Donald Marshall & My Epiphany: An Historical Overview

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

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When I started researching this subject- the existence of reptilian beings with almost supernatural powers- I have to admit being skeptical. However, the deeper I go, the more evidence I find... now going back into ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts. I want to use this post to provide an historical backdrop to bolster Donald's revelations- and to admit that a part of this history is mine- my epiphany.

The first time I heard about these reptilian "aliens" was from David Icke about 20 years ago and my first reaction, quite understandably, was: "This guy is a fucking nut!" When I would listen to David talk about things like Agenda 21, or Zionism, I would wonder how he could be so accurate about them and still be crazy. That's how it stayed until I began to study Donald, who I came across a year or so ago while researching Queen Elizabeth, her family and ties to the murder and disappearance of indigenous children in Canada... but still no real connection came up. It wasn't until after @fulltimegeek, who I met back when I was researching Pizzagate, held his contest that I began to see connections. I had made up my mind to give Donald the benefit of the doubt- it was clear from the outset that he believed all of this... and then came the deluge of information and one thing after another began to fall into place.

What we are dealing with at its most fundamental level is competing explanations of where mankind came from- the origins of man. First (and most easy to dispose of) is Darwinian evolution. Simply put, according to Dr. Dino, Kent Hovind: "First there were rocks. Then it rained on the rocks and life appeared, so our oldest ancestors are rocks." Simplistic, I admit, but not that far off. If evolution is to be believed a batch of pond scum was struck by lightning and a single-cell organism emerged triumphant. Then after millennia of biological accidents (mutations) this single cell turned into a sentient human being. Here's just one problem with this hypothesis... A mutation occurs when a damaged gene passes on damaged, therefore incorrect, information. There is absolutely no way that a series of erroneous genetic information could cause a positive result. In the words of Lloyd Pye: "Darwin is a blown up peckerwood!"

The competing explanation is that "God did it." Factoring in Intelligent Design, this actually makes more sense than the "scientific" explanation. However, a couple of questions arise, such as, what God? And what is a God? I have to admit this is where my biggest roadblock came up... how to find, or at least pursue, the truth without challenging my Christian belief.

According to many scholars such as Zecharia Sitchin, Lloyd Pye and others who've studied Sumerian cuneiform tablets have come up with a narrative that makes good sense. It has to do with a war in the heavens that has been going on for thousands of millennia. To understand this we have to step outside the scientifically agreed upon concept of time. One problem with science is that it doesn't allow for explanations that fall outside of a Terran model of time. This is the story of the Annunaki, a reptilian race from the planet Nibiru. According to this account, humans were bred (manipulated genetically) as a slave race by using the DNA of these beings making hybrids.

This historical account was dictated by the Annunaki to the Sumerians around 4500 years ago who inscribed the information onto clay tablets. Some of these tablets contain cuneiform writing and some contain pictographic accounts that show a heliocentric model of the solar system. The Sumerians couldn't possibly have known this information on their own- there are pictographs that even feature the rings of Saturn, something not seen until 1610 by Galileo with his telescope. This video explains the pantheon of these Annunaki "gods," or ancient astronauts.

This knowledge was by no means limited to the Sumerians, or the Middle East cultures- they show up around the world. The Mayan and Incas showed pictographic stone carvings featuring astronaut-like beings along with reptilians. The Dagon tribe of Mali has ceremonies honoring the "fish people" of Sirius. These mythologies or cultural archetypes from around the world have many similarities and although some have been destroyed and others not written down they exist as part of an oral tradition, such as the Australian Aborigines, and can't be discounted because they lack some scientific specificity. Moreover, what Donald has shared with us is consistent with this entire narrative.

If I might digress one moment, I'd like to make a point before moving on about the government cover-ups of UFO evidence. The idea of UFO revelations being made public soon by the government have been bandied about on social media- perhaps as a scapegoat, or explanation of some false flag event. It's likely that the government knows all of this and has been keeping it secret- going as far as to discredit researchers who find evidence on their own.

The next part of the theory has to do with the war being waged between the reptilians and a group from the Pleiades. These Pleiadians are purported to have a Nordic human-like appearance. These are the "guardians" come to free Earth from reptilian domination. They are said to be among us today and have been for thousands of years. One more point- a conclusion that I came to... it has to do with competing bloodlines.

