Defend Yourself Against @GrumpyCat

in #delegation6 years ago (edited)

There is one sure fire way to avoid any type of senseless often hysterical down votes from @grumpycat.

Write quality post, don't get too wrapped up in all of the "how to make it on steemit" shit video's from youtube, stay off of discord scam channels and the simplest of all (the no-brainer method) Don't buy fucking votes.

You are missing the entire purpose of what is going on

You are stealing from others, you are removing value from steemit by wasting you SBD's on bot votes in place of powering up and making everyone money in place of just yourselves and the vote-bots

Many users are then turning around and making a profit off of post about the @grumpycat "problem"

Any real user who was concerned about the community would be making those post DECLINING rewards for those post not looking for boo hoo votes while buying more votes from vote bots

Guess what guys, did you ever stop to think?

Each user has the right to upvote themselves as often as they like

I bet a quick glance at will show all of the bitching and whining users upvote themselves

They complain about whales upvoting themselves for hundreds of dollars????? Are they retarded? Whales can only upvote themselves that much because they own the fucking Steem Power to have that big of a vote

They are not wasting all of their SBD's to buy more votes, they trade them for more steem to add more Steem power so they have a bigger vote

That is called smarter than you

They put their money in their account and reward themselves with the interest (upvote) from their bank account.

I love steemit but many users failing to build their accounts while bitching about others who did, just look like monkeys at the zoo throwing shit at each other

Stop buying votes and power up

Problem solved

Thank you for your service @grumpycat @MisterDelegation @freedom @pumpkin @berniesanders @thejohalfiles @dan and the other 4 of you, I will not name

I hope you all get to move on to the next phase of fixing this place


This makes a lot of sense. Also remember that grumpy buys votes himself. Not buying votes is unfortunately not a sure fire way to not get down voted. He seems much more concerned with late voting.

It's definitely his right to self vote, however that was the last big fight here and now it's perfectly acceptable so what's next? Hell transisto even used to run a bot that down voted self votes and people applauded it.

The one thing that has caused so much of an uproar with grumpy is an obvious whale intentionally hurting minnows. No matter the reason that looks bad anywhere. It makes smaller fish really scared to be here also. This platform cannot thrive on fear.

Themarkymark has a great point, most large whales did not get there by powering up earnings, many of them simply mined their coin or bought it ridiculously cheap.

Powering up is very important but for some its simply a luxury. Also, If people would rather make trouble and drama then work together then the long term of steemit won't matter anyway. Who in their right mind would want to join/stay on a platform claiming freedom and decentralization that is clearly dictated monarchy and economic social hierarchy?

In a system entirely based on currency it is crazy to think that people won't try to find creative ways to make it.

If steemit creators are actually behind grumpy these tactics are even more unwarranted. If people like @Dan or other creators would have come with a proposal or even a rule for that matter they would've gotten a much better and more positive response from basically anyone here. Hell they created the place, why wouldn't people listen to them?

The senseless harming of innocent small fish is simply not required.

Ever since I came here people have been bitching about other people doing this or that wrong... saying that this or that will ruin steemit if not kept in check...

The only way to keep slaves when you are vastly out numbered by them is to keep them arguing and fighting each other.

The only thing that will surely ruin steemit the way it has ruined basically every nation and almost any good thing on this planet is intolerance. Working together is the only way to ensure steemits long term future.

Also remember that grumpy buys votes himself.

Interesting, I brought votes twice to make sure my two public service announcements were seen by as many people as possible.

I guess I'll forever regret it.

The one thing that has caused so much of an uproar with grumpy is an obvious whale intentionally hurting minnows.

This has nothing to do with whale vs minnows. I'm even sad to say I've been discriminating against "whales" by hitting them stronger.

Interesting, I brought votes twice to make sure my two public service announcements were seen by as many people as possible.

Yeah. Horrible idea.

  1. Anyone that read it thought
    • It was a joke
    • Too noob to understand what you were ranting about
  2. A lot of people still didn't read it.

