in #ddaily6 years ago (edited)

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Hey friends of 3D printing and creative tech stuff here on @dtube !

I finally got the promised video about my current 3d printing object done and I am ready to share it with you :)

the idea

I want to give something materialistic to my brothers and sisters of @dDaily when I meet them around the steemfest3 in Krakow.

So I decided to print them a key tag :)

the process

I used the original ddaily logo as base for my object and converter it after some adjustments into an stl file which I also modified for being a key tag :)


I used these tools for that:



After finishing the object in the designer I used http://astroprint.com to send the file to my printer (ender-2) and waited around 30min to receive the finished first draft!



the final steps

I will now tweak some settings, increase the resolution (decrease the height of each layer) and load some premium filament to print the real final pieces!


If you are a member of the @ddaily family and you are going to the steemfest3 and you want to have such a souvenir please let me know :)

Let me know what you think !

Hallöchen liebe Freunde von 3D Druck und kreativem Technologiekram hier auf @dtube !

Endlich habe ich das versprochene Video zu meinem aktuellen 3D Druckprojekt fertig und kann es hier mit euch teilen!

die Idee

Ich möchte meinen Brüdern und Schwestern der @dDaily - Familie etwas materielles schenken, wenn ich sie beim/neben dem steemfest3 in Krakau treffe!

also habe ich mich entschieden, einen Schlüsselanhänger zu designen und zu drucken :)

der Prozess

Ich habe mich dem offiziellen dDaily - Logo als Basis bedient und es nach ein paar Anpassungen inbeine STL Datei umgewandelt, die ich wiederum etwas angepasst habe, um einen Schlüsselanhänger daraus entstehen zu lassen.

Dafür habe ich den folgenden Hilfsmittel genutzt:

Nachdem das Object designed war, schickte ich es durchs Internet via http://astroprint.com an meinen Drucker (Ender-2) and wartete ca. 30 Minuten für den ersten Probedruck!

die abschließendennDinge

Ich werde nun noch ein bisschen an Einstellungen feilen, die Auflösung erhöhen (bzw die Höhe der einzelnen Schichten verringern) und den Drucker dann mit Premium Filament für die finalen Drücke laden.

Falls Du ein Mitglied von @dDaily bist, auf dem Steemfest sein wirst und ggf. Solch einen Schlussanhänger as Souvenir mitnehmen willst, bitte gern melden :)

Schreibt mir eure Meinung in die Kommentare !

mentions: @ddaily

music: https://epidemicsound.com

Please resteem, upvote and comment this post to support my channel

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Bro that's freaking awesome! :)

I can only imagine where will the future lead us in terms of 3D printing...

I didn't know you are so skilled with it, I've seen some indications in the past but this was a very well put video :) did you put it on your keys?

Thanks for representing the community... now you need to create something for #engagetogrow

Hey thank you for the kind words and compliment :) I am blushed.

I don't know where this all will leads but I think the industry needs to work on different materials since Ola is 80% corn stark but also 20% chemicals. There are some materials biodegradable within less than 100 years but yeah they are extremely expensive or have other disadvantages with them.

The keys where from epidemicsound.com I felt like putting some reggae under it :P

Thanks for supporting the movement

and thanks for making videos about that hashtag and the idea behind it! I really enjoyed it and I will make something by myself within the next days. Just need some quality time with family and some new energy :)

Peace !


Thanks brother. Don't worry about it... I just wanted to state the difference! haha

By the way, I didn't know that's the situation with material... So 3D printers are actually damaging for the environment, huh, didn't know that :D

Yeah bro epidemic sound is crazy and I like your backround music :)


Hey bro, this is the most excellent thing that i've seen today :D

Hey thank you for the kind words :) that makes me proud :D

Super cool! Great job :)

Thanks a lot for the compliment :) I am also happy with the finished product!

I tried my best to keep the video short and received a pretty good result in return haha :)

Only half an hour to print one of these? Nice! You should make a contest and give them away to Dtubers. I'm sure they would appreciate the gift!

Thanks a lot for this cool and motivational idea! I don't know if I could pay the fees to send one to India or the United States but I will keep that in my mind :)

Thanks for passing by, inspiring and the time to write this good comment my friend !

Peace !


Oh, that's something I didn't take in consideration. You are right. That could prove to ba a major problem. Not if the winners decide to pay for it though.

Np. Always glad to engage. We need much more of that on here.

Agreed, #engagetogrow it's a great way to grow an account, through meaningful engagement.

You can always take some STEEM just to cover postage & packaging :-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah I will plan a contest and do this ! Yeah ! Thanks to @runicar and you @neopch :)

That's really awesome but way more technical than I could understand. lol Good work though.

Hehe thank you :) I tried to make it simple but unfortunately I needed to say some words about the tech behind it lol
Next time I will remind you and all the other people who are not into 3dprinting and I will take more time describing what is going on there.

Thanks for the feedback and



what is the name of the free downloadable program to design your 3d project?

Please watch the video or read the post. Thanks

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Are you Banana me??!! YES PLEASE!!! Amazing idea, great execution!
How long do you have this printer? Must be so much fun!

Hey :) yeah of course I will "banana you" (what do you mean ?!^^)

I got this one around 1 year now and the other printer for around 3 years :)

They are definitely a lot of fun when they do what you want but if they don't - you will need to learn a lot of mechanic and electronic stuff ^^ but that is worth the time!

Thanks for passing by and increasing the amount on my todo-list :)

Peace !


That's so awesome. First time I've seen it print like that from the start. So interesting.

Maybe next time you can timelapse the the printing process

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey :) thanks for the comment !
I did a timeless but it was so short that you probably not recognized it ^^
Half an hour and it was just 25pictures but bigger prints of course have a better result of the time lapse :)

Glad that you've liked it !

Yes please! 😎 Is it possible to have engraved NEO on it as well? 🤗

Posted using Partiko iOS

Of course mate :) But now we are already writing privately on discord so yeah ^^

List +1 for @neopch

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