
Seeing this makes me want to learn how to draw - alas - only so much time in the day.
by the way, if you ever have a drawing (like the one above) which could inspire a story and you want to offer it up as a prompt for the freewriters - let me know. It would give you a bit of exposure.

followed you from SteemUsa :)

Thanks. I think that collaboration is always good. If you like you can use it :)

Thank you so much!! I will later in the week.
Can the writers use it in their post with proper credit?
and do you just want your steemit name as credit or your full name?

I think credits in the post with my steemit name will do just fine

Great!! Thank you so much!! I think I will use it the day after tomorrow and will drop the link here

Wow! What an exceptional take on the theme. Very cool, and of course I love the fact that it's black and white haha ;) Good luck in the contest! :)

Thanks!. I like black and white and need to do more drawing, been out of the loop for two years:)

Its so detail. Nice :) i also love drawing too.
Hope you can see my sketch and give a judge :)

Wow! Amazing I believe ink drawing? Beautiful! Great details.

Thank you !

Outstanding.. And he has the George Lucas hair! Love it.

and when you open the door duck with umbrellas will jump out ( like weapon and shield in the same time). This part I did not have a chance to draw yet and not sure I will get to it before Saturday.

This is very interesting- i love what you have done with the theme - I wonder who is hiding inside the wooden duck, maybe some Trojans.
Thank you for joining in with this week's Doodle Doodledayeo challenge, it's great to have you on board.

Thanks! Inside of the wooden duck are real ducks with umbrellas for the swords and shields :)

This is fantastic! I would call it "steemduck"

That’s a great title for it!

Hello 👋🏽

Stopped by to download the picture for today’s freewrite. Thanks for submitting your art as inspiration. Here is what it triggered in my writing.

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