In the end, it was brought on by the same mentality as 6th day votes. You wanted change to come too soon instead of taking more time and spreading around information longer, you were in a hurry and needed change to happen too soon. Just like people that use the 6th day bots. No matter what, in the end, you're just another one of them.

We want to resist you without losing our respect...But if you lie, we will no longer be able to respect you.
A simple analysis of blockchain gives with how much you hit minnows and how much you hit whales.

steem.api.getAccountHistory('grumpycat', -1, 10000, function(err,result) {
for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
if ((result[i][1].op[0] == 'vote')&&(result[i][1].op[1].voter='grumpycat')&&(result[i][1].op[1].weight<0)&&(result[i][1].op[1].author !='grumpycat')) {

Anyone who codes this script can see that you have hit the minnows much more than whales.
Unlike politics, there are no lies in the blockchain.


Why would I flag minnows more than whales?

I gave no fuck to check account size before flagging.

This is the @GrumpyCat we know and resist.
A bully, a tyrannt that doesn't give a fuck who he is hurting.

We were afraid that you have started a false PR by saying :

We don't want you to present yourself like a kind of Robin-Hood, hitting "whales" harder and stripping them to the reward pool for all peoples benefit.
Because this is not you...


I was responding to

grumpy is an obvious whale intentionally hurting minnows.

OK, you don't care about who you downvote but let me show you a mirror.

Since you have started you have made a total downvote of -6334%
Your current strength is 50 SBD for 100% downvote. It was x2 at the beginning, so I take average of 75 SBD.

This means you stripped 75 x 63,34 =4750,5 SBD from earned rewards.

The worst part is, you have used 5619% of your downvote power on minnows.

You have stolen 4214,25 SBD from minnows.

This is 89% of your total downvotes.

Now, do you see why we call you a bully and We Resist?


Conclusion: More minnows than whales use shit-ass bidbots.

Nice numbers.

I personally wish that there were no upvote bots. The way I look at it is, it double or triple gouges the reward pool. I personally don't use them, because a for mentioned reason. I understand why people do use them, and I have no ill will against them. I just wish that they didn't exist.

I'm to new to know all the ins and outs of all of this so I try not to take sides. Please try to be careful when down voting people. :) Also please don't hate me for commenting this. I do believe that you are doing what you feel is best. Have a lovely day.

I personally wish that there were no upvote bots. The way I look at it is, it double or triple gouges the reward pool. I personally don't use them, because a for mentioned reason. I understand why people do use them, and I have no ill will against them. I just wish that they didn't exist.

Another way to look at it is that whales are going to claim the most from the reward pool no matter what. Voting bots are a way that they allow minnows access to what they normally wouldn't. 2 years ago, the reward pool was available to everyone one. There weren't whales yet, so it was more open. Now that there are whales, they claim the most. Also, there's inflation on top of that. Minnows don't have a chance at the reward pool. Bots allow the the chance people had 2 years ago. Here's another way to look at it

Whale A and whale B could just self-vote and take money from the pool that way. Instead, they delegate SP to a voting bot and minnows are allowed access to it. Further, the voting bot is backed by a community of curators that blacklist bad content and promote good content the way whales A and B wouldn't have before. Which do you think is better now? Bots or no bots?

Without bots it's just self-voting whales like @grumpycat abusing the pool. With bots, we have some people allowing minnows access to the pool and curation communities.

You could say, why not the whales build curation communities? Do you see @grumpycat building any communities? LOL

I just did a post on this subject Here. If you are interested in my thoughts on the matter it would cover much more than I am able to write now. Sadly It took me two nights to complete it. Because I kept getting distracted with comments lol. :)

I see your point but I just disagree, the cost to the reward pool is far to high, leaving little for everyone else. Have a read and let me know what you think on it, or don't. Either way have a lovely day. It's one in the morning here and I've just spent the last few hours completing it.

Right. Inflation is a factor. However, rewards were more available 2 years ago. That's a fact. Inflation + whales may impact why rewards are so low right now; however, bots do return awards comparable to what people were getting 2 years ago. That's also a fact.

