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Well, my answers are all D, none of the above.

NASA is shady as f--k, and that is the best you can say about the organization.

NASA staged the moon landings on a set. Unless you know of another way of a coke bottle getting on the surface of the moon, than that is a fact.

But, did NASA go to the moon? There is a good deal of evidence that they did, but since they went to see the glass/crystal towers, well they couldn't show us those images.

NASA definitely stages the videos you see from the "International Space Station", too many artifacts, like harnesses, wires, bubbles have been spotted that they are definitely faked.

But is the ISS real? The answer is probably. We have flying saucer technology. Most outside the gov, call it the Secret Space Force. So, they have smaller ships inside bigger ships, and in space, that is a space station.

Did Space X launch a car? Answers point to no. There again, are too many artifacts. Space X looks to be the "new" NASA so they have no obligation to tell the people anything.

Is the earth flat? The answer is yes, but it is bent in a 4D space.
Everywhere on earth, you can see much further than the "curvature" would allow. Lighthouses, the other side of the shore of a great lake, and many other pictures.

Every time you try to measure any curvature, you always get that the earth is flat. Or, that light bends.

So, i say that we live in a toroid (for lack of a better term) and that the earth is painted on the inside of that toroid. It is actually space that is bent.

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