How to (Failures): Repair a Hot Water Heater in a Travel Trailer

in #diy6 years ago

The pump kicks on... It's ok, I'm using water, but why is it still on when I turn off the tap?

Something is was wrong, I knew it right away, something was wrong because the water pump should turn off almost as soon as I turned off the tap at the sink. I was doing the dishes inside our trailer like we would in a traditional house. Well maybe not like most, we use very little water by choice and by force. Living off grid'll do that to someone! What we wanted was to do the dishes with hot water for once... it was getting cold outside and the hot water would feel oh so nice on me cold little hands.

Like I was saying, the water pump should turn off as soon as on open tap is closed. Sometimes it'll keep running, but only for a moment. The pump pressurizes the tank and all the lines in the trailer, so it may keep running a very short little while to re-pressurize the system but it kept on running!!!

First thing I looked in the bathroom to check if we had anything on, then in the shower and then the last place was an outdoor shower handle with a hose... Everything was off but because I was there on that side of the trailer I noticed water coming out of the trap door for the hot water heater.

I opened the trap and there it was leaking from a pressure relief valve... my whole world collapsed, na just kidding I'm exaggerating but I did think Shit, there's another thing to fix's never endin!.

And here's a closer look... yep and it's not just leaking, it's gushing out like it was opened all the way!

So, after a little search on the intra-webs, a few question to Uncle Googs and I quickly figured it out. The pressure relief valve was shot and it could be found at a local hardware store for a cheap price. I tried to open the valve with a couple tools I had on hand, of course they weren't the ones I was looking for because my tools seemed to have spread themselves far and wide and I was tired of searching. Little runts, always playing hide and seek at the wrong times... I'll get them real good one day, when they least expect it!

So here's what I started doing to replace the valve:

First I turned off the water pump and the heater, then I took off the heat shield, there are a few screws to look out for. The two at the top.

And four at the bottom. You see how a couple of them are sort of hiding? I had to get in there with a long skinny screw driver, there was a small space seemingly designed for it.

So far so good, this is easy! You see that space that's cut out from both sides of the middle plate? That's the space for a screw driver.

Now let's get that damn pressure relief valve off this HOT water tank, bring it to the store, get a new one, replace it and.... Voila!

The rust, I never thing about the rust...

I thought that c-wrench would do just fine, it fit, well it fit just enough to grab and therefore with a little force it should have turned.

Well, that sucked! I still have all my knuckles intact, as a matter of fact I didn't hurt myself at all but that old brass fitting sure took a hit... I didn't see that coming, I thought it would have been much stronger!

In this next photo It looks like some kind of miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex attacked it... Nope, I just tried to use channel lock pliers. Also, do you notice how far the little flat cover is from the fitting, that tells me the spring inside of the valve is shot. Not only that but you could see it after I broke off part of it with the c-wrench.

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Conclusion: I couldn't take off the valve, either because the rust bonded it to the tank or I wasn't using the right lubricants to try and brake it up a bit. I wanted to try it again when it got cold, I thought the metal might shrink a little compared to the scolding hot that it had been enduring from the water.

In the end I am glad it didn't come open... I wasn't thinking straight, SCOLDING HOT PRESSURIZED WATER??? Yeah it could have been really really bad.

Just don't do this please, I got lucky and we might even take this as an opportunity to move this operation to an on-demand water heater, they're take up less space and they're much more efficient!


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All of this leads to the life that YOU want to lead, not the one others want you to lead.

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You did make me laugh with this post. Life seems to be a series of jobs, and just when you think it's over - more jobs. The word 'jobs' at our place is both a swear word and a humourous one - more jobs, hubby says, got any more jobs? Need another job .... ah, get me a beer, I'm done with jobs. The more you say it, the more ridiculous this DIY life gets.

Watch out for T-Rexs, they might be at something else next...

Sounds like how my projects go haha Don't you hate it when seemingly easy projects become impossible. Makes you really appreciate the rare project that goes easy and by the book. I tried to change the starter on an old Ford van once. Got 4 of 5 bolts out. 2 days and about a half dozen special tools later - mostly different sockets and drivers - I had it towed to the Ford dealer's shop.

Ah man.. after all that you had to get it towed!!! That is so frustrating, especially on the last bolt, of course. Yeah for sure jobs that go well are appreciated!

I feel SO MUCH BETTER after reading this. Had SOOOOOOO MANY solo-mama DIY failures! haha. Your transparency is more magic than you can know, and sending consoling ripples to me all the way over here in Thailand. Yes, I WILL tackle that leak in the roof just one more time..... :) Blessings and happy long hot showers to you!!!

I can't believe I missed al the repies from this post!!! Thanknyou so much for making my day, I love hearing that I inspired soneone to keeep on keeping on!

How'd that fixing of the leak go in the end?
Blessings to you 😁

@senorcoconut, go and place your daily vote for Steem on netcoins!

I have I have.. thanks for the reminder. We wone too right?

Why would you need to heat hot water??
(A peeve of mine)
Just had the one in the house replaced today. We had to get the tankless kind due to new regulations (a tanked heater would have to go outdoors and our windows are too close together. Since it's only been an hour since installation I can't give a true opinion, except we gained a lot of cabinet space!!
Good luck

I can give you an opinion! They are greay, thry always have been... well as long as I've kmown these tankless heaters. I grew up with them.

