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RE: Leben am Bach - eine Erzählung (5)
When I try to open your website I get a massive warning from my system. So what‘s wrong with you, guy?
When I try to open your website I get a massive warning from my system. So what‘s wrong with you, guy?
Ich kann dir zwar nicht sagen was auf der Seite ist, aber es ist prinzipiell ein Booster :-) Weil meine VP so gering ist ;-). Und angeblich werden Bäume gepflanzt was ich eine coole Idee finde!
Klingt voll toll und berührend, aber ich bin jetzt geschockt wegen der Diebstahlswarnung und gehe jetzt mal recherchieren!
Ich bin ja auch nur Plankton. Mach‘ dir keine Gedanken. Ich schätze den Kontakt mit dir.
Wenn du meinen Resteem von soeben liest, weißt du, dass mich momentan was noch mehr erschüttert.
So, jetzt habe ich mal gesucht und merkwürdigerweise hat die Webseite nichts mit Kamerun zu tun, sondern ist vermutlich Tschechisch und laut Scam Advisor verdächtig. Ich denke, das sollte man mal auf Discord unterbreiten...
Ich bin inzwischen schon so misstrauisch geworden, vieleicht ist ja auch der Scam Adviser ein Scam...
hello, it is really weird. I do not have any problem and I guess no one had before. Please could send me the warning message so I could check it out. There does not suppose to be any problem. If you are interested more in ourproject check our FB page but I hope you will get to our website without any problem soon. Thanks a lot for your feedback.
coordinator of @kedjom-keku
So, now I am back again and did my research again. Here are some screen shot and I hope this reserves you. So, whatever is right or wrong about, it's not MY fault, I am just reporting.
Looking forward to an explanation from your side..!
found you on facebook:
...and to my question "is kedjom-keku scam?" I got this:
Thanks a lot. If you check the reasons you realize it is not really needed to be afraid. The first reason is that our organization is from Czech (that is not my fault), the second and the others are about free email addresses. Probably also because we accept cryptocurrencies. If you check your scam adviser now you will see completely different percentage of the risk. Check this out:
or some different one. You do not need to afraid at all. This is just some nonsense.
Nice day,
Dear @martin.mikes, thank you for your reply. It took some time to visit your three blogs and it is impossible to read all. Where can I find a documentation of the tree planting action? I found a lot of things, but nothing about the young trees. Where, when, and how?
Try this one
Do not afraid to check our website, there is all needed basic information. Nice day.
Now it‘s clear. Thank you. I will start supporting you as soon as possible!
Will do. I am on a road trip at the moment, so please give me one, two days.