Reviewing My Delegation & Why I Support What I Support!

in #delegation5 years ago

I hosted my #RoadTo300SP session yesterday and with each Q&A I encourage the community to ask me any questions about STEEM that they may have!

Are they stuck on something?
What suggestions would I give for generating Steem Power?
Should you use bots?
How about self-upvoting?

One question popped up that gave me the idea for this blog post...A revisit into my delegation and why I support the projects I support...

Fantastic question by @ericburgoyne btw ;)

So when I answered him I mentioned that I delegated to voting bots a LOT when I first joined. I was excited with the opportunity they presented, and saw why bots became extremely popular here on STEEM. But as time went on...My focus changed...

That being said, I'm not anti-bot at all. Far from it. I see why they exist and see how they can be used help generate attention to one's content. However my decisions on delegation took a huge change in direction, especially after Steemfest 3.

I was in the @DDaily mansion one night, and we were all sitting around having discussions about STEEM. And @meno was there...This guy hit the nail on the head when he said (and I'm paraphrasing)...

"The best thing about delegation is that you can support the projects that you believe in, and you build the blockchain you envision. The ROI comes from building the community around the project!"

And then a few months ago @theycallmedan stated in one of his videos that: "Delegation allows everyday people to become venture capitalists without needing to invest millions!"

You see...That's what drives me now here with my choices in delegation!

I can support the projects I believe in.

The ROI is cool and the benefits are nice...But what each of these project's core beliefs and missions are...That's what makes me delegate to them!

@SteemBasicIncome - It comes as no surprise that I'm a huge fan of this project. People helping people in every sense of the word! I personally have not found a more 'win-win' scenario on STEEM! I've delegated 750 Steem Power currently and will add more continuously. But I also sponsor people into SBI, daily on this blog. The mission is simple...Let's all win on this blockchain!

@Partiko - It goes without saying, Partiko changed everything for me with STEEM. Their app is pretty much flawless and I was lucky to get into their first round of delegation. I believe projects like this will help onboard more people into STEEM! I've sent them 500 Steem Power and look forward to more opportunities to support them. I'm currently 12th on their leaderboard...So yeah I am actually USING this every single day as well!

@Qurator - One of the first projects I ever delegated to. And their mission to support quality content on STEEM is something I can get behind for sure. I've delegated 300 Steem Power to them and continue to monitor their project.

@Helpie - Meeting @Meno and talking with him at Steemfest 3 showed me that his Helpie project aligns so much with what I'm trying to do with SteemSavvy and the #RoadTo300SP .
His mission, is to help as many Steemians as he can navigate this blockchain. And Helpie is HUGE on community. I like that! I sent them 250 Steem Power to 'help' ;)

@Ddaily - There guys are legit! Some of the best people on STEEM and I've learned more about content creation through video by spending 5 months with them, than I have in 15 years of actually creating content LOL 50 Steem Power went to them!

So you see...These projects that I support, aren't the ones that talk about....You get HUGE returns! It's not the ones that are promising the best bang for your buck...

They are about STEEM!

They are about content and innovation.

And they are most definitely about community!

I'm looking to add more projects to my support list and am leaning towards @Actifit right now. They are helping so many people get active (myself included)! That's the kind of amazing opportunities we have here on STEEM...Earning crypto for moving our butts!!

What will the blockchain think of next?? :)

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


Thank you for a very detailed explanation here.
It is becoming clearer what direction I need to take for the short term and the long term.

Posted using Partiko iOS

ya man. i mean. a good balance for sure. but nothing better than something like SBI for you.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is really cool my friend . And good to know what good project you are supporting through your STEEM power delegation . Good work.

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks man. good to refresh my readers on what i really enjoy supporting :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

The best part about the delegation of steem power is that it is a passive income that you can generate by doing it.

yeah. that’s a bonus for sure. i wanna see certain projects succeed.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You really made some good points in this post. When you said your focus shifted from bots to building community around our blogs or creative content, it really hit home with me. It's all about building from the ground up.
These tips are very helpful as I progress in the Steem world. Ultimately, teamwork & community are two key things to this platform but there are so many ways to do it. It's basically seeing what works for you!
Thanks for the post, Jon. Very insightful.

appreciate that! yeah for sure. i discovered very early on that the most important asset here is the people. so i spend my time trying to build those relationships first. everything else will fall in place.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Exactly. It's funny...the expression "If you build it, they will come" came to mind. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

That was very enlightening @jongolson, so when is the best level I need to be at to start delegating?

Posted using Partiko Android

i started pretty early. around 500 sp and looked at delegation. but then i kade sure i budgeted. half into delegation and half into my own sp

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ok, thanks.

Need a bit more then, just have to work at it even harder.

I do like the VC style funding part about it, a lot.

Posted using Partiko Android

oh it’s the best part about it. i love the ability to get behind the projects i believe in and invest in them

Posted using Partiko iOS

I was going to say "surprised not to see Actifit on your list" with your health drive but see it's maybe next!

Can recommend, especially now that you can exchange their token for decent upvotes

Posted using Partiko Android

yeah i’m just trying to figure out how to do it lol i’m not using this account for actifit it’s on @jonolsonproject so not sure where to delegate from. going to poke around i. their discord to get an answer.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You are really doing a great job on steemit looking at the nber of projects you have delegated to, it is very appreciative. More strength to your work

appreciate that very much. thanks for the kind words.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I was just thinking about this earlier today as I was completinf some Steem Saavy videos and saw you had different delegations back then (needs an update). It is great how we can empower others to create community to create value over time. This allows us to be rewarded by both earning with engagement and by the value creation of those we delegate to. In addition, where else can we invest and get our assets back in 5 days with no questions asked?

Posted using Partiko iOS

ha ha ha good catch. yeah i’ll get that updated this week for sure. thanks for reminding me.

Posted using Partiko iOS

so there are different accounts who are willing to help and powerful to upvote. Steemit is like earth, it's too big for it to explore.

Posted using Partiko Android

oh man. i’m just a small fish. some of these accounts could change people’s lives with some delegation. that’s why it’s so important to build on steem. build projects. build relationships. build steem power.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I thought of you as one of a good influence in steemit, here I put you in my last content, sorry.

Posted using Partiko Android

all good. made a comment there for you :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

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