Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/15/18> “Will Eat BBQ 4 U” and SBI Saturday in this Double Daily Dose edition.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Limited supply of stones...

Earlier in the week you may have caught where I was going to kill three birds with one stone and I be damned if two escaped before I had a chance to even throw. I did manage to get one though. So today I am not going to be greedy and go for more than two, I think I might make myself a personal rule of a two bird bag limit on Daily Doses since I have a limited supply of stones to try and kill birds with.
This is the first time since doing the “Will Eat BBQ 4 U “ BBQ review and SBI Saturday that they have both fallen on the same day and date so we are breaking new ground here today. I might also mention it couldn’t have come at a better time either as you will see when we get deeper into it. So let’s say we do that.

Will Eat BBQ 4 U “ Volume 11 Aunt Jo’s BBQ , Victoria, Texas

It had been years since I have eaten at Aunt Jo’s BBQ and I will admit that this wasn’t my first choice for this month’s edition but sometimes plans go haywire and we have to adjust. Such was the case on Thursday when I realized that today had crept up on me and I didn’t previously plan my selection for September. We all know my planning doesn’t always work out anyway as it took me the third month before I could bring you the Southside Market in Elgin ,Texas review a couple months back.

Aunt Jo is no longer...

I was disappointed to learn that Aunt Jo had passed away when I went inside to place my order as I asked if she was around. The young man running the establishment is one of her blood relatives and he filled me in a little. I looked over the menu on the wall and pretty much had decided what I was going to have when that young man informed me that they were sold out of all the meats except brisket.

“Damn, business must have been good today”, I said. He responded it had been and I was very late in the afternoon, well past the midpoint of the two o’clock hour. I didn’t let on that I wasn’t going to buy anything but brisket anyway. So one brisket sandwich it was, with a toasted bun, and hold the pickles and onions. I got a bag of chips and the medium drink and was the grand total got me some pocket change back from the $10 bill I paid with.

Normally I won’t mention that I do a BBQ review, but I did this time but only after I paid, and had my plate in front of me. You see this is an old time style BBQ place and if you want to stay and eat here you are eating outside on a picnic table so I needed my pictures and I also always ask permission first before even snapping one photo.

The young man who owns the place now is named Joshua and he was very nice about allowing me to take photos and even visited about the history of the place. I about fell over when he told me that his family was decedents of slaves. My hearing in my right ear isn’t that good so I thought I didn’t hear him right. “Slaves, what? What are you talking about?”, I asked.

I had seen Aunt Jo before and she didn’t appear to me to have any black blood in her, but sure enough he pointed to the picture on the wall that told the history of Aunt Jo’s BBQ and the family complete with family pictures. “Everyone in those photos is black”, he said. Then he turned and pointed to a picture of his other aunt on the wall, “That photo right there is Aunt Jane, she was Aunt Jo’s sister” I think he may have said twin sister but I didn’t question it. I may have to look into get a hearing aid for my right ear, as it is becoming noticeably worse for hearing with that ear.

Not a person in the photos gave me an inclination of them being black but he went on to tell me that the family was indeed slaves and the slave owner ended up selling some of his property to his former slaves after they were freed if they would stay on and work for him.

His family elected to stay and got a chunk of land, that land ended up having gas and oil on it and the royalties from those gas and wells allowed them to purchase more land in the area. Aunt Jo loved to BBQ and she loved people so she decided in 2007 to open a little BBQ shack on the Hwy 77 roadside of their property. So she could pass the time and make a little spending money doing what she enjoyed and her sister was right there with her doing it.

Joshua said he is indeed black as well, I would never had slightest idea, yea he is dark haired and maybe a little darker skinned but I am as dark as he is and that is just from the sun. So I learned a little something that day about Aunt Jo that I never did know.

Aunt Jo’s BBQ is only open four days a week, Thursday through Sunday. As far as the hours go they open at 11:00 AM and close when they sell out of meat. So it wasn’t long before closing time when I got there, that brisket he cut my sandwich from didn’t have many sandwiches left on it when he finished making mine.

Josh told me that for a normal Thursday he will cook up about three slabs of ribs, four chickens, four links of sausage and four or five briskets. That is a decent amount of meat for a weekday and it is almost twice that on the weekends. All of it is smoked on a rotisserie smoker using mesquite wood. The rotisserie explains why the meat is always so perfect in my opinion.

I ended up eating my sandwich standing at the counter visiting with Joshua, evidently his family has a thing with names starting with “J”. I have a thing about names too; all of the Papper offspring have first names that are also names of towns in Texas. So that no matter where they end up there will always be a part of Texas with them.

Aunt Jo’s BBQ is located on Hwy 77 just south of Victoria, Texas on the north bound side of the highway. If you need a reference point just know that as you cross the Coleto Creek bridge you need to start slowing down if you are headed south bound on Hwy 77 and it will be on left. If you are headed north and cross the bridge you missed it.

