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RE: Fragilidad

I understand your question. So many things we (humans) do for our own joy, that may even have been passed on to us from those we love, that we do not think on how they might affect negatively other living things. If we think we are helping or protecting, we may not stop to wonder if it could be just the opposite.

Then it also brings to wonder, do birds that have been born caged and only know a caged life, know there is such thing as total freedom? Do they know it exists even though they have never seen it or experienced it and long for it? I don't know.


We agree, for most people it is difficult to always put yourself in the place of an animal or a plant, especially when doing what we think will make us happy; and above all because many times they do not educate us in this empathy.
About the birds in captivity, there are those that are born in cages; and the truth is that there is a good chance that they will not survive outside of it, because I believe that there are even species that have been manipulated in captivity; but there are many who are captured in their natural habitat.
In any case, luckily, I learned in time that the flight is more beautiful than my need to feel "useful" or have something beautiful in my house.
Thank you very much for commenting, I'm very glad you did it.

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