Regardless of why rewards are low, bots aren't the problem. They bring rewards back to users. You can call it pay-to-play, but it's the same as what happens in any economy. Early-adopters become the big winners and they grow large. There are a lot of examples in history of this happening. They can hoard it making things worse (classism) or they can recirculate.

Just consider what things would be like without bots for a second. Suppose all the bots were gone tomorrow. Do you think everyone suddenly has more of the reward pool? Nope. The whales still have it. Here's what changes.

  1. A lot more spam. Why? The number of unsolicitated memos will sky-rocket asking for whales to please look at their posts and bless them with a vote. We have this now, but this is essentially what bidding is. It doesn't go away, just the bots.
  2. Whales will suddenly start writing a ridiculous number of posts complaining about why the spam is so bad.
  3. Whales will start retaliating (there's no blacklist now). All they can do is downvote.
  4. Tons of minnow backlash against whales for downvote histeria
  5. People start leaving the system because minnows can't get votes, still not making money, constantly downvoted by whales.
  6. Other spam and trash posts go up because the number of curators has gone down. Not only do they go down, but minnows are now forced emphasize quantity over quality because the curators are gone.
  7. Whales live in elysium above the trashy lives of minnows in a land where they self-vote. Some may curate minnows, but in general, they resent the spamming minnow population.

Sorry it's late I don't have the time to respond in more detail but here is a quick synapses of my response.

1-Spam sucks, but i don't read it so it doesn't bother me. (If I was a whale that would not change)

2-They can do whatever they want. This would be good because it would give minnows an opportunity to communicate with the whales, the non spammers just might catch their eye and give them some upvotes.

3-Spam should be downvoted.

4-Only spammers would get downvoted, and I would hope that they would leave because I'd rather not have them on the site. Because they are no good spammers.

5-(This is actually what's happening now, because so many spammers and trash posters are buying upvotes.) The spammers need to go, after this it's only trash, poor, moderate, and quality posters left. Trash posters would be the next to go. Once things got so grim that the poor to moderate posters were to begin to leave, the price of steem would begin to fall. Whales accounts would start to shrink. They would begin to panic and start paying people to curate or do it themselves in hopes to not lose their investment.

6- Most of the spam and trash would be gone now and the whales would be forced to either sell of their steem or find human curators. What's the point of self upvotes if the value of Steem in dropping.

7-If the whales have not learned their lesson by now they are not living in elysium, they have lost their entire investment because they allowed the site to go to poo. most would sell off their steem for pennies. Then those of us who want to make a good go at the sight will buy it for next to nothing and we will try to build it back into greatness. If it's not to late.

The way the bots work now the whales get at least 125% of what they auto vote with their SP(through the money people pay and curation). This just allows the system to spam and trash post on. Removing the bots would force them to invest in human curation or risk losing everything. That is why I like human curation, it doesn't reward trash. It's also why I see danger in "Pay to Play." I would rather not have a system that allows the whales to just sit back and make money without putting back into the community. Steemit is what gives Steem value, once it no longer generates value, the crypto is worthless.

I don't think you got where I was going with spam and whale downvotes. I meant the whales would downvote anything whether it was spam or not because of the memo spamming.

The way the bots work now the whales get at least 125% of what they auto vote with their SP(through the money people pay and curation). This just allows the system to spam and trash post on. Removing the bots would force them to invest in human curation or risk losing everything.

Yeah, that's not true. The bots actually are responsible for curation communities. Those would go away. You'd actually have less curation because most people would curate solo instead of through a group vetting process. This would lead to less curation, not more.

That is why I like human curation, it doesn't reward trash.
^^ What we have now through bots. Bot maintainers manage blacklists and communities on discord for curating content. Without bots, those would go away.

I would rather not have a system that allows the whales to just sit back and make money without putting back into the community.
Again, this is exactly why bots are valuable because it allows whales to put back into a community.

