Please adopt a dog, dont shop

in #dogs6 years ago (edited)

Every quite so often I get posts in my timeline from another forum (something blue and it rhymes with spacebook) about stray dogs looking for new owners. This because all the shelters here on the island are full, and these dogs will be put down otherwise.

We have a lovely association here on Sint Martin called 'I love my Island Dog' who are trying to take care of dogs without owners and having an active spay and neuter program. So what they do is pick up stray dog (or people dump their dogs by them) spay and neuter them and them try to get them to new families, sometimes working with foster families even.

This program works at its best power actually. They get a lot of dogs placed, but since hurricane Irma we have a serious overpopulation of stray dogs going on here. This because owners fled the island after the hurricane or the dogs ran out during the storm and never came back and started breeding on the streets, anyway for all kinds of reasons.

What I love My Island dog also does

is have an active program on transporting treated animals to new forever homes in the United States. They contact people who are flying to New York or Boston from Sint Martin for carry a dog with them, without any expenses. All these expenses are taken care of by donations. Once in the United States these dogs are taken over by other contact persons who transport these dogs to their forever homes. Its a beautiful collaboration between airlines, associations and people who are just willing to help.

The fact remains...

We have too many stray dogs. Also because all our shelters (and we have 3 of them on just 1 tiny island) had serious hurricane damage, we just have a big problem. So sometimes these horrible messages pop up that they are urgently looking for fosters because the dogs will be put down otherwise.

This breaks my heart

I have a dog from the shelter myself and this one is literally my best buddy ever. These 'coconut retrievers' as we call them (typical island breed) have very loving souls and all deserve loving homes. I wish I could take more dogs in but I just dont have the space for it. But the fact that all these beautiful doggies in the pictures were on the break of being euthanized is just not how it should be.

When I hear somebody talk then...

...about flying a dog in who is specially breeded for them I get kind of angry. There are so many animals without homes already that specially breeding feels so wrong. Lets take care of the ones in need first before putting fresh ones on earth right?

If you ever consider on getting a dog in need

Please think about these beautiful dogs on our island needing a home. When you think about doing something on Steemit think about making a donation to @tarc . This foundation by active Steemian @rhondak is doing a similar type of thing in the US. They are doing the best they can in taking care of doggies in need. This requires money, or in the case of @tarc SBD. Because they do their payments to staff in SBD and that is a damn nobel cause.

Let you heart speak: Adopt, dont shop!!

All images are from 'I Love My Island dog' facebook and homepage
All liquid SBD will be sent to @tarc


I have always encouraged adoption, especially here in India there are thousands of homeless puppies. Noone really takes care of them and that makes me sad :/


Dude I am melting with this picture..

Look at these cuties!! How can people not want them??
Yeah..getting stray dogs a home is a good nobel thing we should all work on..

Lets get some loving on this post so we can generate some SBD for this charity cause

ikrrr??? Like why dont people see that!
sure thing i would love to support, already upvoted and resteemed :)

Super nice om een hondje van het asiel te nemen. Goed voor je karma.

Het doorfokken van bepaalde rassen kan nogal problemen opleveren voor de hond zelf. Je hebt van die honden met een soortje van grote rimpels over hun ogen.

Vinden mensen blijkbaar leuk. Ondertussen ziet zoon hond niks meer. En zo zijn er meerdere rassen met hun eigen specifieke problemen. Best triest.

Inderdaad. Bijvoorbeeld die franse bulldoggen (waar jij het denk ik ook over hebt) hebben zelfs vaak ademhalingsproblemen omdat het doorfokken ze te kleine snuitjes geeft. Echt niet oke.

Buiten dat straathonden een thuis geven goed voor je karma is zijn deze honden ook echt heel dankbaar. Ze kijken op zo een manier naar je, je weet wel...met die ogen haha

Karin, ooit een Sharpei gezien? Kijk daar maar eens naar, dat is gewoon zielig. Bulldogs hebben vaak problemen met hun ademhaling omdat hun gehemelte verhoogd is en de te platte snuit. Maar de Sharpei is een en al rimpels. Evenals sommige Mastino's ... Duitse Herders zijn op de achterhand bijna kikkers geworden omdat ooit een keurmeester bedacht heeft dat hij het leuk vond hoe de achterhand van een duitse herder bijna de grond raakte. Nu hebben vele duitse herders holle ruggen, bolle ruggen, aflopende ruggen, kunnen niet meer normaal lopen en lijden vaak aan ernstige hd ... en dan heb ik het nog niet gehad over de Cavaliertjes en Chihuahua's. Hun hoofdjes worden te klein gefokt waardoor de hersens te groot zijn voor de hoofdjes, en de hondjes aan ondraaglijke hoofdpijnen lijden, genaamd Syringomyelie. Ogen van dit soort honden kunnen ernstige problemen krijgen omdat ze uit hun te kleine hoofdjes bollen ... en dit zijn dan nog maar een paar rassen waar ik wat over zeg. En nu springen de tranen me al in de ogen ... wat doet een mens de honden toch aan?

