Petro Caribe, The Economic Hitmen, Another Nail in Venezuela's Coffin

in #deepdives6 years ago

John Perkins who wrote,"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man " a real life story on how Corporate Giants with collusion of the U.S. Government are the real powers behind politics in Central and South America. If a President in Latin America would like to retain his power than he better bend his knee to the Economic Hitmen and sign his countries Autonomy and Economic resources away to the IMF and Corporate Powers in control. If the leader of that country is even Democratically elected by the people, no matter, you do what the Economic Hitman require or the full weight of the US Government, from the CIA and an arsenal of shadowy figures will finance a coup d'etat, an assassination, or your Presidential plane may just fall out of the sky in a questionable freak accident.

Confessions Of An Economic Hitman Author John Perkins On Russia/Syria, The EU & Venezuela Struggles.

The Country of Venezuela is one of the few Government's to survive the Economic Hitmen which are using the full weight of the U.S. Government as a hammer for almost 20 years of backlash from assassination attempts, to coup detat's and painful sanctions.

The Petro Caribe agreement created in 2005 by President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela is a little known association that flies directly in the face of the IMF, Corporate America, and the U.S. Government. The creation alone of Petro Caribe would have guaranteed an immediate attack by the Economic Hitmen. Here is a quote from Murphy on Piracy on what exactly is Petro Caribe,"PetroCaribe is an energy union between Venezuela and eighteen (18) Caribbean countries thus far. These countries include Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Suriname, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Haiti, Honduras and Guatemala.
The agreement was first signed at Puerta La Cruz, Venezuela on 29th June 2005, and is based on the political principles of unity, solidarity, cooperation, complementarity, energy security, socio economic development, sovereignty with regard to the use of energy resources, conservationist vision and looking towards the south. The features of the agreement include an institutional platform, ALBA Caribe Fund for social and economic development, operating aspects, financing mechanisms and compensations, and energy efficiency."

For more information on Petro Caribe refer to the link below.

WikiLeaks does have information that gives insight into Petro Caribe, and the response of the U.S. Government and Big Oil Corporations. The U.S. Government and Corporate Powers knew Venezuela's Petro Caribe was a great deal for the cash strapped, impoverished Caribbean Nations, and were unhappy especially with Haiti, Honduras, and Panama joining the Union. There was never even a brief sentence by U.S. Diplomats on the Petro Caribe affair on a counter offer or a matching contract on what Venezuela offered to lighten the Petro Caribe members energy burden. That would be a benefit of Capitalism? Competition, unless it's not part of the Corporate American power structure. The Caribbean Countries Electricity is almost entirely dependent on fuel products and an increase in fuel costs go far past just higher prices at the gas station. Especially in a country where where 8 hours of employment by multi national companies like Levi Strauss is worth 2 dollars a day.

Venezuela offered these countries a major benefit that included bartering resources for payments, including Doctors from Cuba to offer much needed healthcare to people in remote areas in the Petro Caribe Union, and much needed humanitarian aid to many. The following WikiLeaks are examples of how The U.S. Government and the Big Oil Corporations we're not interested in competing against Venezuela,but wanted to maintain the current stranglehold they held over the Region. It's a clear example how Crony Capitalism had zero benefit to any of the people in the Petro Caribe nation's, and that the U.S. Oil Companies rely on Corporate Socialism from the U.S. Government to maintain power.

In this particular WikiLeaks titled, "U.S. OIL INDUSTRY RESPONSE TO GOH PETROCARIBE PROPOSAL" is worth reading in full to get a taste of how Big Oil and the U.S. Government were incredibly unhappy with the Government of Haiti when they signed up an exclusive oil deal with Venezuela even though economically it was in the interest of the Haitian people.

"It is clear that President
Preval and his inner circle are seduced by the payment plan
for Petrocaribe fuel (by which the government pays for 60
percent over a 90 day period and 40 percent over a period of
25 years at a one to two percent interest rate)."

Seduced? How about a competitive counter offer? How Capitalist of you to rely on U.S. Taxpayers to finance the U.S. military and the U.S. Federal Government to act as a hit squad when another country like Venezuela has a business plan that benefits people.