Without which, whales would just self-vote and "sit back and make money ..."

I think you don't trust what I'm saying, but it's not speculation. A world without bots is what we used to have. I don't have to speculate on what it would be like without bots. Steemit has already been there.

As I said before, bots are a symptom, not a problem. It's simply what has come out naturally from an inflated economy and a reward pool run by whales. If you get rid of bots, it doesn't get rid of the problem. It may get worse because it's the community's answer to the problem.

To clarify:

Inflation: there are 2 kinds of inflation.

  1. Inflation from the increase in the amount of shares available reducing their value.
  2. Inflation in the number of users in the system consuming the reward pool.

Both of the above factors affect the amount of rewards users get and has increased over 2 years creating our current economy. That and the whales.

Again, bot's may not be the solution, but they're not the problem either. They're a symptom.

To Clarify:

My biggest issue is that it would appear that the biggest "winners" of paid auto upvote bots are the owners and SP donators. It just bothers me when people view them as some sort of community service. It's just not. It's about money.

As My original comment stated.

I personally wish that there were no upvote bots. The way I look at it is, it double or triple gouges the reward pool.

When the operators of these machines take in near the value of your upvote and then get curation rewards ontop of it. That results in a double dip, with them getting the larger portion. Plus it's a bit like crack once you have that first taste nothing just seems as good without it. I wish there was a better way for people to get more notoriety and rewards for quality posts, I just personally would rather not give these rich guys any more money.

If others want to, go hard.

In your mind it may not. However that is not what the public sees, or the minnows that you have hurt.

I have seen you going after some whales as of lately. Not sure why that makes you sad but it was nice to see you flagging abusers for a change.

We are working diligently to get the abusers taken care of, especially from using bots. You really should work with us. We've made great strides. With your help we could go even further.

The one thing that has caused so much of an uproar with grumpy is an obvious whale intentionally hurting minnows.

At which point did GrumpyCompliance claim to give different treatment to different size of accounts?

Learn to read.

I never said it did. I merely said that you are an obvious whale that is obviously hurting tons of clearly undeserving minnows, which you are definitely doing. No two ways about that.

You created the difference you speak of in your head after taking offense to a statement that upset you. It's easy when you are upset to misread things.

If there is a connection between size of account and your idea of compliance it would likely be that almost all bot users are minnows and/or smaller fish.

If you could get over your anger long enough to actually understand the words people have attempted to speak to/about you, I'm sure many things would become quite clear. Just read the words, without all the spite and hatred.

Stop unnecessarily fighting everyone for gods sake and actually help us help steemit.

You have only yourself to blame for anyone "getting hurt" or "losing money".

Your bot isn't even limited to 6th day, it's 6 day 8 hours with a your bidding window at 2.4 hours that's 6 day 10.4 hours.
Giving anyone on Steem only 13 hours to find and flag the abuse you upvote.

Human curators have to sleep, that gives them about 2h to find and flag your bullshit.



Your self upvote is flagged by The-Resistance team using the WE-RESIST bot.
We will be resisting with a team, stronger each day, unless you stop downvoting innocent people.

To your tyranny WE-RESIST

The Resistance


On 28 Feb (the day before @grumpycat made this comment) @grumpycat upvoted himself 9 times for a total of $451.57. In the month of February, he upvoted himself for $22095.89 on 285 posts. A number of these upvotes came after the posts were 3.5 days old. His 9 most recent self-votes were less than 3.5 days old.

I would upvote for visibility, but it kind of makes me feel dirty. Hopefully everybody sees this. :-)

Dan has left steemit long ago and has publicly said it is shit and he will build it better on EOS, so why not fuck it up for everyone?

haha, ya never know I guess.

You didn't decline payout. XD

I'm not buying votes or self-voting either, lol

I will if this post get's past $100 send all of the earned SBD earned over $100 to the promote option for five random users who comment below. I will not give it all away because this is a post that is needed for the community as a whole but I will also not rape the pool by accepting anything over that amount.

