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RE: How to (Failures): Repair a Hot Water Heater in a Travel Trailer

in #diy6 years ago

OH NO! I just had water running out of the bottom of MY hot water tank! I feel your pain! My tank is rusted through, so I will have to replace it entirely.

If you can apply high heat to the fitting base (I use oxy Acetylene on rusty fittings) the rust will powder, and the fitting will release.

Best of luck!



Thank you for the hint, though I think I will replace it with an on-demand heating unit. I think!

Good luck with your too, a new tank should last you a while...

Great minds, ROFLOL! I just got in my new tankless; and will begin install today! Seemed like a good time to make that change....

Good luck with your cut over to tankless!


We are on our 3rd day of installation. Seems our plumbers are working on another job?? Show up for an hour or so and have to go to "Home Depot" where they spend 3-4 hours and come back for 30 minutes and call it a day??? At least the unit is running and we have hot water (after 9 days without). Have to step over and extension cord because their electrician can't come until next week sometime??? I would run it myself but, I am not getting paid so why?? Adventures in hot water!

I understand totally, there are a lot of changes to the plumbing and flue. Do yo like the tank-less? I am hoping that it will do the job!

Tired of cooking today, but I will be able to get back to the plumbing by Monday.

Adventures in hot water!

So very true, ROFLOL...too much adventure!


So far so good, but, it's still not completely installed. I mentioned the water pressure is not as strong as before but the hot water comes quickly and there is lots of room in the cabinet now. I'm looking forward to see if there is a difference in the gas and electric bills (and there is now a filter to deal with)

Is the reduced flow because of the filter, I wonder? We have pretty good water here, so I will not filter the inciming water supply.

It does not list any clearance requirements but I think I should include some anyway. I will mount a piece of 3/4"plywood, spaced off with a 2 X 4 frame to hold the unit.

That will also help line up the flue, and the intake of outside air.

I am sure it will save you gas costs, but it will need a long time to pay for the unit cost. That said, smart move for sure, enjoy.

Be Blessed!


It's just one thing after another!! Now it needs a dedicated electrical circuit at a cost of $1000. I am a handygirl and there is no way that is a $1000 job.
If I had a license I would do it myself but the building departments been here already so I can't slide it in under the radar.
Anyhow, the damn thing had a condensate pump, some tank thing and unique copper connections. It's all fun and games until you spontaneously combust!!
Here are some pics for your viewing enjoyment
With the tank it was water in water out. If this thing hooks up to the IOT I will probably snap. Planning to get the smart meter remove.

WOW, That is way too complicated! Mine will not need the filter, and has no condensate pump. It does have an electronic ignigter that needs power, but I intend to modify that to run of Li Ion batteries, In case I want to shower when the power is down.

Good luck on the smart meter, I had a lawyer inform them in writing to leave my meter alone, and they changed it anyway. They have ruined a thousand dollars of electronics so far!

The new homestead in the country, will run on solar and wind. I intend to fire those fools entirely!

That said, this is a clean installation for sure! Sorry you are getting hit for wiring! Why so much? It is gas right?


You could run in yourself but you're not getting paid for it? I understand that when you pay someone to do a job it's frustrating if they don't conplete it as quick as you would like it... Don't mean to be rude, but I'd definitely run it myself or move the extension cord so I wouldn't trip over it.

Sorry... how do you feel about the heater now after abfew days? Isbit still a little unfinished?

Finished yesterday. Nice to have endless hot water. Determining factor will be the gas and electric bills. Since we had no other option I can't be unhappy. Just don't like when bureaucrats dictate what you can and can't have. I believe it's all part of 5g and the IOT

Wait... beaurocrats made you change it? I'm a little lost, could you please also explain the whole 5g and IOT thing?


new building codes, you can no longer install a tank type water heater inside your home, it must be installed outdoors (unless there is not enough room between windows (which apparently our case) There has got to be a specified distance between the heater and a window.
Now the 5G and internet of things - 5g 5th generation of wifi will invade your life completely. All new appliances are going to be wifi ready and will automatically hook up to the internet. We will be monitored in everything we do. Hang on to those old appliances folks. Unless you want your washing machine to automatically order soap. The IOT patents are insane. What is happening is very frightening and no one is paying attention. Here we come 1984. They started with the smart meters and they are not going to stop.

Oh ny god... I was just telling someone we should all read 1984 again!!!

I forgot you mentioned the codes thing before. But yeah not too many people are paying attention to how our privacy is being invaded. It's pretty sad and on top of it we're mostly giving it all up voluntarily first through social media and now woth IOT. I had no idea the patents have been growing!

Crazy wolrd

Yes, exactly what I thought.. no better time to switch than when the old tank breaks down!

There are a lot of plumbing changes, so it will take some effort, and I forgot this weekend is the homeless meal, so I have had to divert to my cooking tasks from my plumbing duties! The hot water will have to wait for about 30 gallons of hot food!

Life happens!


You're good man... making the difference between preferences and priciples! It's been a couple days now, how's the hot water going?

They ate well, but I am really sore! It took 45 minutes to move the food into the car, it was full including the trunk. :)

Getting back on the tankless this evening, I need to pay some bills first, BUT I have it planned now, and the task is clear.

I need the hot water to wash up all the roasters that somehow got themselves emptiy, ROFLOL!



That's good, it makes me happy to see people are still doing good for those who need a little help.

Thanks for the photo and good luck keeping your day open to get the wayer heater hooked up.

You know how hard that is; keeping time open, ROFLOL! My wife is in a wheelchair, so she gets priority, but the hot water is a close second!


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