


Es casi inevitable que la fragilidad de otro ser, sea humano, animal o hasta vegetal; provoque algún tipo de emoción en nosotros, generalmente de empatía. A veces las personas confundimos la empatía con la necesidad de protección y terminamos generando en los otros seres lo contrario de lo que nos propusimos.
Suele suceder con las aves.
¿Por qué nos empeñamos en "cuidarlas" dentro de hermosas jaulas?
¿Cómo explicarle a una persona de más de 60 años, que ha tenido pájaros enjaulados casi toda su vida, que su admiración por la belleza y su deseo de cuidar a estas aves solo significa para ellas ansiedad y depresión, generada por la ausencia de libertad?


It is almost inevitable that the fragility of another being, be human, animal or even vegetable; provoke some kind of emotion in us, generally empathy. Sometimes people confuse empathy with the need for protection and generate in other beings the opposite of what we set out to do.
It usually happens with birds.
Why do we insist on "taking care of them" inside beautiful cages?
How to explain to a person over 60 years of age, who has had caged birds almost all his life, that his admiration for beauty and his desire to care for these birds only means for them anxiety and depression, generated by the absence of freedom ?

This entry I present to the contest of @derangedvisions; hosted by @pfunk, @czechglobalhosts, @guiltyparties, and the @steemcleaners team.
This week the theme is Emotions and I invite you to participate in this contest, there are several categories, so even if you do not feel professional you should not be shy about presenting your photos.

Good luck!

Participa en Deranged Photo Contest Here


Camera Nikon D80
Objetive 55-200 mm
iso 400 1/80s f/5


Enjoy it! 📷    




El humano siempre se empeña en enjaular todo lo que quiere. Quizas por miedo a ser abandonado.

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Thanks a lot @pixresteemer!

Such an intresting contrast of young and old, while both sharing fragility in their unique way!

you are right! very good observation!

Qué lindo pericos, me producen lo mismo cuando veo un bebé. en la mayoría de las veces no los quiero cargar porque me parece que se rompen. Un abrazo y linda foto :)

Hola querida @rahesi!, si, a mí también me preocupa cargarlos jeje. Abrazo!

I understand your question. So many things we (humans) do for our own joy, that may even have been passed on to us from those we love, that we do not think on how they might affect negatively other living things. If we think we are helping or protecting, we may not stop to wonder if it could be just the opposite.

Then it also brings to wonder, do birds that have been born caged and only know a caged life, know there is such thing as total freedom? Do they know it exists even though they have never seen it or experienced it and long for it? I don't know.

We agree, for most people it is difficult to always put yourself in the place of an animal or a plant, especially when doing what we think will make us happy; and above all because many times they do not educate us in this empathy.
About the birds in captivity, there are those that are born in cages; and the truth is that there is a good chance that they will not survive outside of it, because I believe that there are even species that have been manipulated in captivity; but there are many who are captured in their natural habitat.
In any case, luckily, I learned in time that the flight is more beautiful than my need to feel "useful" or have something beautiful in my house.
Thank you very much for commenting, I'm very glad you did it.

Sí, cómo se lo hacemos entender, es algo cultural, cuando una persona siempre ha visto normal que se tengan animales enjaulados repite esa conducta.

Pero no siempre es así, y te pongo a mí como ejemplo, yo tuve un canario enjaulado por muchos años que cantaba precioso, hasta que murió, pero gracias a Internet (no todo es malo) me di cuenta que muchos de nuestros comportamientos como seres humanos son crueles, y tomé conciencia de que es horrible hacerlo, al igual que ir a acuarios, delfinarios, corridas de toro, toros coleados, peleas de gallo, cortarle la cola y las orejas de los perros y un largo etcétera.

Creo que los que estamos conscientes de ello debemos difundirlo, sobre todo educar a los niños pues serán los próximos en repetir dichas conductas.

Me alegra muchísimo que sea una de las nuestras ♥.

De acuerdo, siempre que podamos difundirlo sin atacar a esas personas, pues muchas veces olvidamos que todos en algún momento actuamos de forma inadecuada hasta que alguien o algún suceso nos educó.
También me alegro @lizfernandezg!

Sí, hay que ser tolerantes, educar de la mejor manera. Igual pasa con el desperdicio del agua, he tratado educar a mi suegra que mientras enjabona los platos cierre el grifo y todavía no lo he logrado lol.

jajajaja, suerte con eso! La necesitamos todos!

Simply beautiful... 😍

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