Das echt helemaal niet oke!! Inderdaad, wat doen we die lieve beesies toch allemaal aan. Er klopt echt helemaal niets van :(

SUCH an important post, Karin! Yes, we also have a significant stray dog-cat problem for strange cultural reasons. Love your initiative and commend you for it.

These things can not get enough attention.

If you see how good the community here locally is picking up to give all animals a place and STILL every time new ones needs sooooo much attention..

and these island dogs are all so sweet from heart!

This makes me sad. Both of my cats are adopted as well, from a friend that has about 20 cats. Sadly I can't adopt more. My female cat, she'll be introduced into my blog today, has a funny tail, is a bit smaller than other cats, and is scared of everything. Once a small kitten came meowing for help, she was so scared she started hissing. We found that cutie a home in a day. I don't think I've ever had cats that are a specific breed either. My current cats are both orange tabbies, and I chose them because they were the first ones that came to me.

Orange tabbies? That sounds super sweet! :)

Yeah these stray guys are all so loving, they all deserve a big home and attention from all of us

They are sweet, except for when they wake me up to feed them and open the door for them, but I DO love them!

Hahaha I know that one. My dog always wakes me up every day with a big lap pver my cheeck. More accurate in timing that an alarm haha!

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Forget it. Will just send it. Thank you.

Yaaaay good going again madame and a sleepy tipu hahaaha!

The doggies will be thankfull for all of this!

I agree, something needs to be done in San Martin all the strays. That's what we did before we left SXM we ,adopted a stray Beach dog

Exactly. There are so many there looking for homes. And they are such sweethearts!

Id take more if I could

Those eyes 🐕 they talk... adopting dogs and cats is a great act of humanity

They are so super loving. It is such a return in love what you get from a rescue dog

You know what breaks my heart? That every country has shelters full of dogs. Dogs with all kind of problems. Dogs nobody wants. Instead of adopting such a dog we adopt one from abroad. In many cases it does not work out and these dogs and up in a shelter as well. Why? Stop the breeding and/or start castrating. Why all these dogs, cats, etc nobody wants.

That is exactly what I am saying. A good spay/neuter program is essential to stop de excessive breeding. And a good foster plan/ placement plan after that step. But first stop the breeding.

But people still want the perfect dog with no issues, because realisticly these dogs do have a lot of issues. My dog was streetdog and has an allergy for like 25 things or so. A streetdog with allergies? He would have died a long time on the street already haha.

I think all my next dogs will always be shelter dogs

Our Lex was brought to the shelter at the age of 1 year. But he is a German Shepherd with a pedigree. And guess what ... he's allergic to everything you can imagine. My boyfriend get him out of the shelter when he was 5 ... nearly 6 years old. this dog, who has the misfortune to carry many problems with him, who all have the cause of 'wrong breeding by humans', has also been dumped by people in the shelter. He had stayed in the shelter for almost 5 years! Abandoned by the cause of his problematic health problems ... and still he is loyal, happy, loving and grateful for everything he gets.

2018-04-03 15-28-24 - 0028.jpg

Unbelievable..that such a sweet animal had 5 years of living in a shelter.

He has such a good place now with you guys. Thats so good! Mucho loving

Allergies for 25 different things? Your dog could be me. The perfect dog does not exist. It would be better if we start with a healthy and happy dog first. That kind would probably not suitable for anyone but it would save all of us a lot of misery, money etc.

I have my last 4 dogs. All wolfdogs. After that it's fi ished. No pets anymore. Untill now these are healthy, close but I do not want my dogs to get older as me and dumped.

I recently found a puppy abandoned in the garbage dump. I brought her home and got rid of the ticks, worms and fleas. She was smaller than my foot. She had become part of the family and my 4 year old boy's playmate. I have had dogs all my life. I have never owned one that would not trade their own life for mine.
Always happy to see you! Always a good friend.


its true ! they would do everything for you.. what they say: a dog is a mans best friend is the perfect saying on this.

we need more people like you that save one and take it in the family.. beautiful!

that face!!! I want to cuddle it sooooo bad

She is a cutie! The funny thing is she made friends with one of our goats which is much larger than her. They actually butt heads. Funny to watch!

She is friends with the goats?? :D

Mine only chases goats the whole day. He sees them as intruders haha

What is really crazy is when they butt heads!

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