While the reptilian Annunaki were tampering with DNA, likely from Neanderthals, creating their slave race to replace workers brought from Nibiru (Igigi): As the Bible says, "the children of the gods (Nephilim) found the daughters of men fair and took them for wives." Many were destroyed by the Flood because the gods were displeased, but perhaps not all. My hypothesis is that this is the beginning of the Royal/Illuminati bloodline. The slave race contains reptilian DNA, but not that of the elite Nephilim. When we come to the story of the birth of Jesus, why was Mary selected? Surely any vessel would do... or was she selected because she didn't have reptilian DNA.

I realize these videos are long- I've spent most of Sat and almost all of yesterday gathering information. The first hour and a half of this is important... it has an interview with Donald where he further refines his perceptions.



Highly rEsteemed!

I love your assessment @richq11.


Thanks Buddy... Great pic by the way!

I have no idea who Donald Marshall is or these Reptilian Aliens you write of. A quick skim and it looks like some strange and potentially interesting stuff is being written here. Up voting/commenting now as a bookmark to revisit and read properly. :)

Nice post. I first read Sitchin's books several years ago but it's not until recently that I got hooked with the subject. The Annunakis referred to as "Sumerian gods" ruled over Earth for over 400,000 years and formed a new version of humans using their DNA.. Before they landed on Earth, there are humans already populating the planet. These "older" humans" are referred to as Pre-Adamites. See my posts:
Part 1: The SPHINX
Part 2: The GARDEN of EDEN Wasn't a PARADISE
Part 4: ADAMITE vs PRE-ADAMITE Bloodline
Part 5: The FLOOD Story
Part 7: GIANTS Who WALKED on EARTH Part 1
Part 8: GIANTS Who WALKED on EARTH Part 2
Part 9: The MAN BAG

Thanks... I'm kind of new to this, so anything is helpful at this point. I started out planning on one or two posts and now I've become obsessed with learning all I can.

It's a very interesting subject. Its my bread and butter. The thing is, you spend a lot of time researching and drafting your post and the payout is minuscule!

Amen to that! I think there's an inverse relationship between how much time and effort I put in and the payout. It does get better the longer you stay at it. When I first started out I'd work for hours pouring my heart and soul into a post... for $0.08!

You also should study the lives of Horus, and of Krishna. Both predated Christ by some time. Yet, I think if you look you'll see a very familiar story in many places. I myself am not certain there was a Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the message attribute to the personage.

Yet if Christ as we are told did not exist and was actually a retelling of a story that had been told for thousands of years in other religions that predated it with some modifications then that too I think would be important to consider when thinking of Annunaki and the Sumerian cuneiform writings.

One thing I see people try to do (I've watched a lot of Ancient Aliens) is try to explain EVERY biblical story.

What if many of those stories are just modifications of stories told time and time again and that evolved over time?

If that were the case, but people tried to treat the latest incarnation of that story as the TRUE one then wouldn't that make the possibly historical interpretations inaccurate as it is much like a scientist who has decided they know the truth before they've even done the experiment so they just fudge, manipulate, and omit information until it fits the preconceived narrative.

I believe studying the religions and past are important. Yet there is also a danger of already deciding the truth and trying to make information FIT this preconceived truth.

It could be right. Yet I think it is important to try to control our preconceptions as much as we can if we truly are in pursuit of truth.

Easier said than done, I know. Yet most things truly worth doing I do not believe are easy.

I know that they're all similar stories that could as easily be true as false... That's not the point I'm trying to make here (it could be true of Horus and the others as well). It's about the bloodlines- the stories all involve the choosing of a particular virgin for a reason to bear the offspring of a certain god. Like I said in the post, any vessel would do UNLESS, there's some genetic reason for the choice. I believe Jesus is real (in fact I'm positive he is), but the point I'm trying to make here is about purity of the bloodline- it would also fit the Aryan (real not Nazi) heritage of Jesus. He also was descended from David the King.

Though I will say that I find that video if you watch the entire thing has some issues. A case of trying to do too much in one video and things that come later kind of contradict things earlier in the video. Especially concerning the moon. The statements about the moon earlier don't fit with the statements on the moon and the Nazis later on. So while there are definitely interesting and thought provoking ideas in the video I think a lot of it is largely speculative leaps.

That video starts getting off into la-la land, that's why I suggested the first hour and a half. I didn't watch it to the end, it got too weird.

