Animation : Narration Test (English only) 旁白動畫測試(英語)

in #dlive6 years ago


Hello! This is a animation test of making narration. The script is from @ccp-hk's latest post. By Character CC, and only English version as the lip syne is better with English. Just so far so good as my English is not good too. I will test on Cantonese and Mandarin later.

這是測試一下用動畫來做旁白。用CHARACTER CC做的,而對白是@CCP-HK上一期的英文歡迎辭。因為預設配套都是以英語主,我的英文也很不標準,收音也不好,所以還是怪怪的。之後再試試廣東話跟國語。

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My video is at DLive


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ADOBE 的威力,動畫師又少一樣功能了,嗯... 但又慳左時間


自己聽感覺好奇怪@@ 好不自己的聲音
沒有喇.. 現在的軟件已經可以對上很大部份了.. 有空再試試中文~

把聲好好聽 真人一定不得了 ;-)

謝謝,好害羞xDD 好想講迷人既英式英文啊<3

你講得多 就得架拉


Good job👏👏👏




Haha~ Thank you, wanna try more and may be I can have a little podcase show with this character 😆

That would be really cool. I can definitely see you doing that, a tri-lingual animated show. :)

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