It can be easy to miss going north bound since the speed limit is 75 MPH and it is just after a little curve in the road. Their sign for the place is a real large life size hog with Aunt Jo’s BBQ painted on the flanks of the pig.

I trust that Aunt Jo gave Joshua some of the family secrets when it comes to BBQ since the brisket was moist and had great flavor, mesquite flavor. He said they even make their own BBQ sauce and since I did have a container that I had them put on the plate, I dipped a finger and tasted it, if I was a sauce guy I would use it for sure.

This place is an “old time” BBQ joint with all the seating outside on the porch or over in the side yard under a pavilion so don’t expect an air conditioned dining experience unless you plan on eating in the car you came in. But I highly recommend Aunt Jo’s BBQ and rest her soul. The people in the area like it also as it are one of the stops on The Great Coastal Texas BBQ Trail.

Now normally I would have taken you around the town of Victoria and showed you the sights but since this is also SBI Saturday some things had to be cut from the menu, which that was one of them. I really can’t blame it on that totally though, it was pouring rain all day Friday and I just didn’t feel up to it and the pictures would have looked dark and dreary. Victoria is a nice town and offers a lot, in fact a self guided driving tour of old Victoria can be found at https://explorevictoriatexas.com

Saturday SBI time...

Okay it is that time of the week when the Daily Dose gives away some SBI to some deserving people or groups and this week is no different.

Numero uno...

First on the list is @zen-art and really deserving of this for sure, I announced I was doing a contest and then at the last moment I had to cancel it as my post exceeded the limit allowed by steemit.com , the block chain choked on that big wad of links I had for people to use as a reference guide. I was really pissed too, it took me a lot of time to go created hot links for each post with Day numbers like all the way up from Day 1 to Day 366. So I thought it would be too complicated to explain the whole thing without the numbers. Well @zen-art proved me wrong and actually found everything and more than what I was looking for, knowing there was nothing coming to her except recognition.

Another screw up...

Then I even screwed that up because I made it sound like I was berating her for doing it, when actually I was amazed she did it so quickly. That whole thing was surely a mess of my own doing. My sincere apologies @zen-art for not expressing my thoughts with a better choice of words.

Numero dos...

Next on the block is the group over at @steemusa which I am a proud member of said group. I haven’t been participating over there as much as I need to do and so I entered a writing contest there on Thursday and that served as a reminder that I had been neglecting them. So as a token of appreciation for what the group does they receive a share this week as well.

Numero tres...

While I am catching groups I will go ahead and also throw in a share for @steemitbloggers where I recently joined in over there. They are now actually doing something that I think is an excellent idea for when new members join their group.

Each new member when they join is required to transfer $1 steem to the @steemitblogger account. The group then purchases a share of SBI for that new member with $1 steem that was transferred. Seeing how each time a share of SBI is purchased two shares are actually involved, one for the person receiving the share and one for the person purchasing the share.

So @steemitbloggers gets a share for themselves each time a new member signs up now and that helps fund the account from upVotes by SBI on @steemitblogger posts. That is a really good program in my opinion.

SBI and your shot to win...

Speaking of SBI and how each of you can have a shot at either 12 shares or 8 shares you need to read my post from earlier this week on Thursday where you can get all the details and unlike my other contest where I was the judge and determined the winners all you folks will be the judges.

One thing I didn’t mention when I set that contest up was what would happen in the event of what I think would be a highly unlikely situation of a tie vote. After careful consideration, and the flip of my big coin I carry in my pocket that is Republic of Texas coinage, it has been determined that in the case of a tie the prizes will be split among those tied for the prizes.

Quit hanging around...

If it would have come up tails when I flipped the coin I would have cast the deciding vote in a tie situation and so I am glad it was heads. So quit hanging around here and get over there and get in the game; we are done here and now for this double edition of the Daily Dose.
Until next time,

All the photos in this post are the property of @sultnpapper.
Note: No birds were actually killed in the making of this Daily Dose, except the ones Joshua BBQ'd earlier in the day. Damn; I wish I had gotten there earlier.

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Well, I'm glad you didn't kill any birds with your stones, but you could come here and pitch rocks at doves all day long. Sep. 1 is the start of hunting season (and it's a big deal here) so we finally get some respite from their summer mating coo coo. They are really noisy creatures.

Anyway, hunting season opened on a Saturday so all the hotels and bars and restaurants are happy because they are all jammed with hunters. The doves head for the big wide open until they start realizing that they aren't getting shot at in town so they come flooding back. Like now.

Thanks for a real taste of Texas BBQ served up with style. I just love how they determine the hours of operation. "You can eat until you can't". Pretty simple. And I really like mesquite smoke, but I really like the others, too.

I have been to Victoria, Texas. I can't remember the circumstance for the life of me, but I remember the name of the town. Probably coming or going from my friends that used to live north of San Marcos.

