Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/11/18> The dreaded CEU hours… a waste of time and money.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

So today is...

So today is the annual CEU training and vendor expo in the Houston area for the irrigation industry that I work in. For the last eleven years I have been required to be there since it was in my sales area and it was an event that gets good traffic from customers, this year though I will be attending just to get the hours I need for keeping my license and nothing more than that.

I can tell you...

I can tell you with firsthand knowledge that these CEU training's and hours required are nothing more than a way for some people to make some money off of people who have no choice but to attend or seek their hours elsewhere. The licensing test a person needed to pass to get the license in the first place should be enough evidence that they know what they are doing. If they couldn’t pass the test than they wouldn’t have a license, that is as simple as it can be. CEU hours are nothing more than another tax on an occupational license.

The state requires...

The state requires that each year a license holder gets 8 hours of continuing education in order to keep their license. It is not uncommon for people to show up at this 8 hour CEU, check in and get a seat in the auditorium and fall dead asleep. The only time they get up is at lunch time so they can eat and make a few phone calls. The majority of the people won’t pay a bit of attention to what is being presented as educational material. Since there is no test at the end of the day to actually find out if you learned anything most people say, “screw it… I’ll sleep.”

I just may...

I just may be one of those people today myself since after I get out of the class I will have a three hour drive ahead of me and leaving Houston in rush hour traffic that three hours could very well turn into four now that I think about it. Some extra sleep may come in handy since I will be driving in the darkness of the evening; that just makes me sleepy thinking about it.

It has been...

It has been a while since I really have brought an uplifting story here so I do have a small one to share today. The bad part is I don’t know who exactly to credit for this project, I took a picture of the sign thinking I could blow the picture up enough to get the names off it but it just gets to pixilated to make it out. I will have to go by there and get the name and share it later.

Not far from...

Not far from the office I work out of there is a building under construction and on Monday I finally decided to stop and snap a few photos of it to share here. This project that I am sharing today is really interesting given the fact that the building is being built using old shipping containers that are used to import goods to the US.

I have seen...

I have seen a number of houses out in the country being built with these type containers and I have seen plenty of hunting lodges as well that have incorporated these type containers into them.

This is by far the biggest project I have seen and if you didn’t see the construction taking place as it happens you wouldn’t have a clue that this building is being built using recycled ocean shipping containers. Putting that nice “skinned” finish on the outside of them changes everything and I think it is a damn good looking building from what I can see thus far.

So to whoever...

So to whoever the architects and engineers is who designed this project I give you a tip of the old ten gallon Stetson for your creativity and ingenuity. I mean who would ever have thought to make a building that was going to be a storage facility out of storage / shipping containers?

The person is...

The person is a genius, since these types of containers are everywhere around here just looking for a place to be put. I guess nobody has thought to ship them back where they came from when we export stuff to that country. (Oh wait, I forgot; we don’t export anything anymore because we don’t make anything anymore. Silly me.)

I will make it...

I will make it a point to check this place out when it opens, I am curious to see just how the whole building lays out and what the interior looks like when it is finished. I would also be curious to know the cost per square foot of constructing this building as opposed to a conventional building method for the same type of building used as a storage facility. My guess is there is a substantial cost savings that is gained here with this building method using shipping containers.

That is it for this edition of the Daily Dose, thanks for stopping by.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.

Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


Good old CEU credits...the Architects I worked with were always working on their yearly required credits. I hope you got a good nap, and maybe one thing new learned? Oh well. Great idea to recycle those shipping containers, you'll have to share the pictures when the building is done. I'm sure they saved a great deal of money! :)

I do plan on sharing more about that building once it opens and I can get a look inside of it.
I would have to believe it was a substantial cost savings as well.
On the CEU class I did get a good nap after lunch but the last two hours of the day was on CAD design and I did learn a couple things on that new drawing program that I am still learning so it wasn't a total waste, nearly, but not a total waste.

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(Oh wait, I forgot; we don’t export anything anymore because we don’t make anything anymore. Silly me.)

Exactly. One of the worst mistakes we've ever made as a nation -- and there have been some doozies!!

Yes, that is why we have such an over abundance of shipping containers sitting around here. We have made some seriously stupid decisions that we haven't fully paid the price for yet; those days are coming though.

It looks like a waste of time especially when there is no exam at the end. I've heard that there are more professions like this requiring some continuous education which doesn't add any value..

I've seen some studios built out of these containers and there is even a house somewhere in the UK that is built out of 4 of them if I'm not mistaken. They are actually very spacious so it's a great way to 'recycle' them :)

Ah, bureaucracy. What a waste of time and money. And yes, we have shipping containers all over the place too. Shipping containers for sale, to rent... I think people will be driving them soon.

Yes, anything to make themselves feel important at others expense.
This is by far the single largest project I have seen using these type containers, it really is putting them to good use.

Howdy sir sultnpapper! ha! funny about that convention, it's like so many other fields that need a license and they force you to take worthless class time that mean nothing and don't help you but it costs you good money and time! I hope you get to see that container building when it's done, I've never seen a commercial building built from them. very interesting. Good solid, cheap, strong material to build with.

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