LOL! I was just joking.

posts you can be made in the example for everyone steemit

Ill take your money for the orphans.
@YouAreHOPE will receive promo here if this shit gets real
but i doubt it will

I have my own family run charity
We do our fund raising face to face, I am trying to figure out how to get a few of the cheerleaders or NFL or musicians here who help with every event but lots of community issues need fixed before those people join.

LOTS of issues, and it's up to us....

Okay, I should make a real reply while I'm waiting for the stupid 30-minute timer to upvote.

I personally dislike using flags to enforce what you personally think, but I understand why they're doing it. People are abusing the system to make money. Buying/selling votes is bad enough, but doing it at the last minute to ensure a larger payout is particularly sneaky. Some of them even actually make good posts, but they're just greedy. They want more and more money and found a loophole to make it.

I'm not going to tell people how to use their votes though. I'm just going to judge a post based on its merits. If it's a shit post, and someone upvoted it to an insane amount, self-vote or not, people should consider flagging it. People should also grow the fuck up and not revenge flag back. Flagging something because you're pissed at the user is fucking childish. But I suppose they too can waste their votes how they wish.

Correct, that is my idea. Each person waste their VP equally rather it is a flag or an upvote. I also don't think users should have to protect the pool which is supposed to reward good content to counter bought votes.

Look at @freedom He has two options, self vote his own post for $2078 each 20 times per day for a total of almost $42,000 per day or rent out his delegation so many others can each other. So he is losing a ton of money daily, say he see's he is letting scammers buy votes with his delegation. Is it smart for a user like him to take a daily loss of money he could give himself as he is not earning $42,000 per day from the vote bot services or fund a project like @grumpy cat to help level the playing field.

People need to wise up and stop bitching they get got when purchasing votes and move the fuck on to the next post and do it without the use of bid-bots.

So the question people should really be asking is, is it better to just post and earn what you earn or make it so there is so much scamming that a user like freedom just rewards himself $42,000 a day and says fuck it this community is about only what they can get and not about what they can give.

That's an interesting way of looking at it. The social pressure is to vote for others though. Preferably minnows.

I say vote for whoever you want, but I'm hoping you'll decide to vote for something worthwhile. I'm not sure I am as trusting as the creators seem to have been, that people would vote for quality content though.

It is pretty funny that the two of us are basically friends and feel the same way about things but do not write on the same topics or find personal quality in the same post that we read.

I am going to tell a true story here about the 1st week I met @geekpowered
He made a pretty long winded post on Python that was very well written and easy to follow all while being very easy to follow. I read it, I didn't give a fuck about Python, found no personal use in the information provided in the post to be used by me personally.
I upvoted it, it was well done, it was informative, he knew his shit and that post in turn could help someone who wished to learn Python. To me that is value, it didn't matter that it was of no use to me personally. Steemit is a platform about sharing with the community.
He wasn't trying to get people to join a group, become a member of some discord channel or sell them some service outside of the steemit platform or become his follower on youtube or twitter. He provided a quality post that was a learning tool for anyone to find during the seven days it could be upvoted or in two years from now.
This is blockchain, this is eternal. Crypto post about pump and dump groups, or what coin did you buy this week or where you ate your lunch are fucking junk. They tend to fill hot and trending and the best advice I can give to any user is, the faster you learn there is no such thing as hot and trending those sections are mislabeled and should be called bought and paid for so people do not get confused on what quality is and what makes a good member of the community.
The hot and trending links at the top of the home page are a real problem for people who do not know that the shit at the top of the list is neither hot, trending or even worth reading 98% of the time.

I'm sure there are overlaps in our interests, just not the majority of what I talk about on here so far.

I have wanted to do that python book/series for a long time. Unfortunately I pushed myself too hard, and as a result every time I even think about working on it, I get filled with dread.

I didn't think I was going to make anywhere near that amount on it. I hoped I would make a bit. I came here to make content I want to make, and get paid to do it, without having to deal with an editor, even if it means making less. I didn't really expect to be writing so much fiction though.