Wait. Does Victoria have a city park that has a camping area? I think I stayed there. If I'm remembering correctly I was in with the sunset and gone by sunrise. I've got a couple of photos (go figure) but finding them is problematic. I'm about 3 computers removed from that trip and my filing system is pretty sketchy at it's best.

Thanks for the lunch and for the SBI initiative. That's just a dandy thing.

It is dove season here as well in Texas so we share that same season as ya'll.
I can't say for sure whether or not Victoria has a city park that allows overnight camping, they have quite a few parks for the size of the town but I just don't know that answer.
Glad you enjoyed the lunch and the SBI Saturday initiative, I enjoy doing both so this double dose is really a nice one to have in the block chain for me.

What an astonishing story! I'd be interested to learn more about that family. My father (who was Afro Caribbean) used to jokingly say, if he saw a white person with dark curly hair and any African features, "I think he has a touch of the tar brush". He'd say this when Tom Jones was singing on TV. And of course it used to be quite a serious thing in the old days.

Yes, I didn't want to pry and I was totally amazed to say the least. There must be some blending in that family would be my guess, you never can trust a slave owner in my opinion, no telling what he might have had the female slaves doing for him.

I also sometimes ask first if I could take some photos in a cafe or restaurant. In return you get more information about the place. This BBQ place has an amazing history and time tested. A lot of new restaurants closes down after a while but this one is a testament of good food that will last for generations. Thanks for sharing this awesome BBQ place.

No problem Snake, glad you stopped by for a bite of Texas Q today. I always or normally always wait until I am done eating before I ask about pictures and the back story on the places I review. I don't want any special treatment or a free lunch not that it would change my opinion because normally I have eaten at the places I review at least three or four times before they will find their way into the "Will Eat BBQ 4 U " review. This place I hadn't stopped at in at least three or four years but it has always been good food.

Sounds like a really nice place I do love family run places over the chain restaurants they just have a more homely feel to them

Thnaks for supporting Steemusa witht he SBI share :)

Yes, family run and small are two things I really enjoy about BBQ joints besides the good food.
The SBI share for Steemusa is well deserved, and I have neglected them a little to much of late so the timing was great to do it.

Yeah we are in synch on that with family run places,

We are trying to get more active with steemusa hence our contests we started

Yes, and I am going to try and participate in those contests as much as I can in the future. I don't care about winning but I do care about trying to support the group.

Yeah I have not entered the first one, but will try to in the future

That's another delicious dose!! So sad to hear that Aunt Jo is gone but I am glad that the place didn't close down because of that! The brisket looks like its a really tasty one, for sure. Joshua definitely did learn a whole lot from her.

Reading that he is a black descent came as a surprise to me, he doesn't look anything "black" at all. They do have an interesting history..

This place is an “old time” BBQ joint with all the seating outside on the porch or over in the side yard under a pavilion so don’t expect an air conditioned dining experience unless you plan on eating in the car you came in.

Lol! who will wanna sit back and eat in his car though? I think the setting of the place is really nice. Well, you get the air condition but you are sure gonna enjoy some fresh air, and maybe some interesting views..

A lot of people pull in here at Aunt Jo's use the rest rooms, grab a sandwich and a drink and hop right back in the car and go on down the road. I don't know if they are in that big of a hurry or if they can't take the heat, but they sure want what is coming from this kitchen.
If you look closely at the pavilion picture there is a man seated there eating , I don't think you can see his wife that was with him in that shot she had gone to the restroom so some do actually take the break as you suggested and get some fresh air. I know I have, and I also have done the grab and go routine there as well in years past.

The definitely have to be in a hurry to wanna miss out on that or maybe they don't know how good the stuff coming out from the kitchen will taste and are not willing to take the risk?

Now you know, @sultnpapper, to get to Aunt Jo's earlier in the day if you want a selection of meats! Interesting story about her family. These are the types of places I like to go for my food, family run. The folks at these places care about their quality and service to their customers. And I prefer eating outside to indoors with airconditioning.

Another great selection for the weekly SBI! All worthy folks! Looks like a storm is coming here and I will lose internet shortly...keeps me from writing too much. LOL

I have his card now and he said just give him a call early in the day and let him know what I want if I am going to be coming through later than early and he would set aside what I am wanting, he said he does that for folks all the time. That is great service in my book.
Hope the storm goes easy on you, thanks for dropping in today.

There is nothing so sublime as a brisket cooked properly! It touches your soul!

So that no matter where they end up there will always be a part of Texas with them.

I love this idea about the names. What a way to give meaning and pride to your origins! thanks for sharing.

We, well I, was in favor of naming Shortie our youngest daughter Victoria but the wife wasn't to keen on that name. She said it wasn't that she disliked it, she just didn't want it to end up where she would be known as Vicky or Vickie and so I agreed. But strong roots make for a good tree so Texas names for the kids was just part of making the tree a little stronger.

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