in #discussion6 years ago

To the moon!

There is probably only so much time that you can spend online before you encounter certain things. In this post, I just wanted to ask a few simple questions, to check where people are at, and what you believe.


So, there certainly are quite a few videos out there that apparently show some pretty interesting things about NASA and space. I'm not sure what all you've personally looked into, but I was wondering what people actually thought about some of this stuff, since there are apparently many opposing views out there. Here's a few simple questions, and if anyone feels like answering them, please do below.

Do you think that we ever landed on the moon?

Do you think that the International Space Station is real?

Did SpaceX launch a car into space?

And, just for fun, that new popular question... Is the earth flat?

There will probably be some good discussions below. I was just curious as to what various members of our community thought about it. Thanks everyone.

Until next time…


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Space may be the final frontier, but it's made in a Hollywood basement.

All of the Red Hot Chili Peppers families are connected to military intel, and other govt agencies. Widely and back generations.

When they sing that line - I think it is because they actually saw the basement. Why else would they come up with such a thought? Most lines in this song have similar info on other topics.

I heard it! That line in the video as he runs through the Hollywood set. HA HA!

Yes we went to the moon 9 times and landed on it 6 times. Yes the International Space Station is real as was the Russian Mir space station that was deorbited in 2001. Yes Space X launched a car into space.

No the Earth isn't flat. You can see the curvature of the Earth in a passenger airplane and you still aren't convinced you can take a GoPro and send it up on a balloon and get pictures like this.

My GoPro distorts everything, LOL.

Seriously though, pertaining to the ISS, if Mach 1(the speed of sound) is 767.269 mph and the ISS is travelling at 17,150 mph (roughly five miles per second) how in the world are people getting on and off that thing? It seems that a tiny peice of space dust could kill you in a split second at that speed, no?

That is the speed of sound at sea level at a certain temperature. The speed of sound is different at various altitudes and temperatures.

Being in orbit is more like falling at the same rate that gravity is pulling towards a massive object so most things are falling the same way spacecraft are falling. The real threat is small meteors that aren't trapped in Earths orbit crossing their path which has happened but then statistically the chance that would strike a human is extremely low but they have struck spacecraft before including the ISS.

If a person can go to an airshow and see the raw thrust that fighter jets put out or go to a rocket launch and see the power created by the rockets then drive around vehicles that can drive themselves (Tesla) and communicate with people all over the world via computers and powerful computers in our pockets then why wouldn't people believe that our mathematics and science isn't good enough to go into space or go to the Moon?

Passenger jets fly across the oceans all the time. Being in orbit is just a jump above that with different thrust requirements and different mechanics. The air is just thinner at 240 miles above Earth compared to 40,000 feet above Earth.

Passenger jets don't travel at five miles a second though....

But a hundred years ago we weren't capable of traveling those types of distances. It is a pressurized cabin and you are able to watch movies and get on the Internet in flight.

The only reason space craft are moving that fast with current propulsion is because of being in a low friction environment and the use of gravity assist.

I just don't see how any of this is so far fetched to people. I don't see people tearing open their cell phones and looking at the mother board or looking at the mother board in their computer and saying. "All this is fake" It is Fake that I'm able to communicate over a world computer Network. "This is fake"

passenger jets fly in air. The space station is in a vacumn. Orbital velocity, how fast you have to go to reach orbit, is about 18,000 per hour. About Mach 25. It's rocket science and SpaceX does it best.

You seem to be assuming there is atmosphere at that altitude, which would create drag, and thus make it near impossible.

But there is no atmosphere at that altitude, hence, no drag. Hence, everything magnitudes easier to accomplish.

You only need to go 100-200 feet off the ground to get that curve with a go pro.


@flemingfarm even Neil deGrasse Tyson says that Felix baumgartner's red bull skydive from space uses a wide-angle lens to produce the curve that you see in the video. that video amounts to how easily they can fake it and how easily they can deceive you

Do you think that we ever landed on the moon?

Do you think that the International Space Station is real?

Did SpaceX launch a car into space?

And, just for fun, that new popular question... Is the earth flat?

I tag @dwells :-)

Look up I commented before you did.

Ha, I should have known! :-)

Well, my answers are all D, none of the above.

NASA is shady as f--k, and that is the best you can say about the organization.

NASA staged the moon landings on a set. Unless you know of another way of a coke bottle getting on the surface of the moon, than that is a fact.

But, did NASA go to the moon? There is a good deal of evidence that they did, but since they went to see the glass/crystal towers, well they couldn't show us those images.

NASA definitely stages the videos you see from the "International Space Station", too many artifacts, like harnesses, wires, bubbles have been spotted that they are definitely faked.

But is the ISS real? The answer is probably. We have flying saucer technology. Most outside the gov, call it the Secret Space Force. So, they have smaller ships inside bigger ships, and in space, that is a space station.

Did Space X launch a car? Answers point to no. There again, are too many artifacts. Space X looks to be the "new" NASA so they have no obligation to tell the people anything.

Is the earth flat? The answer is yes, but it is bent in a 4D space.
Everywhere on earth, you can see much further than the "curvature" would allow. Lighthouses, the other side of the shore of a great lake, and many other pictures.

Every time you try to measure any curvature, you always get that the earth is flat. Or, that light bends.

So, i say that we live in a toroid (for lack of a better term) and that the earth is painted on the inside of that toroid. It is actually space that is bent.


One of my favorite reasons for believing the moon landing, Buzz Aldrin and his responses over the years to the deniers. People having the gall to tell him to his face what he experienced in life that ended up getting a punch in the face.

The space station is absolutely up there and it can be easily seen from earth with a minimal telescope. Just as MIR was and as Skylab was.

Elon is JUST the type of person to actually put the car in space. I can't think of any other CEO that would do such a brazen thing. The technology speaks for itself now with the multiple booster landings and reuse.

As for the flat earth, all I can say is that is is about the same mentality as the child hiding behind their hands saying, "You can't see me! I'm invisible!" They know better but they just can't seem to stop playing around.

2.Eh, not sure but lean towards no.
3.Not sure what that’s even about lol.
4.Again not sure, but I lean towards a flat earth.

Thanks for your honest answers!

Wasted in Space - Nice hair flick near the electronics

Nasa was created by the CIA. I wouldn't believe any agency that is run by the CIA. I know enough to know that we didn't land on the Moon at the time they say we did. The 1969 Moon landing was all political theater to distract the masses. Kind of funny how Buzz Aldrin becomes a severe alcoholic after the whole ordeal. Why? Because he couldn't remember if they actually went to the Moon or not. Truth is he was drugged on something to make him think he went. Probably LSD. They did this to all the astronauts. Some small section of Aldrin woke up and was in denial and he couldn't get a grip on it. You can hear them quoting as they are hobbling around, "It feels like we are in the desert." Because they were in the desert! While we stay distracted with the whole fake Nasa Moon story, they were really building secret bases on the Moon, hence the "dark side" of the Moon we've all heard of. What have they really been doing up there? Does it exist? Don't take my word for it do your own homework.

I wrote a flat Earth rant last year. At the time not very many people saw it.

7th grade Art Project with Mylar, dented scrap metal, and construction paper?

Or high tech pressurized super craft able to withstand 450 degree swings in temperature?

moon lander.PNG

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