I hope I'm adding value. At least at times. Other times I'm just treating it like a social network, and posting fun memes I don't expect to earn anything, but hope people like.

I don't really think about adding value to the platform directly. Neither when I'm posting or when I'm voting. I view this as a type of social network more than some it seems. I think it's alright to post normal thinks occasionally. I even somewhat enjoy making rants. But I don't expect them to earn a lot. Quite a few of them have earned more than I expected.

When I'm voting, I judge based on effort, quality (on multiple levels), enjoyability, etc. I totally upvote some everyday posts, because I do think they're an integral part of here. Blogs started as journals of sorts for many people. Theoretically I can imagine a blog about going to get a coffee and a danish that would totally be worth voting 100% at my old power, but in actuality, many of them are shit. I remember a post that actually made me unfollow someone, where they just took pictures of going to some stupid shot and talking about all the things they liked there. It sounded like a commercial for a random stupid shop. It felt like something anyone could do. There was no unique voice, and nothing of value.

Likewise, crypto posts should teach you the why, not just point out crap in such a perplexing way that even many that trade have trouble figuring out wtf you said.

I support "Hot" and "Trending" being placed in a sub menu, and more advanced algorythms being used. They're making enough, hire some fucking artificial intelligence experts FFS, so we can get recommended posts and whatever other algorythms they can come up with.

Or make a tab called promoted that any post which is paid to move it higher is placed. This needs to be done with post promoted on the steem promote which DESTROYS the SBD to get the post seen as well as with people promoting with SBD that they get back in an bought vote. One is trickery promotion only able to be used by those recycling the same money and those spending their money to be heard because they think their post is worth paying to promote.

I always check this information on when checking out new users to upvote.
Screenshot-2018-2-22 SteemWorld (beta).png

People not up-voting at least 30 members outside of their own comment section DO NOT DESERVE SUPPORT

The above is me, this is what @firedream voting looks like
Screenshot-2018-2-22 SteemWorld (beta)(1).png

So I am not sure who he supports as he replies to all of his own comments

Interesting technique!

I never pay attention to that. I just checked mine.

[ NA ] ( 0.00 % self, 432 upvotes, 260 accounts, last 7d )

XD I'm so proud of myself. I've been worried I haven't been able to get enough time to curate recently. Perhaps it should be a bit more distributed though...I'll have to work on that after I manage to get my vote back up.

BTW, I didn't mean "you" as in literally you. I meant "you" as in the general "you", a random person.

LOL, now, I feel like I am short changing users with my crappy votes, lol

It may be because of having no time while trying to work on something i believe more beneficial than giving my tiny upvotes...


And there lies the problem, your tiny vote can give hundreds of new users a vote in place of trying to re-reward those buy votes and getting a flag.

Short and sweet. Resteemed. You are welcome

The last part reminded me of when i was a kid and the monkeys lured my older brother over by the monkey cage, it then reached through the bars and bitch slapped him. i still laugh about it today and never miss the opportunity to bring up the time he got slapped by a monkey. Oh, good times.

yea my brother was shirtless and a chimp jump on him rapping his leg around his waist . one hand around his neck. with its free hand flicked his small little nipple. then put his mouth over his nipple and sucked. I can still see his face as he screamed like hell. that chimp was not stopping. we finally got the chimp of him. he then had a Hugh hickie for 2 month. yea good times. I laughing now. I still ask him if he would date a chimp again.

Oh my god. Now THAT is hilarious. That is the only chimp hickey i hsve ever heard of.

it was not funny at the time. it took several minutes to get that chip to stop sucking. lol He ran around in circles trying to push it away , screaming.
to bad we did not have phones back then. viral ...people and animals funny

for some reason this comes to mind every time i read this

ROFL.... yep....that damn chimp wanted some milk....strong sucker
@erodedthoughts he should get a laugh out of this after all it was his post

haaaaahaaaaa so @erodedthoughts is you brother and now it is forever saved in the blockchain that he got a hicky on his nipple from a chimp? That is fucking priceless.

