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RE: Becoming Great or Becoming you? Harder Then it Looks - Lets Talk About it #discussion

in #discussion7 years ago

You are becoming one of my favorite authors to follow. I think we feel threaten by others that are different than us because we fear what it would mean for us to be different. What if we were not " Normal". We tend to unconsiously put our selves in others shoes, while seeing it through our own perspective. I love this quote from Timber Hawkeye " The opposite of what we believe to be true is also true". The key for me is the constant practice of spiritual principals like Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness, Empathy, and Compassion. The truth is that we are all the same, we are all human


Yes, humans are born to fear the unknown. But lot of us have the power to face the scariest thing that can exist. So, it is a balance given by who created us. Whoever he is.

Universe from my pov is made from balance in all ways. There is always a reaction to all actions. There is always a balance to anything. It was a documentary with Stephen Hawking in some words it was said that all things have an opposite one. For every hole in the ground there is a pile of dirt in another place... etc

So, for everyone who has fear is another one that will go through that with no fear...

Nowadays, things changed in the normal way we lived them. Technology took part in that change and took out more and more from our lives.

Who will not find a balance to technology and real life, will not have a bright future. It will have a fake reality and self consciousness.

Today, they need motivational speeches and videos to see the truth we lived it. And gladly there are lot of them.

But it is a paradox. Today with so much space for free speech and so many channels of communication, censorship and banning are most common thing we see lately. In all domains, including normal life.

Free will it is, but it is just for surface. The whole system is going wrong. We are aware of that but few can do something to change it.

Let's hope more people like Elonk Musk and others will be around to share and feed with innovations.

P.S.: With more knowledge comes more things that we can be afraid of. But also that we can enjoy - here is our choice

I'd like to think that while you are right few people are in a state to be able to currently bring about change - more people in my generation and the one coming are increasing their ability to think, live with conviction and instead of moving in fear - moving in confidence...we will see - appreciate you thoughts tho - thanks for reading along

Yes, but facebook... people, to not say here they way i think about lot of them, they are just thinking that hitting a button is enough and they did a lot.

Yes, it matters the numbers there for being a common interest but till the real things are alive is a long road.

For me, in this days all that matter are facts. I'm tired of words and speeches without facts.

So, with my tiny power i shared what i could. But we can never do things alone.

As you say... we'll see.

haha just "hitting the button" so true -

lol... yes...

I hate that dumb and silly reaction and the feelings that they changed the world with some thumbs on a screen or maybe with some words, for some that don't even know to write, there you can enjoy a bit of moment.

Eh... life is and will be more surprising day by day

As much as we live, we'll see good and bad things. Let's hope will be more good than bad.

I really glad your enjoying my thoughts - I was struck by your honesty and openness with your experience about your upbringing in your post earlier this week -

I think we totally fear change, and allowing ourselves to become different with exposure to others is challenging. I think it's also what makes the great thinkers and innovators of our time set apart from the norm, and what ultimately allows them to write history. I read one of the many biographies of teddy roosevelt in my early 20's that really started opening up my brain to someone that allows themselves to think differently, learn from others and live out their live on the best course they see fit.

thanks for the follow and engaging with my content #COF

We fear change. We Crave comfortability and even find comfortability in pain. Stuck it the cycle of Anger ( not happy with our present) Resentment ( Not happy with our past) and Fear ( Fear of the future)

One of my favorite phrases my wife and I use is the idea that we need to fail forward. Basically the idea that we need to take on our perceived failures and not get anger/resentful but actually grow and learn. Otherwise I find I will have to face whatever giant again...and thats just dumb...

I think you have a point here with the "threaten by others that are different than us because we fear what it would mean for us to be different. What if we were not " Normal"." but I look at it as being scared that your life is based on lies or not the truth like if this person is right and I am wrong that must mean I have been living a lie.

Ahh yes. I have found that almost everything I believe has turned out to be false. This was shocking and I felt off balance for awhile. Its reminds me of the matrix. Once you know you cant go back to not knowing

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