Nice switch

The only disadvantage I have noticed is the water pressure is not as strong as it was before. This I guess is to be expected as the state of California thinks that lower pressure will conserve water. Goes to show you how stupid those in power are, lower pressure takes twice as long to rinse the shampoo and conditioner from your hair. Logic is not their mindset.

That may be a mindset not too many people have across the whole globe, unfortunately!

Oh crap, yeah just notices the Hot water Heater thing... didn't even realize my error!

No worries, most people call them hot water heaters. I even hear businesses call them that.

It really should be Cold Water Heater!

OH NO! I just had water running out of the bottom of MY hot water tank! I feel your pain! My tank is rusted through, so I will have to replace it entirely.

If you can apply high heat to the fitting base (I use oxy Acetylene on rusty fittings) the rust will powder, and the fitting will release.

Best of luck!


Thank you for the hint, though I think I will replace it with an on-demand heating unit. I think!

Good luck with your too, a new tank should last you a while...

Great minds, ROFLOL! I just got in my new tankless; and will begin install today! Seemed like a good time to make that change....

Good luck with your cut over to tankless!


We are on our 3rd day of installation. Seems our plumbers are working on another job?? Show up for an hour or so and have to go to "Home Depot" where they spend 3-4 hours and come back for 30 minutes and call it a day??? At least the unit is running and we have hot water (after 9 days without). Have to step over and extension cord because their electrician can't come until next week sometime??? I would run it myself but, I am not getting paid so why?? Adventures in hot water!

I understand totally, there are a lot of changes to the plumbing and flue. Do yo like the tank-less? I am hoping that it will do the job!

Tired of cooking today, but I will be able to get back to the plumbing by Monday.

Adventures in hot water!

So very true, ROFLOL...too much adventure!


So far so good, but, it's still not completely installed. I mentioned the water pressure is not as strong as before but the hot water comes quickly and there is lots of room in the cabinet now. I'm looking forward to see if there is a difference in the gas and electric bills (and there is now a filter to deal with)

Is the reduced flow because of the filter, I wonder? We have pretty good water here, so I will not filter the inciming water supply.

It does not list any clearance requirements but I think I should include some anyway. I will mount a piece of 3/4"plywood, spaced off with a 2 X 4 frame to hold the unit.

That will also help line up the flue, and the intake of outside air.

I am sure it will save you gas costs, but it will need a long time to pay for the unit cost. That said, smart move for sure, enjoy.

Be Blessed!


It's just one thing after another!! Now it needs a dedicated electrical circuit at a cost of $1000. I am a handygirl and there is no way that is a $1000 job.
If I had a license I would do it myself but the building departments been here already so I can't slide it in under the radar.
Anyhow, the damn thing had a condensate pump, some tank thing and unique copper connections. It's all fun and games until you spontaneously combust!!
Here are some pics for your viewing enjoyment
With the tank it was water in water out. If this thing hooks up to the IOT I will probably snap. Planning to get the smart meter remove.

You could run in yourself but you're not getting paid for it? I understand that when you pay someone to do a job it's frustrating if they don't conplete it as quick as you would like it... Don't mean to be rude, but I'd definitely run it myself or move the extension cord so I wouldn't trip over it.

Sorry... how do you feel about the heater now after abfew days? Isbit still a little unfinished?

Finished yesterday. Nice to have endless hot water. Determining factor will be the gas and electric bills. Since we had no other option I can't be unhappy. Just don't like when bureaucrats dictate what you can and can't have. I believe it's all part of 5g and the IOT

Wait... beaurocrats made you change it? I'm a little lost, could you please also explain the whole 5g and IOT thing?


new building codes, you can no longer install a tank type water heater inside your home, it must be installed outdoors (unless there is not enough room between windows (which apparently our case) There has got to be a specified distance between the heater and a window.
Now the 5G and internet of things - 5g 5th generation of wifi will invade your life completely. All new appliances are going to be wifi ready and will automatically hook up to the internet. We will be monitored in everything we do. Hang on to those old appliances folks. Unless you want your washing machine to automatically order soap. The IOT patents are insane. What is happening is very frightening and no one is paying attention. Here we come 1984. They started with the smart meters and they are not going to stop.

Yes, exactly what I thought.. no better time to switch than when the old tank breaks down!

There are a lot of plumbing changes, so it will take some effort, and I forgot this weekend is the homeless meal, so I have had to divert to my cooking tasks from my plumbing duties! The hot water will have to wait for about 30 gallons of hot food!

Life happens!


You're good man... making the difference between preferences and priciples! It's been a couple days now, how's the hot water going?

They ate well, but I am really sore! It took 45 minutes to move the food into the car, it was full including the trunk. :)

Getting back on the tankless this evening, I need to pay some bills first, BUT I have it planned now, and the task is clear.

I need the hot water to wash up all the roasters that somehow got themselves emptiy, ROFLOL!



That's good, it makes me happy to see people are still doing good for those who need a little help.

Thanks for the photo and good luck keeping your day open to get the wayer heater hooked up.

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