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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/09/18> “Seasoned with Sult N Papper”… yes there is.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Yes, I might go edit that last line out since I went and check their white paper and read their team members, he wasn't listed in there. But is was a worst thought at the moment I was finishing up.

Today only one family member will be at church, that would be the youngest boy. The girls are all at a girls scout camping trip and the oldest boy has to work today.

I figured I would just post something over there very infrequently or maybe use it as a place for experimenting with some ideas. The white paper reads almost exactly as the steemit one from what I can remember from when I looked at it.

It appears to be an almost exact knock off of here done by a Japan or Chinese leadership group based on the folks named in the paper. I know that might be stereotyping but I listen to the stereo up real loud when I play music and don't really care much about being politically correct, just correct is good enough for me.

Enjoy your Sunday as well Tom.

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