Design A Character contest entry for adorbs Steemkitten

in #designacharacter6 years ago (edited)

Voilà my @steemkitten design entry for the #designacharacter challenge by @W0olf for @fraenk s adorable cuddlebot. Hope you enjoy. :)



This was done on my trusty Ipad pro with apple pencil & the app procreate.

The Process

My process when I try to come up with a character differs somewhat depending what I'm asked to do.

Reference & Initial Sketching

In this case I just went straight ahead and started sketching some kitties because I am fairly confident in drawing cats. If it was a more complex character or an animal I don't draw often, the first thing I would do is do some research and look up some reference.
With animals a simple google image search is usually enough. I try to find pictures from different angles and poses and get a grip of the anatomy and anything that is important for the character.

I had to do this for the Doggo I drew for @zerooc s #imaginarycreatures #yearofthedog sketch off challenge because I'm not used to drawing dogs and they differ quite a lot from cats anatomically.

And if, for example, I were to draw a Pirate, I would also look up apparel and props, depending on what I'm looking for in the Character.

But back to the Kitty.

Narrowing it down

I basically just sketched different kitties, trying out different shapes and proportions. I do this for a while and then choose the one I think has the most potential (or that I like best).

In this case it was one of the very first I drew.

Finding the personality & poses

Then I sketch out different poses and angles to try and define the shapes more and what the personality is like.

Colour studies

The last thing I did were the fur patterns and eye colours to choose from.
In this case I already decided I would like to keep it in steemit green, with maybe a different eye colour to set it all off, so I didn't do more elaborate colour variations as I would usually do.

Client Discussion and Rendered Illustration

The next stage would be a more detailed illustration, fully rendered with the chosen colours, but that usually happens after you show the "client" the initial sketches, since you don't want to put a lot of hours into a fully rendered version when you're not sure if where you're going is the right direction for the client.

But there should be enough information in your sketches for your client to decide whether or not he likes where you're going. :)

So that's it in a nutshell!

Hope you like my steemkitty ♡

And till the next time.

rock on,


Oh my god! I love this so much! My fav :)

Ipad Pro and Apple Pen? Damn!

OH MY GOSH, I just saw you#re an animator and 3D artist! YASSSS
Insta follow.
we need to build a community guys. seriously. animation is wayyy under-represented on this platform imo!

Definitely!!:) But 2D Animations are just a whole other level! Much respect for that:D I started once a 2D animation with toon boom- it was soo much work:D But I want to try something on a smaller scale again one day:)

awww thank you! ♡
Yeah, sadly I don't get to do a lot of 2D anymore. I specialised in 3D animation. more jobs. I mean I love animation fullstop. but I'll always be a 2D girl at heart ;)
you should! but yeah.. keep it very small. like, under a minute is my recommendation hahaha

aweee thanks!! :D

yes.. hehehe * hides * - if it makes it any better, they were this years Christmas and birthday present combined XD

I think it's great you can't make out a difference if it was made with a grafic tablet or not. I really like this:)

well, i think the copy pasted cat pose kinda gives it away hahaha
but yeah! the brushes are sick! I loooove it ♡

umm... wow... I am trying to collect my thoughts but all I can think off is a tree filled with fluffy cuteness... There should be a whole army of mocafurbs crawling all over steemit cuddling the hell out of everyone!

If anyone doesnt get that reference... head over to @jillustrations' blog NOW!!

I don't even want to try and give productive feedback, because dang you got skills!

I wish your vision of @steemkitten would have been a bit more "out-there" like those mocafurbs are, but your rendition of a "classical" kitten is no less adorable!

Thanks for gracing this contest with your amazing talent.

and I wan't to give @zeppelin's entry to the contest a little plug... because cats that don't need legs are kinda cool!

hahaha! OMG I need to make that happen. It'sfunny you say that because while I was working on this film, I had this stupid sing-songy phrase stuck in my head. It wen't kinda like this:
Mocafurbs, Mocafuuuurrrrbs.... One day we will rule the wooooorrllld~~

Thank you! well, I fricking better be good at this though, I mean apart from being an animator it's kinda my profession. :P would be sad if I didn't have the skill, what with 6 years of education (and LOTS of money invested) in Illustration, Animation, Concept Art, Storyboarding & Character Design >____>

Aw yeah I know what you mean, it's a bit more on the classical kitten side.
well, to be totally honest, I was a tad distracted by my Mocafurbs post exploding into the stratosphere so I did this pretty much last minute or I would have come up with more than 1 design for sure!
sorryy~~~ hangs head
But I agree actually haha, I really like how @zeppelin's entry kinda reminds me of a Genie (ya know, Aladdin style) it's pretty cool for sure!

If there was time I would re-draw.
aaah well, next time.

and you lovely peeps can always "hire" me for other projects hehehehehe ;P hint-hint


well deserved I must say!

Yeah, this is just a contest (mainly for the fun of it) and we'll see what happens to the real @steemkitten.

