Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/09/18> “Seasoned with Sult N Papper”… yes there is.

in #dailydose6 years ago

What is Seasoned...

If I didn’t have enough things to do already I have gone and found another one to do. I really must be guzbuckin crazy, but “Seasoned with Sult N Papper” isn’t going to be as an ambitious undertaking as the Daily Dose has been I can assure you of that. I know the first question someone is going to ask is, “what is, "Seasoned with Sult N Papper?”

Well the smart ass answer would be “everything” or at least everything on my plate but this isn’t time for being a smart ass. In case you haven’t seen or heard there is a little brother that popped up that is the spitting image of Steemit.com on the inner-web or spider web; what other web names are there for the internet?

The only differences...

It is on the internet though and it looks like the only difference is that it appears to be right hand, as when you look at your page, all the categories of tags are on the right side of the page and not the left like here on Steemit,com. I never gave it any thought that steemit is left-handed, but I guess it is.
The only other difference as far as I can see is that it has its own crypto currency as well.

Maybe it is the moon...

The name of this place is Weku and I signed up over there on Saturday, don’t ask me why. It might be I do that kind of the in the month of September now as I am getting older. As most of you know, I signed in on here for the first time last September 12th so it might be something to do with the phase of the moon or who knows what else.

Familiar names and faces...

I didn’t spend much time over there but I did see a couple familiar names from the #steemitbloggers group have made it there already and are starting to set up camp. It doesn’t cost anything to set up an account and virtually everything is the same so even a guy like me who is technologically challenged didn’t have a hard time doing it since I had already gone through the process here.

Yea, "beta"...

It also is in “beta” and I don’t know who is behind it or any of that; but beta seems to be the way of life over here and so I am sure that it will some issues as well and not be perfect; but we haven’t experienced perfect yet to even know what it is like.

Weku has rewards too...

I wasn’t around here at the start of steemit so I don’t know if there were rewards for referrals, was there? Weku has that; I don’t what those rewards are but I did get a link to share and if want to take a look or sign up for an account feel free to use my link at the bottom of this Daily Dose.

My premonition...

I have a premonition that the bots like Cheetah bot and some of those others that scan the web for “similar” content and then threaten to ruin your REP are going to be plenty busy in the not too distant future because I have seen some exact posts here and over there at Weku.

Questions without answers...

Will Steemit survive with this competition that is so eerily similar? Will Weku be a hit and run accidents that has people just go over and gawk at for a little bit and come back home here? I don’t know the answers to those questions and chances are no one does. So, I have stuck my nose in over there and I am going to sniff around a little and just see.

The price is right....

It didn’t cost me a dime, and neither did steemit, so at least I have nothing to lose in the deal but maybe a little time.

Speaking of....

Speaking of time, I still need to figure out just exactly what my next couple of days posts are going to be, it is my first anniversary coming up on September 12th and I do want to do something special, besides the book review I have already promised and will deliver on.
Keep your eyes post here for the Daily Doses on the 11th and 12th I do know for sure there will be SBI being given away and not just one or two shares.

Damn, I just had the most worse thought. Where is Jerry Banfield by the way?

Until next time,

Weku ? Just like a little brother to steemit. Take a look for yourself. This is a referral link

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Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 253 (9/10/18)

Sounds interesting but I struggle to kepe up with Steemit, ad the other things I do offline, so I may pass on checking it out for now

I know exactly what you are saying, I am kind of in the same boat, but I just wanted to get the information out there for people to know about. I did set an account and look at it as possibly a "beat the rush" type thing in case it does really take off.
My primary home for what I do isn't moving from steemit but it could be some opportunities to experiment around with some things over there.
Trust me when I say it is a clone, if you ever go over there you won't have any issues figuring out how to do things that is for sure.

I do similar have accounts on many sites, but Steemit is my main focus :)

Well, I'll probably sign up just to use your ref link, but the problem I see for me is that I don't have enough time to fullfil my commitments on Steemit. So taking on another platform at this point probably isn't going to get it for me.

You see, I haven't been here a year. I'm about 4 months short. I promised the first day that I was going to give it a year, and a year with my undivided attention (like that's possible). I'm sticking with it.

Unless, of course, you start talking a Mercedes SUV out of the proceeds of Weku.

Urrrrggghhh. I coulda gone all day without seeing JBs name :) That's just a horrible way to end a post.

So, enjoy your freedom Sunday. I'm really interested in how that whole thing plays out. I have a really hard time imagining that any church can afford to let a (presumably) check writing member and a very promising new member for something as silly as not wanting to return copyrighted material.

Good Sunday to you my friend.

Well, I'll probably sign up just to use your ref link, but the problem I see for me is that I don't have enough time to fullfil my commitments on Steemit. So taking on another platform at this point probably isn't going to get it for me.

You and me both 😅

I don't have enough time to fullfil my commitments on Steemit. So taking on another platform at this point probably isn't going to get it for me.

