Creating 3D printable models from Fractals in 3 simple steps

in #design3d6 years ago

Today, I'm going to show you how to generate customized fractals (you know, those fancy ever-repeating mathematical patterns that pop up everywhere in Nature) and transform them into 3D models.

They can then be turned into coasters, key-rings, objects to integrate into other 3D models, phone case decorations, necklace beads...

there's lots of options !

And given the fact that most Fractal patterns can be varied near-infinitely by changing some of the starting values / parameters of their formula, there's infinite possibilities !

Here's an example of Mandelbrot and Rational Map fractal patterns transformed into 3D printable slabs... customization is up to you ;)

I got the inspiration from this after stumbling upon N-E-R-V-O-U-S System, a design company that specializes in using generative design and custom software to create the most amazing things !

It looks so beautiful XO

While I was trying to find what open-source code they've hidden around their side (I plan on playing around with their simulations and parameters... see what I can come up with), I remembered once seeing an online fractal generator using Javascript to produce PNG images of fractals.

My brain immediately put the following workflow in place:

Fractal generator --> png to svg --> Vectary --> ?? --> Profit + Pleasure

The tools

So, to make this work, we need:

  1. A way to create fractals

Luckily, this was the tool I remembered once seeing, and after trying a few keyword combinations on Google I found it.

The Generator was made by one Christopher Williams, and although the app itself is copyrighted the libraries are free to use, so I'll have to put that on my "to play with" list :)

  1. A way to convert the generated png images into svg images for import into a 3D modeller

This is an easy one, as I've used for that very purpose multiple times in the past already !

  1. Vectary (or any other 3D modelling tool that supports SVG-to-3D conversion)

Generating a fractal

So, first things first.

Let's play with the fractal generator !

main interface.png

As you can see above, the main interface looks pretty clean, with some numbers on the side that we can't really affect.

There's a total of 10 different Fractal patterns listed as possible, each with their own unique appearance.

  • The Quadratic Julia

The Julia Constant can be changed to generate differents sets

  • The Multibrot set

Exponent=2 gives the normal Mandelbrot set we all know and love

  • Polynomial Julia Set

Exponent=2 being the Quadratic Julia set from above

  • Rational Map

like the one from the image at the beginning

  • Newtonian Fractal

Looks like DNA, but that might just be the biologist in me speaking ;)

  • Nova

Hmmm... Looks like it could be adapted into a freaky tiara XD

  • Phoenix Fractal

Very symmetric... me likey !

  • Burning Ship fractal

This one is pretty strange... adapting it to 3D might me a tad more difficult than the rest :/

  • Burning Julia set

interesting shapes

After choosing the different values (depending on the kind of fractal and what appearance you're looking for ) and saving the generated PNG image (), we can proceed to "cleaning" the image a bit before importing it into Vectary.

PNG to SVG conversion

On the pngtosvg site, we can upload our Fractal image and proceed to clean it up a bit.

Say we go with this one:


Importing it into the tool, we can adjust the number of colors, and degree of simplification, we want the tool to generate our SVG in:

Let's try with the default 5 colors:

A tad too complex.

If you've read some of my other tutorials using pngtosvg, you'll see that the colors displayed at the top of the SVG:

Can be selected and changed as much as you like:

Changing the color directly to empty removes the colored layer from the SVG:

Here I've removed all but two of the colors completely using the empty option ()

So, let's try again, setting it at just 2 colors :

Interesting. Maybe we can get rid of some of the smaller holes using the simplify option set at 1:

Better, given the much smaller holes would probably turn out horrible on a 3D printer. (though, if you've got a high accuracy printer, or scale the model up, you can keep the original quality levels intact).

Import into Vectary

Now we simply save the SVG, and drag it into an already-open Vectary project.

Now we're back where we started !

From here, it's really up to you to decide how you want to use these Fractal designs in your models.

For inspiration, here's one uploaded as a piece of jewelry on Vectary

Though, if you want to see someone who's REALLY into 3D printed Fractals, look here. Their designs look amazing !

All models and pictures of said models are released under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license



Some months ago I tried to print a fractal and yeah..
It was not working with both of my printers :D Too small details, too much movement and stopping of the axis and the extruder.

yeah i think it is perfect for printing with sla printers or highend fdm printers. But hey.

Thanks for this awsome tutorial :)

If I'm happy owner of a sla or highend fdm-printer - somewhen in the future - hopefully I will remember this :D

Happy to help :)

It's true, Details are probably the biggest roadblock to printing Fractals with low-end printers.

The Simplify option on pngtosvg should allow some of the details to be smoothed out if need be, but maybe when I get around to playing algorithmically with the fractal generation I could check and see if there isn't a way to smooth out the generating function so it makes less detail and more "brute" work.
It sounds like it'll be a tricky problem, so no promises XD

Right now I'm going to focus on getting to know NERVOUS system's code. it looks VERY interesting :)

See you around !

Hi Peter =)

Glad I stumbled upon this... It's always awesome to find a fellow fractalnaut. I wish you the best of luck with your creations.

I was going to link you to the work of Jérémie Brunet but then saw you already knew about him ^^ ... Somebody else you definitely want to check out is "Mandelwerk" (Johan Andersson) ... His art using fractals is incredible, as well as his 3D printed stuff. I WILL one day own the chess set he made ;)

Fractalbro !

Jeremie's work is amazing. I'll definitely check out Mandelwerk :)

Glad you liked the post :)

So did you check out Mandelwerk? =) Did you see the chess set? ^^

Congrats on the success of this post, by the way! And the earring post, too.

yeah, they look amazing. My favorite has got to be the Kepler Towers.

I've got to research how he made the models, see if I can't play around with something like it on my own for a future project :)

Thanks, The Steemmakers initiative partnered up with Utopian for their new Innovation and Tech trail.

I've got to work on some interesting posts in the future, but I really want to have at least a printed prototype for any future posts.

I can't really justify the vote rewards if all I have are untested 3D models hehe.

Hopefully, I will soon have news about the delivery of my 3D printer. I hope MakeX can deliver it a bit earlier than August X/

See you around :)

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Awesome, didn't even know we had a partnership with you guys :)

Hey thank you very much for this inspiration!! :)
I am using free software Mandelbulb3D and already wondered about exporting 3D model for printing, because people do it...
Very simple explanations ~ much appreciated!
Good info :)

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