Suncity's Tales: Hammerjack, Random, Jasonetta and Bingo!!! - webcomicsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

I'm continuing to introduce the Suncity's Tales main characters with a first sign of Hammerjack awakening 😵

full size


Here we can see Hammerjack (and his pink hair) burst out of a nightmare while, Random (the blond elf) play with Jasonetta and Bingo (that croco-dog thing)

Hammerjack is the true main focus of the Suncity's Tales.
We can see him as a delinquent teen who just put his freedom to do wrongs above all tings, but his truth run deeper that is Hammerjack is an Abberish descendant and, as such, he share affinity with the Veil of Reality.

This is why Lijan Quade chose him as pupil, this is why all the 13 Sub-Martian Gods wants Hammerjack attention and this is why he can sometimes see the future...

sometimes Hammerjack can see the future...

About his situation at the beginning of the tales, Hammerjack was raised as at Suncity's orphanage by Jawbreaker (the Intergalactic Wrestler Champion) before being cast out and move in with Random as him martial art disciple.

Jawbreaker and Hammerjack

Hammerjack best friend is Smack Adams (an elf rockstar) and his rival (and budy) is Birdmaster. Also Hammerjack is in love with Zed 😻 (the lycanthropic Rex's daughter)

Lu''in who love Smack Adams who love Hammerjack who love Zed...
(from right to left)

Random, Jasonetta and Bingo

Random was a mercenary during the last interstellar war. She's an efl of action who killed a lot of people but she have a very kind heart. A year ago, she adopted Jasonetta and she is trying raise her as a normal little girl (even if Jasonetta is a demon).

Random work as boutny hunter and she takes her jobs at the
Dropout (more on the Dropout to come because it's Lijan Quade's bar). She likes considering Hammerjack and Jasonetta as her family.

Jasonetta is a demon brought from hell by The Summoner for Troy Destroys experimentations. Behind her red mask she look at the world with killing intents and she's mute (guess who was the reference ?). She always try to escape Random supervision and resist Captain Spectro exorcism attempts. Once, Smack Adams told her about the Woodstock festival, a legend from the Old Earth, now she's obsessed with this event and with her friend Mobo (a morlock-boy) she want to go there...

B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O and his name was B-I-N-G-O!!!

Hammerjack and Random are the center of the Team Quade and are respectively rival with Birdmaster and Naraya of the Team Destroy
-> more info on Naraya and Birdmaster here

Characters design and influences


I'll make a solo post on how Hammerjack come to be and the meaning of his design because that's involving the Abberish arc (one of the 3 majors themes of Suncity's Tales and the darkest one, with the Vane, the Blood Sea and a curse across generations...)


Random was the second characher I drew for Suncity. Her name is a joke because then I just draw some random elf 😆 In my mind she was blonde and kind so she keep these traits with yellowish hairs, a never fading smile, and a very positive attitude.
If her breasts are kinda huge it's because when you don't know to draw it's just easier to trace balloons (plus Birdmaster likes it).
On later versions, I added a chinese dragon to her green top to signify her knowledge in martial arts.

Random and Birdmaster on early versions...


My first Jasonetta

I cannot explain Jasonetta without my love for the slasher movie genre. The idea of a girl possess by an evil psychotic murderer was so fun, I have to include her in Suncity. More seriously, what I try to do with Suncity is also a redemption story and a continuous questioning about Good and Evil, so I was interested to see if her demonic roots will have the best of her or if Random's love can change her and open her to the world.


I wanted to give a pet to HJ, Random and Jasonetta to reinforce the family aspect of their relation. Bingo comes from Bingo (the song and 90's tv show... sorry) and from Thomas Page "the hephaestus plague" book where insects, who comes from the core of the earth, set a city on fire.
You see, on a previous idea of mine inspired by this two references, a family found and adopt a small insectoïd-dog as a pet companion for their son. But this inscetoïd-dog is reveal to be a pyromaniac who burn buildings while singing his name, which is not good.
Eventually I discarded the insect thing because I've already have an insectoïd character name Krisss (and I don't like drawing insects anyways) and also the fire thing because I don't want to burn Suncity down (for now).
So I'm left with a caricature of a green crocodile-dog with heavy eyebrows (this one is Evil too 😅)

not a pyro-insect...


My steps (for this one):

  1. the inework on paper and with a G-Pen


  2. add black to gain depth


  3. add flats colors on Paint tool Sai


  4. add the shadows and put tons of lights and Overlays !!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope you've enjoyed this (too long) post!
If you want know more about my steem-webcomic:
Introducing Suncity's Tales


Dear friend! Next time also use #artzone and follow @artzone to get an upvote on your quality posts!

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