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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/09/18> “Seasoned with Sult N Papper”… yes there is.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Well, I'll probably sign up just to use your ref link, but the problem I see for me is that I don't have enough time to fullfil my commitments on Steemit. So taking on another platform at this point probably isn't going to get it for me.

You see, I haven't been here a year. I'm about 4 months short. I promised the first day that I was going to give it a year, and a year with my undivided attention (like that's possible). I'm sticking with it.

Unless, of course, you start talking a Mercedes SUV out of the proceeds of Weku.

Urrrrggghhh. I coulda gone all day without seeing JBs name :) That's just a horrible way to end a post.

So, enjoy your freedom Sunday. I'm really interested in how that whole thing plays out. I have a really hard time imagining that any church can afford to let a (presumably) check writing member and a very promising new member for something as silly as not wanting to return copyrighted material.

Good Sunday to you my friend.


Well, I'll probably sign up just to use your ref link, but the problem I see for me is that I don't have enough time to fullfil my commitments on Steemit. So taking on another platform at this point probably isn't going to get it for me.

You and me both 😅

I don't have enough time to fullfil my commitments on Steemit. So taking on another platform at this point probably isn't going to get it for me.

There are not enough hours in the day to fulfill the requirements of keeping up with a lot of new platforms. They are multiplying like rabbits, just like the cryptocurrencies. How many of those are viable? I am sticking to what I know and try to make a success with one thing at a time.

I stumbled into a Narrative community (or three) so I'll be doing a little bit of that too, but yeah, I agree with your sentiments whole-heartedly.

No free time for me, either. I can barely keep from embarrassing myself here on Steemit, and what I do post is usually hit-and-run.

Yes, I might go edit that last line out since I went and check their white paper and read their team members, he wasn't listed in there. But is was a worst thought at the moment I was finishing up.

Today only one family member will be at church, that would be the youngest boy. The girls are all at a girls scout camping trip and the oldest boy has to work today.

I figured I would just post something over there very infrequently or maybe use it as a place for experimenting with some ideas. The white paper reads almost exactly as the steemit one from what I can remember from when I looked at it.

It appears to be an almost exact knock off of here done by a Japan or Chinese leadership group based on the folks named in the paper. I know that might be stereotyping but I listen to the stereo up real loud when I play music and don't really care much about being politically correct, just correct is good enough for me.

Enjoy your Sunday as well Tom.

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