I would up vote that as much as I could if you had it on video, LOL

oh god i wish i did. I would play it at his weeding on loop. lol

Someone mentioned weeding was happening here? Fire em up!

That was direct and to the point. I must say this post was Direct. love the monkey example

I used bots in my beginning months ago, but after some deeper thinking and discussions I quit. Like you said it, if more powered up, didn't buy upvotes and didn't drain every last sbd and steem they make here to buy shit they don't really need, things would be a bit better.
Of course the point of view changes when we talk about users from poor countries that see those 5$ upvotes as the money to get them for a whole week. It is so much complicated and I can partially ubderstand those people.
Still, well-said!

I have never seen @grumpycat take rewards from a user who boosted their post to a few dollars. He hits the users who send 20, 50, 100 or 150 SBD to rape everyone else causing those who want a little reward to all lose money.

Greed and envy make them buy the votes and then pride and anger make them bitch and whine they lost their reward because they were envious and greedy. I like watching the @grumpycat stuff unfold.

In the end it is also the other users who complain who have never been downvoted because their pride makes them feel the need to be a hero hiding behind the facade of empathy witch is just a fancy word for pride.

And those are the payouts that do the most harm in the first place. I am all for supporting quality and uniqueness, but wanting to make big fat money and rep levels just because you have the money to pay for it makes no difference than the rest of the world out there, where wealth helps the wealthy and some charity is spared for the poor.

It turns out steemit is a great social experiment. And once again what I have always believed fits here: Moral education! Developing an ethics code would solve most of our problems here and in society in general. (Of course this is another loooong topic that worths discussion)

Yes, it is hard for me to say but I have more respect for @haejin and @ranchorelaxo just supporting each other than the guys who buy votes with $100's of dollars. I wish there was a way to block their rep increase if they purchased votes. That may keep a lot of them from doing it.

I do like the experiment's people do more than anything. I really can't wait to see what happens with the gift box after it leaves my house.

If you put it that way, I guess you have a point :P

As for the gift box, I'm itrigued to see how it goes too! :D

"It turns out steemit is a great social experiment. And once again what I have always believed fits here: Moral education! Developing an ethics code would solve most of our problems here and in society in general." - This is quotable!

Thank you! ^_^

Stop buying votes and power up!

Power UP and Steem ON!

Motto since day 1!

Yay! Smart girl says something smart. lol. I think you're the 1st person my wife and I both instantly liked.

haha that is awesome, feelings mutual!

I personally prefer to just power up myself =\ The bot owners call it "Advertising" but honestly, I can't see it as such. It's a waste of money if you ask me, it's better to power up and become a whale, than to throw money at a whale to get a post boosted but still end up losing money in the end just to get your narcissism fix.

LOL, I loved that last bit.

You hit it on the head, power up. There is no such thing as a whale unless they have their money locked into their account by being powered up.

They became a whale somehow, and I can promise you it's not by wasting their money to get other people to vote for their posts to get a negative ROI. They became whales by simply reinvesting in their own accounts by powering up as they went along. =\ It's really not that hard to see and the platform is pretty open for anyone that cares to actually research into the whales.

So much talk about it, and is all crap talk... Self-Upvote option should not even be possible, should not exist... It's like HI5ing yourself, or like jerking off and calling a FK...
Same with Bots, all kind of explanations and reasoning while is plain simple bribery..
but what do I know...

The entire platform is run by the power of the people who have POWERED UP STEEM POWER.

So yes, if all of the youtube losers who got kicked from a platform I have never been censored on since 2007 need to come to steemit and buy votes they can fuck off and go to reddit.

I guess you feel the withdraw option on accrued interest at the bank should also be banned?

I don't see the option to go in the bank and hand the teller $100 out of your pocket and get $125 out of the other users accounts. Makes sense or do I need to dumb it down farther?

Please dumb it down farther... because your reasoning is off point

What is hard to understand? It's almost 3am so I don't want to waste time typing what you are not asking.

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