If the only way you were allowed to eat meat was to kill the animal yourself, would you?

in #dpoll5 years ago

If the only way you were allowed to eat meat was to kill the animal yourself, would you?

If the only way you were allowed to eat meat was to kill the animal yourself, would you? I don't really eat meat too often, maybe once a week, but I could go without, so I don't know, it really depended how much I wanted some chicken. 😂

(optional) what is your opinion on killing animals to eat its meat? Is it really necessary when there are alternatives? Maybe it depends on the location where you live and the environment? What are you thoughts?

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  • Yes, I already do this

  • Yes, I would

  • Maybe

  • No, I would not

  • No, I don't eat meat

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • No, I don't eat meat

Voted for

  • Maybe

Voted for

  • No, I would not

I would have a small farm with animals and if they die of old age, I would not bury them, but eat them.

Voted for

  • Yes, I would

I'd eat meat for 3 reasons:

  1. Nutrition. Taking commercial supplements may not deliver enough of the vitamins I need.

  2. It's affordable. I don't know about you but I live in a country where we have various sources of meat from land and sea. Vegan diets are costly and not feasible with our budget.

  3. It tastes good. Human's were meant to be omnivores. Not consuming meat is a lifestyle choice.

It tastes good

Probably the main factor in most peoples mind.

Voted for

  • Maybe

Killing cute animals is really hard. It would take a lot of conditioning for me to do it, but I know I would if I had not choice. If I lived in an ice barren environment, I would adapt really fast.

I'm just a silly pumpkin, but it seems like humans are designed to be carnivores and vegetarians too. From a primal level it seems appropriate for humans to be versatile. If humans were meant to be completely carnivorous, they would probably be equipped with sharper teeth, nails, and stuff that sharks and lions and jaguars have... more predatory looking. Humans only have some of these features. Their eyes and ears face forward and their digestive systems tolerate meat and vegetables. Thumbs could probably be considered an advanced carnivore's tool. (I wish I had a thumb or two.)
To further the confusion, vegans compete in the Olympics, but have an intense support system and that almost makes that point invalid because it's an abnormal situation. Hey do Sumo wrestlers have a vegetarian diet? I think they do.

Some humans seem to believe they "need" meat. I think some humans were actually taught to believe they always need meat, but I don't think the human body "needs" it to survive.

In this humble pumpkin's opinion, the meat industry in the USA is highly suspicious. They are trying to maximize their profits for as long as possible and they are probably paid to help people to need their doctors too. It's a suspicious dynamic.

I'll would rather eat another pumpkin than eat an animal even though animals would probably eat me. They usually ask for permission first. Asking permission makes it all better for most of my vegetables friends too. Oh no, I'm not sure what would happen to my Steem if an animal ate me. I should stop this manifestation now.
Have a nice day.

Killing cute animals is really hard. It would take a lot of conditioning for me to do it, but I know I would if I had not choice.

Just don't give it a name. 😁

Hey do Sumo wrestlers have a vegetarian diet? I think they do.

Never even thought about that, I just thought they ate a lot of crap to be honest. 😱

Some humans seem to believe they "need" meat.

Definitely do not need it in this day and age. I think people just want it so much they think they need it.

meat industry in the USA is highly suspicious

All industries are, when money is involved. 💩

Oh no, I'm not sure what would happen to my Steem if an animal ate me.

You need a will and testament. 😉

Voted for

  • Maybe

When my life depends on it, gotta do what you gotta do.

I think that's a wise choice. 😉

Voted for

  • Yes, I would

I eat meat on a regular basis, so I guess that means I'd have to go killing my own, though that would probably mean my eating habits would change somewhat simply because there's only so much you can raise/hunt at any given time, and then preserve. Frozen meat doesn't last forever, so anyway, I'd probably eat meat less in a week, but not get rid of it entirely.

I eat meat on a regular basis

Evidence can be found on Grandpa Gotta Cook/Eat posts. See here (all that steak is just for him, honest) 😃

Frozen meat doesn't last forever

Tell that to everyone that has 5 year old meat lost in the back of their freezers. 😂 New stuff straight in the front, push the old stuff back.

You clowns freeze meat?!?

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't but I know a lot of people who do. Probably most people I know.

Hey, @pjau.

I could only hope to get away with eating that much steak. :) Actually, I probably would have relished it twenty years ago. Now, not so much. It's sad, but I'm finally giving into the fact that I should tone down on the food consumption. :)

re: new stuff in front

I think we're pretty much guilty of that, regardless of what the frozen food is. We're don't discriminate when it comes to five year old freezer food. :)

I'm finally giving into the fact that I should tone down on the food consumption

Booooooooo 😁

Voted for

  • Yes, I would

But if we are going by my fishing skills, Bambi would be safe. On the other hand: GUNS!

What about using dynamite or grenades?

LOL. That's just moronic. As far as I know 75% of dead fish don't float to the top. What a waste.

Posted using Partiko Android

Voted for

  • Yes, I already do this

Edit: I didn't read the body of poll at first and I'm guessing many of these voters never read it too :)

what is your opinion on killing animals to eat its meat?

I have nothing against it as it's something I do myself.

Is it really necessary when there are alternatives? Maybe it depends on the location where you live and the environment?

I'm not aware of the alternatives you're talking about but it's necessary in my opinion (as long as the taste good).

And yes, it depends on the environment where you grew up. It's not in our culture to have pets or treat other animals as humans but people do have pets for security, investment and other reason and I have never seen a pet being treated with love and respect the way I have learned from people over the internet.

I'm guessing many of these voters never read it too

Fairly certain they don't, probably on auto pilot like a lot of activity on Steem. Anyway if they took the time to comment they would earn more because I give a higher vote to those who do. lol


Not heard of vegetarians? lol, You don't need meat at all to get your daily nutrient requirements. 😁

It's not in our culture to have pets or treat other animals as humans

covers Xanders ears 🐕

I have never seen a pet being treated with love and respect the way I have learned from people over the internet.


Lol being a vegetarian would seem an unhappy life for me but I respect vegetarians the most.

For me, once you are eating any animal be it chicken or fish it makes no sense if you despise the habit of eating a dog or cat.

Some communities by the sea here treat fishes like a god and are against anyone eating fishes.

Like I said, it really depends on your society, how you were trained or brought up.

I don't eat dog or cats though but I know I can't live with them or treat them as humans.

Voted for

  • No, I would not

But you get back as you sow. It's the law of the nature.

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