Ashen For Nokia

in #dlive6 years ago


Ashen - Jacob

This piece was part of an assignment from Grey Advertising Canada for an ad that was going to go inside of train cars. The concept was to make the passengers feel like they were caught in the crossfire of a showdown between this guy and an alien.

Ashen - Alien

The job was fun and I painted it with ArtRage version 1.0 which at the time I was still using as a free demo. It got the job done and I still love that software.

Thanks for watching,

My name is Sheff, I joined Steemit last year. I was born in the US, but my family is from Cebu. I've lived in Japan and Guam, but currently live in Las Vegas.

I was working as an artist in slot games for the past few years, but recently returned to teaching. I'm also working on my graphic novel that I started in college. I paint mainly in Photoshop and openCanvas with a Huion Inspiroy G10T, although recently I switched back to a Wacom Intuos Pro Large. Lately, I've been feeling the itch to return to traditional materials.

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WD-40 AD

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This is awesome for artists looking to get into professional work to get to hear about the back and forth between client/art director and artist on a project like this with many stakeholders providing input. Or providing chaos as it were :) LOL I loved seeing all the iterations the design went through. You are a patient man!

This post was nominated by a @curie curator to be featured in an upcoming Author Showcase post on the @curie blog. If you agree to be featured in this way, please reply and:

  • Let us know if we can quote text and/or feature images from your posting.
  • If you would like to provide a brief statement about your posting, your life or anything else to be included in the article, you can do so in reply here or look me up on Discord chat (@gnashster#6522 ) or even (last resort) email, same username as here with ye olde gmail appended.

You can check out the current Author Showcase to get an idea of what we are doing with these posts.

Cheers - Carl (@curie curator)

Thank you, Carl for the ReSteem! This is the first time anyone has done that for me!

  • Yes you can quote text/feature images from my posting
  • I am an artist | educator and I try to make posts that I think my students or other artists might find useful. I am working towards building a small following to support the production of my graphic novel.

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Thanks Victor!

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