"Post sees a distinct
possibility that Zelaya may be seeking to supplant the fiscal
disciplines of an IMF program with the relatively easy money
that the financing conditions of PetroCaribe would provide. "


"Post is uncertain why Lecorps mentioned
Chevron as the only company not cooperating. End note.)
Lecorps was enraged that "an oil company which controls only
30 percent of Haiti's petroleum products" would have the
audacity to try and elude an agreement that would benefit the
Haitian population. Ultimately Lecorps defended his position
with the argument that the companies should want what is best
for their local consumer, and be willing to make concessions
to the GoH to this end."


In this WikiLeak even the U.S. Government official admits to the huge savings Honduras will receive under Petro Caribe, but still wants Honduras to walk away from the deal.

"By financing 40 percent of the cost of fuel
imports, Zelaya could free up an estimated USD 300 - 400
million per year. These "savings" could be used to lower
fuel prices at the pump, and/or to finance a number of the
outlays cited above."


"the benefits derived from
PetroCaribe softened the blow of both the economic downturn
and record oil prices in 2008; and helped keep Jamaica from
falling into an abyss. However, if Chavez attempts to revise
the terms of PetroCaribe to influence Jamaica, he is likely
to win more enemies than friends."

The Nation and Haiti Liberte has their own WikiLeak Deep Dive on Petro Caribe. For more information on WikiLeaks on Petro Caribe read the following links

Interesting how the U.S. Government's choice for the new President of Venezuela's first act will be to let U.S. Corporations in an privatize Venezuela's oil industry.

The current battle over the Government of Venezuela by the U.S. Government has nothing to do with Socialism. Venezuela has angered the Economic Hitmen almost 20 years ago, and you are now witnessing that fallout. Petro Caribe is just one of many examples of Venezuela standing up to the Tyranny of the IMF, Corporate America, and the U.S. Government. WikiLeaks has given us all a window into that reality.



This is a Patriot Uprising Production
By: Nate Powers
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@spiritualmatters - I wrote this post totally inspired by the comment you dropped on my last post on Venezuela, thanks for the info. I had never heard of Petro Caribe until you asked me what the connection between Venezuela and Haiti was, Thanks😀

I've read John Perkins' books. A friend of mine even had him on the phone one day, he told her so many things and she had to stop him because she felt sick... It's truly sickening what is happening in the world for profit and to benefit the rich. They truly don't care, at all. But what's maybe more worrying is that most people still don't see it. And it's everywhere this horror.
Thank you for writing this, it needs to be heard.

Thanks Miss for the support, I think the truth on Venezuela needs to be heard, there is a huge campaign to blame the Government of Venezuela for it's woes when in truth Venezuela has angered, and been fighting against the Economic Hitmen in ways no other country has ever survived.

yeah, we can see that in Syria :( Did you read Perkins' book(s)? What got to me was where he describes that the Western countries (because it's not just the US) go in and offer 'help' by building roads etc. with only their own contractors, and low paid locals (of course, why just stop at one thing, when they can suck out more blood) and offer 'loans' that they know can never be repaid... And then these hitmen come in and 'solve' the problem. Once I read that, I didn't even need to think where that happened. It's horrible, and the people are the ones paying.

I Read John Perkins book and like you said it is eye opening, you never look at the world the same way when people like John inform the world to the truth at hand.

True. I once spoke to a doctor who used to work for the big pharmaceutical company Eli Lily in Sweden. I actually sent him an email, and the next day he called me! We spoke for about an hour, and what he told me truly made me sick. He told me he left the company when he had a child and I guess he started feeling guilty. He wrote a book, but had to leave the country and had many death threats. He since passed away, but I will never forget the conversation we had. It's just a shame there are still too many (paid) shills, even here, who stop this info from coming out.

You have some amazing firsthand stories, I get my information almost always by reading or looking it up online, but it sounds like you actually know the truth at hand by actually talking directly with the people involved, I am willing to bet you have quite a few interesting stories, I subscribed to your blog and Im amazed at how many places you have traveled to, that definitely gives you extra insight experiencing so many different cultures I would imagine

I haven't really traveled enough :) But hoping to pack up the kids soon and embark on a new journey. I've come across a few very interesting individuals in the time I was traveling, that's for sure. I always thought they were chance meetings, but later I started to realize that it was probably meant to be that way so I'd have some insights into how the world works. I'm not quite there yet, but I am planning to write it all down, hopefully here, and share the experiences I had in a bit more detail. In the 'real world', I've tried telling people, but most either think I've made stuff up or that I'm crazy. I don't deny the latter lol, but better awake and crazy than asleep and a sheep.
Thank you for your kind words, that means a lot!

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