But if you ever want to adopt your own Mocafurb-Cuddle-Bot... I'm working on something similar right now... nudge nudge

we may have to talk about that....
It could pounce on people. and bite them. lovingly of course.... heeheee

you working on another cuddle bot? O.o how many are you planning on making? hahahaah

I have this idea in the back of my head, that once @steemkitten has grown enough, she could birth kittens of her own...

the bots take some SP to run (or otherwise cuddles would be kinda pointless) so I won't be able to fund too many...

I wouldn't mind a collab at all though, let's see how the contest passes and talk again in due time ;) You can find me on @w0olf's discord easily if you are eager to get something going!

Wow, this is such a great entry @jillustrations!
I really adore your cartoonish style!
I was looking forward to your entry, since I saw your Mocafurbs post!

The poses of your @steemkitten are greatly done and your description of the Process is nice too!
For the color-variations,I really love the very first one! :)

And OMG I just saw from @mammasitta comment at your Mocarfub-Post, YOU ARE AUSTRIAN?
Me toooo! :D
Na dann, Servus! ;) Wo genau kommst du denn her?
Ich bin aus Graz in der grünen Steiermark. ;)

Keep up your great work, and thanks for entering the contest!!
Hope too see your entry in the next one too ;)

Have a great day!

Ich schmeiiiiss mich weg, wie geil! Aaaaarge Sache! hahaahahahaha


Ich bin eine waschechte Wernerin hahaha
Geboren und aufgewachsen im schönen Wien, und dann leider so drüber hinausgewachsen, dass ich zwar konstant Heimweh hab, aber wenn ich länger als ein Monat zuHause bin, will ich allen Wienern den Hals umdrehen >__> seufz
Wie sagt man bei uns so schön?

Wien wär so schön ohne Wiener.

I tend to agree quite emphatically, obwohl selber Wienerin haha

Bist du zu finden im Steemit-Austria Discord server? Weil wenn schon, lustig, dass wir uns dort noch nicht über den weg gelaufen sind XD

Fix wie nix bin ich beim nächsten wieder dabei! :D Macht ja spaß, and it keeps me drawing regularly ;D
bussi und baba

wie geil.. ich packs gar nicht hahaha

Bin eigentlich auch gebürtiger Wiener. Mich hats dann mit 10 Jahren in die Steiermark verschlagen ;)
Bin aber immer wieder mal in Wien, da meine ganze Familie väterlicherseits in Wien (im 22.) wohnt. Vll. können wir uns ja mal auf nen Kaffee oder whatever treffen ;)

Am Steemit-Austria Discord Server bin ich gestern herzlich von @zeroooc und @mammasitta empfangen worden! ;D Hab auch gleich ein bisschen Discord Knowledge einbringen können. Jetzt haben wir am Server eine Jukebox, yeeeeah X)

Schön zu sehen dass die Österreicher auf steemit auch ganz gut vertreten sind! :D
Und nice dass ich dich dank des Contests kennengelernt hab!
Bewundere deine Arbeit wirklich sehr!

Wünsch dir einen schönen Tag!

Bussi und Babaaa

Jaaaa schöööön!

Ja, leider bin ich momentan eben nicht in Wien ansässig, aber wer weiß, vielleicht kommst du zufällig mal zu Besuch wenn ich grad auf Urlaub zu Hause bin. Es hat schon verrücktere Zufälle gegeben in meinem Leben haha.

Ich find's auch voll schön :D

und dankee~~! ♡ hihihi

Ebenfalls einen wunderschönen Tag, und man sieht sich auf Discord oder irgendwo in den Kommentaren ;D

♡ Bussal und Servus! ♡
moah, da geht mir's Herzerl auf, so als Auslands-Werner.

1/woow beautiful art dear
2/lovely post dear
3/good writing dear
5/great job dear
6/keep it up dear

thank you dear! :D

fantastic ! I love sketches...not a fan of apple but this...makes me wanna go procreate plus I wanna stop the paper drawings for saving some tree ... I never tried these kind of pads but you could be a great ad with your lovely kittens...really lovely stuff :)

thank you!

well if you really dislike apple, there are alternative tablets out there, I'm sure! Procreate is just a really sweet app. I would do some research and watch some youtube reviews by artists if I were you! that's what I did to decide. ;)

Helloooo cuties!!!

hehehehe jumps at you for a cuddle

Beautifully style and character :)

Thank you very much :D

I love it :D ! Really nice sketches.

I can't help but come back to see this post over and over again... I think I'm in love with your kitten. He's my favorite of all the people I've seen so far. Thank you very much for your participation in this contest, your drawings are magic (of course I know it's more practice than magic, but still... you created these glitter in my eyes, it's kind of the same thing)!
See you soon ^^

Awwwwww thank you so much @oreille-pointue!! ♡ ♡ ♡
Well hopefully I'll be able to keep that glittering in your eyes going by drawing lots of adorable things!! haha ♡

Aw, your kitten is adorable : )

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