Yeah it starts to contradict itself. I watched the entire thing. I missed your hour and a half bit.

I am listening to that video at the end of your post. (It takes awhile)

They presented in that video Jesus as a creation of the council of Nicaea. I hadn't encountered that particular statement before. I do know that it is difficult (some say impossible) to find reference to Jesus prior to the existence of the bible. I'll need to revisit the Dead Sea Scrolls and see if it holds up in the face of those, and assuming those predate the Council of Nicaea.

EDIT: And just for clarification it may be that it is impossible to find reference to Jesus from the time he would have been active in any historical documents from the period. It may be that there was something after he was gone, but before Nicaea. It is my understanding that any reference comes quite some time after his time.

If Jesus isn't real there's about 2-3 billion idiots on Earth... I ain't buying it!

There are many billions of people believing in things you and I don't. Like their governments have their best interest in mind.

Facts are not dictated by democracy.

Though you certainly should go with what works for you.

I think about it like this. Satanists believe in Satan and it mitigates their behavior (and not in a good way, needless to say). So ultimately it doesn't matter if he exists or not. The same can be said for Jesus and Christians (real ones). I've seen enough evidence that he was an actual person to convince me... He wasn't "invented" at Nicea... I've heard the theories that Constantine created him out of the Filius Invictum (victorious son) that he worshipped. The truth is that although Constantine attended he stayed in the background and let the bishops do their thing.

What was decided at Nicea was the divinity of Christ... he was real, the divine part is open to conjecture. By the way, I'm still researching the Annunaki. It seems that they weren't the first- they were preceded by the Ancient Ones (whom they were afraid of). The ancient ones were Gods- the Annunaki were astronauts that manipulated the DNA of the humans created by the Ancient Ones to make slaves.

As I see it, the Council of Nicaea took into their consideration the topic of early Christianity.

They then created a consensus or outline defining their take on the new religion. A majority of the council members agreed to the final conclusion by voting.

They published their a creed which was based on their collective conclusions on matters such as Jesus' divinity, among other things that early Christ followers were squabbling about.

So the stories of Jesus existed prior to the council convening.

Yet, their gathering in some sense solidified or made official in the minds of some men what exactly Christianity is. Either that, or their homogenized version of it.

I mean, who knows what it was, before it was what they said it is. I think this may be one of the first times that Jesus was in any official sense, recognized as the son of God.

Titus Flavius Josephus had supposedly wrote about Jesus prior to the council. He was said to have died about 225 years prior to their gathering.


A first century Jewish historian by the name of Josephus wrote about Jesus.
As for Sitchin check out

Yep. I'm familiar with Josephus. It was quite some time after Christ and not actually from the time he was living. That is the only one I have seen sited. It is also a very small and vague reference. There may have been some others, its been a decade or so since I researched that.

As to Sitchin. I also know who Zecharia Sitchin is and I have not endorsed his vision. I see that group reaching and trying to make literally everything fit. I don't think everything should fit.

In 1000 years will we have people trying to make everything we write about today fit their narrative? Even the fictional, satirical, etc things we didn't intend to be treated as non-fiction?

I don't think EVERY piece of literature we find should be treated as factual. It should be treated as a possibility and as we find enough corroborating evidence it becomes more and more probable.

I question everything. Even my own ideas. I simply work off of what seems most probable to me at a given time and those probabilities shift as I learn new things.

That doesn't mean I am right. Yet I also see Zecharia Sitchin and his followers often REACHING. Though some things they have spoken about seem far more plausible than most religions.

If you look at the other comments you'll see that @thoughts-in-time and I spoke about Josephus a bit already.

Don't take what @dwinblood said too seriously he knows damn well that a master race of bird people, the Carians, created the Reptilians, and commanded them to become masters of the universe and that they are to bring to heel every planet, galaxy, and race that they come across. But it's not the fault of the Reptillians that their such dicks, this is how they were raised, it's their prime directed encoded into their genome. These alpha-draconians are Royal Geckos and are very tall, heavy, and have angel wings. @dwinblood is part of the conspiracy to cover all of this up! I have the proof, I have the documents. Come learn the truth here @t-mo.

; )

I mean I'm being facetious.

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.

thats great writing

A nice analysis and assessment i must say thanks for your indept research.i learnt something

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