Great back stories, I like the superpower of the pharaoh who can just fly, so to fight he just throw rocks

Thanks for the support! Just laying the foundations here for future stories ;)

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