DLive Leaving STEEM...I'm Not Sure What To Think...

in #dlive6 years ago

I joined the STEEM blockchain in December 2017...Around that time one of it's most successful applications was just getting it's wings...

That app was Dlive.

It fit me like a hand in glove. I have been live streaming for years and as soon as I learned about it, I jumped on board. I'll admit, their focus on gaming kinda took some adjusting to on my part because I had always used live streaming for talk show based shows, but regardless I dove in and embraced their platform with everything I had.

And the support was returned!

The team at Dlive started to build real relationships with their community and saw the passion Steemians had for this exciting new application. It seemed like a match made in heaven and I have flown the Dlive flag everywhere I am online!

And then...Today happened....

About an hour ago, Charles Wayn the CEO of Dlive announced that Dlive would be leaving the STEEM blockchain for a new chain called LINO....

I'm going to go over my thoughts on this now and while it's still fresh in my mind...Down the road I may feel differently.

First up, I'm a business man.

And I understand business decisions. If the team at Dlive feels they can do better on a different blockchain, by all means...It's the beauty of a free market and while their decision hurts me in more ways than one, it's not up to me at all...

But the Steemian in me is left scratching my head...

Dlive got a pretty hefty delegation from Steemit Inc (or the powers that be) to basically fund their business. They had the right team in place and a fantastic approach to working with their community. Out of all the major delegated apps, Dlive has always shown massive support in the form of upvotes for their content creators and engagement. I know I appreciated it and I felt like I could 'get better' with every stream I did because they supported me. Also I felt no pressure to be 'perfect' when on stream...I could be me with their support.

They used this delegation to upvote their creators but also to generate quite a bit of Steem and Steem Power for themselves. Which as of about 45 minutes ago...Is being powered down. Hey it's their STEEM and they can do with it as they please...But it just sucks to see this amazing platform abandon the same community that helped build them. It was a really good gig in my opinion...People supported them, they supported the people...Not sure where it went south.

But it's business right? We should just accept it I guess...

I'm upset. And I'm not going to try to hide that. I feel like a lot of my plans (and hard earned money that I invested in STEEM) have hit a major roadblock. Dlive was a big part of my business plans for using STEEM but at the end of the day I will adjust and move forward.

I'm just so sad to think a platform that built it's reputation of being for the community ended up going this route...

Time will tell if they made the right decision and I truly wish nothing but success for all of them...Just wish they woulda stuck with STEEM.

Me myself? I'm not going ANYWHERE :)

STEEM is much bigger than one app, as much as I loved it...


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/dlive-leaving-steem-im-not-sure-what-to-think/


I just got their e-mail about 'the move', and literally the first thing I thought (with high-raised eyebrows was) "What do they expect the users will do?"

Because, here we will see if people are more connected to DLive, the DApp, or to Steem, the blockchain. Will some of the users (gamers) just follow them, earning 'just another crypto', feeling fine? Or will we see that now people will start looking at alternatives (DTube just released live streaming if I'm not mistaken?)

If I read your post right you're heart-broken (I can imagine if it's a huge chunk of your content outlet/rewards), but at the same time I can't find even a hint that you're following 'them', because for you it's about Steem and the opportunities on Steem.

I find that interesting (and probably would feel the same if my fav DApp moved!) and is something I will try to follow closely in the coming weeks.

For everything is a first, a huge DApp leaving has not happened to us before, but we'll learn from it and adapt and who knows what other opportunities will rise from it :-) For Steem as a whole and for you personally something new will spark your inspiration again :-)

yeah it sucks. the upvotes were cool but i was more thinking of stuff i had planned to develop that included dlive in it. now i’ll be looking for more steem based live streaming. dtube or vimm.

but yup. i’m on steem and not going anywhere :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm so sorry for all Dlive users and fans! This change is unfortunate, but it will happen.

Pragmatically, Dlive probably took the only business decision they could have in order to survive. They probably would have been crushed by DTube. There is simply not enough space on Steem for two huge DApps going head to head for the same niches.

Once you guys get over this terrible news, make sure you demand an answer to this question: what happens to your archive of videos? Normally it should be available forever. But who knows. I've heard of cases of missing older videos before, but since I don't do video or stream live, I wasn't paying attention to the subject.

oh they screwed so many people. and their move was calculated and from the beginning. they took everyone for a ride.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, I know. Ah, how much I hate scammers.

Hope there is something just as good on steem

yup. plenty of options. lots of development

Posted using Partiko iOS

They were sheep in wolves clothing 😬

Posted using Partiko iOS

madness man. i feel like a sucker for all the support i gave them.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I still am so torn on this. It was such a positive community. I am just confused why this happened. I just want to know more. I am just at a loss

yeah man. such a weird decision. it looks like it’s been planned for months tho.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'll put it a little different... I loved the support that was given to me by the @Dlive folks.... but, now I feel like an abandoned child left to find his way in a new world of streaming. Will I lose my established work? Do I need to download it so I can have my show archived? Will it be lost in vaporware? Sending me an e-mail or announcing it in a discord chat is like getting a text message saying I am breaking up with you!
I thought they had a great platform where they could invite true followers for a live announcement. Will it still exist or is it lost in transition?
I truly understand business decisions... but, at the expense of your community? I have no idea what LINO is... if it is owned by @DLive it makes sense to invest in themselves... but, if you have to go research to find this out it almost appears underhanded! At this point I have no idea what I will do... a bribe of 100 LINO points means nothing to me at this point and time... I think I pretty well said it as I felt... I need to take a shower after spewing all over myself!

yup. almost a years worth of work. gone. or used without the ability for us to own it again. who knows what is going on.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I see there are several folks upset... I am attempting to get answers in the Fanbase but sent else where for answers... ugh so disheartened.

they played us man. absolutely played us.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is a disappointing development for all those who have used Dlive. Dlive was on everyone's lips. It does not really matter to me because I do not stream live. Check the alternatives, Jon.

yup. streaming tonight in @vimm seems to be pretty good so far :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Where can we join your channel on @vimm?

Never mind... I simply used my brain. lol


lol yessir.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I was gearing up to finally get familiar with it here soon too....oh well, nice post Jon!!

thank you sir. appreciate it. i’ve got something special coming up very soon :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Seems like an unfortunate turn of events in that they pretty much were funded by the delegation, and then in essence are creating there own, however, business is business. That being said, it is a pretty tough move to go over to tokens and systems which are basically unproven and purely speculative. Vaporware of sorts. Shall be interesting to watch from afar, but other options are/will be available and Steem will power on.

yeah. apparently the blockchain is owned by the same guy who is ceo of dlive so this looks like it was all planned.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think it would have been wiser for them to launch an SMT instead of creating their own blockchain.

Managing an entire blockchain is not an easy feat 😑 @dlive @jongolson

ya and with this new move they are trying to compete directly with twitch.

they will lose that battle 10 times out of 10.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It turns out the Lino blockchain had $20 million in funding at the beginning of 2018 already.

Here is a great post about it:

Try @vimm

for sure. looks like a great option.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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