There are not enough hours in the day to fulfill the requirements of keeping up with a lot of new platforms. They are multiplying like rabbits, just like the cryptocurrencies. How many of those are viable? I am sticking to what I know and try to make a success with one thing at a time.

I stumbled into a Narrative community (or three) so I'll be doing a little bit of that too, but yeah, I agree with your sentiments whole-heartedly.

No free time for me, either. I can barely keep from embarrassing myself here on Steemit, and what I do post is usually hit-and-run.

Yes, I might go edit that last line out since I went and check their white paper and read their team members, he wasn't listed in there. But is was a worst thought at the moment I was finishing up.

Today only one family member will be at church, that would be the youngest boy. The girls are all at a girls scout camping trip and the oldest boy has to work today.

I figured I would just post something over there very infrequently or maybe use it as a place for experimenting with some ideas. The white paper reads almost exactly as the steemit one from what I can remember from when I looked at it.

It appears to be an almost exact knock off of here done by a Japan or Chinese leadership group based on the folks named in the paper. I know that might be stereotyping but I listen to the stereo up real loud when I play music and don't really care much about being politically correct, just correct is good enough for me.

Enjoy your Sunday as well Tom.

hmmmm. hadn't heard about weku...they have digital currency payouts like Steemit? May have to check it out! Interesting. thanks @sultnpapper!

Yes they do have digital currency payouts just like here and it is a clone of here for sure it wouldn't be hard for a person to adapt in there. You are most welcome Birdie. Thanks for dropping by today.

So, what are your thoughts on mirroring your content on both sites? From your tone, it seemed like you disapprove, although maybe that’s just me reading into it.

I don't disapprove of it per say, I am just not going to do it. I think I am going to do something totally different with it for me. I am thinking along the lines of an advice column. People can tell me their problems and being that I am an old man with a lot of years of life experience I might just be able to offer a bit of advice that they could examine and consider.
We all look at things with a different set of eyes and what one person might not see another can.
But as for other folks who do the mirroring thing, that is up to them to decide on. I don't see anything wrong with it, just not my cup of tea.

I mostly ask because that’s the only way I think I could fill two different sites with content.

Although as you say, if you make it into something different/experimental, then you can play around with it and have some fun. Maybe shorter form stuff will help with the bandwidth.

Either way, I’ll be sure to use your referral link!

Thanks, I don't know what that gets me but as long as it is not a poke in the eye with a stick I appreciate that you will use the link. I might wear my safety glasses while I do this stuff, one can never be to careful.

Heh, my thoughts exactly... if it’s using the same code, I hope there’s not a way for it to read your Steemit keys. I can tell you what, in the name of safety glasses, I think I’ll make sure to use it only from a different computer.

I actually hadn't thought about that but I would doubt that the people who are behind would go to that extreme, but you never know in this world do you.
They did make an exact copy so it may be just a diabolical plot to skim everyone's account in some major scheme to take over the world of decentralized social media by theft.
Oh the rabbit hole you may have lead us down now...

Thanks for alterting us to this (me anyway - I'd never heard about it before). I think WeKu will be the first of many Steemit clones (if it is the first). Which is ultimately a good thing. And I can see the advantage of being an early adopter... but I think Steemit is the Bitcoin of monetised blogging blockchains, so I'll stick with this one for the time being.

You are most welcome, it is good that I could alert you to it so at least will be informed. I don't necessarily know if more clones are a good thing or bad thing when it comes monetized blogging block chains, so I will test drive it and see if it has any advantages or disadvantages. Steemit will be more home base for sure as far as what I see me doing.

Personally, if I was going to write on another system, I would probably head back over to Minds. It uses the Ethereum blockchain and is set up more like a social network. You could say that it is the decentralized version of Facebook. I was there for a while, then decided to invest my time on Steemit. There are some parts that I really enjoy over there, but the lack of curation means that people are stealing copyrighted content and writing with out citing their sources. If they added curation, it would be a pretty good platform. Maybe I will go poke around to see what they are up to.

I never heard of Minds, but that shouldn't surprise you or anyone else as I am not well versed in the world of crypto and social media. I have this one and a couple other semi dormant ones that i look at very infrequently.
One of them I only open once a year and make one post annually and that is coming up in a couple days. I don't even bother to look at anything while I am in there, just post two words and leave.

I do the exact same thing!

My "friends" on FB get one post a year from me and it is actually three words not two, so I stand corrected; "Wake Up America".
That is it and I go back into the darkness.

Damn, I just had the most worse thought. Where is Jerry Banfield by the way?

If there's a dime to be scrounged there, you can bet he's on Weku.

Well it was a thought and he probably will be there as well.

Just like that song Monday Monday...my lamentation this Monday morning is the song Time in a bottle & the words going round in my head is ...there never seems to be enough time to do the things I wanna do...
But good not to put all one's eggs into one basket mr Papper!

If time could be bought in a bottle I would be at the store picking up a couple of cases of it right now, never seem to have enough around here.
I can see someone now posting a picture of a wrist watch in an old wine bottle as a reply on this thread.


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