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RE: Please adopt a dog, dont shop

in #dogs6 years ago

This makes me sad. Both of my cats are adopted as well, from a friend that has about 20 cats. Sadly I can't adopt more. My female cat, she'll be introduced into my blog today, has a funny tail, is a bit smaller than other cats, and is scared of everything. Once a small kitten came meowing for help, she was so scared she started hissing. We found that cutie a home in a day. I don't think I've ever had cats that are a specific breed either. My current cats are both orange tabbies, and I chose them because they were the first ones that came to me.


Orange tabbies? That sounds super sweet! :)

Yeah these stray guys are all so loving, they all deserve a big home and attention from all of us

They are sweet, except for when they wake me up to feed them and open the door for them, but I DO love them!

Hahaha I know that one. My dog always wakes me up every day with a big lap pver my cheeck. More accurate in timing that an alarm haha!

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