Nerd Money Is Real Money! Building Assets With Steem 💸

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Richard Branson said once:

Every success story is a tale of constant adoption, revision and change.

Now presumably many of you would agree that this perfectly applies for the success stories written on the Steem blockchain.

I'd even go as far as to say: It needs blood, sweat and tears to get to the top.

Riding the Steem blockchain is riding a rollercoaster, including the most amazing highs as well as the disappointing downs.

Nothing is ever set in stone, and there is no guarantee for success. Every day is different and may turn out to become your biggest chance or a heavy setback. As long as you keep going, don't look back and focus on your stength, you'll be growing.

Then you'll be even able to excel yourself one day.

Quote found on

Who of you remembers the amazing success story from the Hilarskis?

It was in May 2017 when Randy and Ana - @hilarski & @anahilarski - announced that they had purchased a nice car from their money earned blogging on Steem!

That was only one year after joining Steem - what a massive achievement!

Now if you constantly followed their doings here, you'd know that the SUV still appears every now and then in their pictures. So they didn't only buy the car - they also use it, haha :-)

I've heard from a lot of poeple to whom Steem hasn't only become a game changer, but also a life changer. I'd definitely include myself here.

If you want to know what I bought from the money I earned blogging for Steem, then you only need to watch my today's vlog - clicking on the picture above or HERE.

Little and even bigger dreams have been fulfilled all over the world with the money that was distributed among the participants of this eco-system.

Without any doubt, Steem was able to improve the life situation of many during the past two years.

That's why my today's question for you is: Which were the milestones in your life you've been able to accomplish thanks to Steem?

I'd really like to know more about it. The comments section is yours!

Much love,
Marly -

My video is at DLive


Thanks for the mention @Surfermarly! Now we are about to buy our house and it will be paid 100% with Crypto and a portion of that came from our Steemit payouts. What a great feeling!!

That’s amazing, Randy! I can only imagine how happy you may be :-)
Who if not you are the perfect example that the ‘American Dream’ got decentralized and is available worldwide now.
Big congrats to the three of you :-)

he is the Panamanian dream :-)

I hope you land is near the beach. I imagine it is. You look really happy about this. I share your joy - Best!

Luckily on this little island almost any spot is close to the beach :-)
But yes, I'll be able to see and smell the Ocean from my future terrace.

Thanks for your nice comment and support @htooms! It always puts a smile on my face when you come around :-) Have a nice day!!

Congrats Marly!
We are still on the way ;)
Our goal is building a big steemit community in Canary Islands and help their members to achieve financial freedom using Steem blockchain.
Thanks for your inspiration!

One of for all and all for one - I really hope to be able to help you achieving that goal: building a strong Steem community on Canary Islands!
I'm glad you felt inspired by my post :-)

Hello @surfermarly, I have little time in steemit and because of my work I haven't been able to dedicate myself more and time, so I still don't have material gain, if I consider that I have grown, with constancy and dedication, little by little I have been growing.
I have not yet obtained scores to give me a gift, but satisfaction for some votes yes, I believe that to increase the speed of growth should be devoted more time, to learn, study and better understand this interesting platform, for the time being I remain motivated and excited to achieve better scores in my publications in the future, constancy is one of my virtues.

Hey @syllem! Well not everybody is able to dedicate 12 hours per day to blogging. I've got a job in real life, too. So it's always a balancing act between those two. But even being a hobby, spending time on Steem can be quite contributive in many ways as you perfectly mentioned.

Enjoy your day, and thanks for stopping by in my blog :-)

Hopefully I will be able to buy my freedom from wage slavery. lol

STEEM shill-mode activated! :D

I'm really happy you achieved this with your steeming, it's a great advert as to what can be done here!

I suppose so far, I've managed to cover a few months on Reunion Island and Mauritius, and haven't been sat at a desk since September either - not bad going thus far!

As a few others have commented, I think there's still more room for growth here (although others are at the starting gates I here!), so I've not powered down once and hope one day, STEEM can buy me a house too!

Steem-shill-mode haha - like that!
It's all your fault, and you know it :-))

Obviously good things need their while, and the longer you've been working here (I call it work on purpose) the greater the chances that you've passed some milestones en route.

These posts have mainly one message: to motivate!
Everything is theoretically possible, and to everybody - if they want.

May we all build houses on/of Steem one day :-)

I gladly take the blame :D

Yes I call it work too mostly, just not 'real work' - It does require time, a bit of luck, and certainly persistence these days.

But yes, may we all build houses of Steem with steemy windows :D

Well I donate part of what I get in Steemit to fund the schooling of 6 indigenous children from a local tribe here in the Philippines. They are a part of the first graduates we had on a school that we adopted.

We are pretty proud of them as they are the first 6 graduates from Grade School and enrolled to High School. The place never had anyone go to high school before we came.

This June would be a feat because part of donation drive and posts that I have made will be spent on providing 500 indigenous children school supplies for the coming year.
That would be a major feat for us.
I dream that someday I will turn over the account to them and they would be self sufficient in getting from funds using the gifteconomy of Steem.

Just over a year ago, I cashed out some steem to pay off some debt. Back then, the price per steem was much lower.

It wasn't a major event, but it was fascinating to me to use money earned curating (I rarely post).

It's fascination, yeah it definitely is. I remember that when I cashed out some Steem for the very first time I used it to invite some friends for dinner. Obviously I told them: Enjoy the meal, this is paid with digital money! :-D Haha! Their faces were.... priceless!

At the end of the dinner, did you ask when they were going to host a meal sponsored by Facebook or Twitter?


its great to see people investing their earnings in projects that make life better as well as freeing yourself from the daily grind of working for someone else

I knew you bought your drone with steem, must have missed the land.

At least Lanza is affordable :-) (have you got a link to the post about the purchase, that is if you made a post about it)

I really hope its close to the sea and a nice surf spot.

For me I have bought a bit of smartcash with it and was able to get enough for a smartnode. so that gives me a bit of diversity and some passive income.
Apart from that I have kept everything in SP since I believe in the future value and since I do not need that money right now but hope that it will represent a nice extra pension later in life it stays where it is

Nice approach @felander :-)

Investments can be done in many ways, and one has to decide which is the best for their personal situation. There are no houses for rent on Canary Islands since everything is used for tourism, so as a Resident the only option you have is actually to buy land and build your own. That’s why investing Steem in a property was the most logical step for me.

I published a video about the milestone in January, funnily it became my most successful post ever hitting the third place on trending :-)

Steem on and happy Monday! ;)

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