Mastering Self Development With DDaily...?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ddaily6 years ago (edited)

It started in Krakow...A few weeks ago at Steemfest!

I met the #DDaily crew and hung out with this merry band of content creators...

And they started talking about things like...

  • Editing.

  • Gimbals....?

  • The perfect shot.

And here I am today...A guy that couldn't even turn on my phone a few weeks ago for fear of breaking it, to using....A gimbal to record a video.

There is a HUGE lesson in this video, and that is what is so awesome about @dtube and STEEM!

It empowers us to be...Better!

Like I've always said, "we need to be better at sunset than we were at sunrise."

The message to me is clear...STEEM and all it's amazing potential are the perfect environment to step outside of your comfort zone and TRY NEW THINGS.

For me, it's been diving more into vlogging.

I'm grateful for STEEM, @dtube, the #DtubeSnap movement and the entire @ddaily family

Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone...

Thanks for reading and visiting my blog!.png

▶️ DTube

Supercool explanation mate! Good comparison between hand shaking and gimbal smoooothing :)

I have one (a smooth 4) also and I juuust love it.

I think it is important that we are stepping up the game to see progress. That motivates ourselves to keep on hustling for more improvements in any kind of way: equipment, story, sound, light and soooo on. There is so much potential for every creator and it is full joy to see myself gaining experience :)

You are making nice jokes about your tech-knowledge ^^

I cant even turn on my computer half the time


Good point about the comfort zone. I love to step out of it everyday again :)

Thanks for sharing brother

lol ya man. it’s bad. that’s why i think i love apple products so much. i can’t screw them up lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Man, this is awesome! You're on the same path I was on when I started out with DDaily. I got the same gimbal and I'm continually improving. I just upgraded my Adobe licence to add Premiere Pro and After Effects, so I can start figuring out some new editing tips and tricks. It's an amazing journey and it's all inspired by being part of DDaily. It felt a little strange doing a gear workshop when I've only been doing this for 8 months, but I guess in DTube time, that's quite long!

yeah man. it’s quite the rabbit hole. and it keeps going deeper lol loving the journey.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The next thing we know you will be doing movies

professional skills lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

I so need to get me one of those, currently I just use my GoPro with video stabilization 😅

Great to see you embracing the challenge that’s how it all started out for me also!

Posted using Partiko iOS

yeah man. it’s fantastic. best buy sells them up here. pretty affordable too.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lol I can’t afford squat 😅 I haven’t been able to buy new clothes in almost 2 years ffs 🤦‍♂️

One day when markets recover maybe but I’ll have to figure out to use the damn crypto without going through the banks first 🤔

Posted using Partiko iOS

my wife looked at me the other day. she’s like you’ve been wearing that shirt for 5 years.

i told her.

i haven’t bought a new shirt in about 5 years lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

So your saying I have 3 more years 😅 to go before I get that gimbal then? 🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS

I totally thought those stairs were going downstairs. Hey let me know if it's good cos I'm about to return mine to exchange it exactly for the one you have :)

thanks for the shout-out to @ddaily <3

Posted using Partiko Android

lol i know. stairs going upstairs. what a noob lolol

Posted using Partiko iOS

lol It was hilarious!

Posted using Partiko Android

I thought the one you had in Kraków was great; very similar to the DJI. How come you're thinking of trading @greencross?

Two things I don't like about the DJI:

  1. My iPhone 8 Plus has to go on with the lightning port at the balance side, so you can't use the lightning jack for a microphone.
  2. If you put the phone on the gimbal the other way round, the front-facing camera is obscured by the gimbal arm.

Okay, so that's one thing, but it's a biggie.

hey @camuel yes I was thinking on returning it because the app is not 100% compatible with my not so new phone. So i dont get some options available...

My brother lent me hid Smooth Q and it's fully functional with my phone.

The problem with all the gimbals seem with the charging port on the bottom, I dont understand how the gimbal designers never had this in mind. It also kind of sucks that the port is sacrificed when you are charging, so you can't use it with a mic... Some design flaws right there...

Have you seen the new DJI pocket gimbal??? camera included!!! insane!

Posted using Partiko Android

I have my self a Feiyutech Vimble 2 gimbal and love it. It really brings your videos to the next level.
Another step is getting an external microphone for the mobile phone especially if you do shoot regularly outdoor.

ya i’ve been on the hunt for a good mic now for a while.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The problem with those gimbal is that depending on the mobile phone you have, the microphone port might be right against the gimbal making it difficult to plug in an external microphone unless you use an 90 angle adapter with some cables.

I'm personally using two mics:

  • the Zoom IQ7
  • Rode NT1A with an iRig-Pre to connect it to the phone

Rode does make some nice mobile phone mics and the directional one is a good idea for recording outdoor as it reduces the ambiance noise by focusing more on you.

Great video man! I have the same gimbal (gen1). Trying new stuff is fun. Maybe I should try walking around in my video too :). All the best!

ha ha ha if my wife would have caught me walking around she would have freaked out. screaming ‘the house isn’t clean!!!’

yeah i’m still trying to figure out the face following cause it didn’t seem to focus. but i’ll keep messing with it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Haha sounds like my Bianca! Good luck messing with it that's the fun part!

yessir. appreciate the comments man always.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Video. Too bad, I have a face for radio! :P

Getting set up to provide the best possible experience to your viewers makes a BIG difference in everything, even how you 'present' yourself.

I am setting up a dedicated video production computer, green screen, lighting, looking at cameras, etc.. That's the easy part! Now I need to find someone to actually be the 'face' IN the video! LOL

Always trying to improve is a good thing @jongolson! Keep on moving forward!

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man. nothing better than a personal touch. i truly believe anyone can get behind the camera and crush it. just need the confidence to do it and that comes from daily action.

i’m living proof lol i couldn’t speak when i first started doing videos. deer in head lights but i just kept doing it. and keep growing everyday.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I don't mind doing video so much, it's more about the audience I am trying to attract. A big part of what will be done is for my offline ventures, which targets the Millenials. Market research has shown they respond favorably to someone between the ages of 25-35, preferably female, can speak with authority on the subject, and also 'fit in' to the linguistic category. That is NOT me! LOL

I will be doing some production for both my business and online 'stuff', without a doubt. Never know what you may see coming in the future!

ha ha ha dude. just dye your hair purple. you’ll fit right in.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I use gimbal smooth Q to my vlog. Gimbal is cool :-) Yes I agree with you. For me one level up to my vlog :-) Regards!

Posted using Partiko Android

level up for real lol i feel like a hollywood director with this thing lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Haha! Look my production "Find your nature" cinematic video. I use only phone , gimbal and edit kinemaster mobile :-) I feel like a hoolywood director. I love it!

Posted using Partiko Android

Woohoo man! Look at those silky smooth shots. Very nice. Next up for @jongolson is....3 point lighting and diffusion :D

Love it man. Keep learning and growing.

i actually have lights lol i bought them we i was suckered into buying a dslr camera a few years ago (that i have never turned on lol)

thanks man lol always learning.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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