I Am Now A Curie Curator Here on SteemIt!

in #curie6 years ago (edited)

Curie logo borrowed from https://streemian.com/guild/curie

In my first days here on SteemIt (now nearly a month ago), I discovered some videos from @jerrybanfield and @joeparys. Those videos were extremely helpful in my learning process. One thing they both casually mentioned in one of their videos was @curie. The mentions were random as they spotted them listed in their upvotes list, or being referred to elsewhere while they were looking at their computer monitors and recording their videos.

With as much as I learned from their videos, I found myself very curious about what @curie was. I started reading and investigating, finding as much information about them as I could. Then I went and joined their guild at https://streemian.com/guild/curie ... or so I thought.

Once I joined that site, I found a post by @krishnendukj and another by @katrina-ariel that I thought would be great to propose to Curie. I headed over and tried to propose them. I was surprised when all I got was an error message when I tried them both. This led me to head on over to the Curie channel on the SteemIt.chat site to see if someone could tell me what I was doing wrong. Luckily, there are other people out there on my same sleep schedule. It was about 2AM CT and yet I had a response within twenty minutes or so.

@carlgnash explained to me that I am not a curator until I have been recommended by a Curie top curator, and I have to be accepted before being able to propose any posts for curation. He then directed me to his Curator Bot and explained how it all worked. Once I showed him that I might be a good curator, a process that included sharing a link on his bot page to show him what I thought was an exceptional post worth Curie curation (I went with @katrina-ariel 's post 5 Reasons Why THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Changed My Life because it included more text and a good personal story that I and many others would identify with) and then critiquing a couple of the other posts linked in the comment section so he could see what I thought about what others felt were good enough.

After that, we started talking on Discord, and for the past week and a half or so he has been mentoring me and helping me figure things out. When I was testing his process for finding good posts, I found two really good posts in about 90 minutes. These were posts from people I had never seen before; they weren't people I follow, but instead people I found who happened to post some really good stuff while I was looking.

These two posts can now be found on my page as I also resteemed them as part of the Newbie Resteem Initiative #newbieresteemday that I am also a part of.

A day on set with Judge Judy -- or -- Proof that I was right

Freezing My A** Off: First Visit to Cryotherapy

Since I was not yet a Curator and had to wait for Carl to become eligible again to nominate me, along with the fact that he really liked the posts as well, he proposed them for Curie Curation. They were both accepted soon after and got the upvote from Curie and their trail. If you check out the posts you will see this has a big financial side for the authors @jpgaltmiller and @magistra, with their expected payouts sitting around $115 to pay out tomorrow. The Curator that proposes an accepted post also gets a finder's fee from Curie. (10 STEEM)

Apart from the financial side of things, the reason I wanted to become a Curator is because the Curie Guild's goal is to bring attention to exceptional content here on SteemIt. They also want to draw attention to authors who are consistently adding good content to the community but who have mostly gone unrecognized with little or no payouts on their previous posts.

This is of course part of the goal for the Newbie Resteem Initiative as well, along with helping newbies figure things out in the community. My own personal goals, since I am a part of both groups, are 1) to help the Newbies coming in through the initiative, 2)occasionally be able to give them that big boost on an exceptional post when I see it by proposing their post to Curie, and 3) curating posts myself through other means to also propose to Curie.

Please keep in mind that being a new curator I am limited to just 5 submissions for now. Also, to be proposed to Curie a post has to be exceptional in some way. While that is a relative term depending on your own personal views of what makes a post exceptional, there is a standard that should be easy to spot.

With that said, please, if you read this post and come across an exceptional post while resteeming content as part of the Newbie Resteem Initiative, or just from some of the authors you follow, let me know. If it meets the Curie standard and I have submissions left, I will gladly propose it to try to help get these good authors a nice upvote boost. Please don't be offended if you what you thought was good enough doesn't make the cut. When warranted, I will do what I can to get it recognized by Curie.


wow... this is awesome @randomwanderings :) ... I'm very excited for you and also for both organizations you are involved with.

I'm excited for #newbieresteemday intiative because we have a founding member that can teach us how it works, what to do, and guide us in the future.

I am also excited for @curie because they have someone who not only understands quaity, but also understands what is important in life. I think you will be an asset to any organization you are involved with.

And finally I'm excited for you. One of the hardest things to do here is to get the respect of people above you. That is how you will eventually rise through the ranks. You have done so and in a very fast way. I think you will see your star rising quickly and I know you deserve it.

Thanks for the kind words @ilovepoorpeople! I certainly look forward to helping both communities grow, and having a unique perspective where I will be able to use each one to further the other's goals.

that's awesome and we will all be better as a result of this. even if just so we can learn what to look for

You are just the sweetest @ilovepoorpeople! I don't spend much time on here but when I do come on, I always come across a kind or supportive comment you've made. You are just awesome and I'm glad we met! :)

thank you so much for that comment beeyou. you made my day. you also make some nice and supportive comments too =)

I'm so excited @randomwanderings. This news is so cool! You are going to validate the fact that there are many ways to make steemit work as long as you want to either make the steemit community better or you want to help out people in real life. I am so happy to have you as a teammate and founder of this new (but potentially great) project.

This is the big time and you will learn so many things that you can share with us. Like @goldendawne who is involved with @qurator, you will be able to give insights and advice that will help us "littler" people grow and get strong.

You are blazing a new path and will be leader for many to follow. I am so happy for you individually and for both of the groups you are aligned with! If I have your permission, I would like to write a post about this tomorrow. It is a perfect example how someone with a heart and a desire to succeed, found a solution that will change his path here permanently!

Once again, thank you for all you do and congratulations!

ps. Let me know if I have your permission to brag about you a little bit.

pps.. You made a great decision on picking @katrina-ariel .. she is a natural and has a magnetic personality!

Yes feel free to post anything. Let me know if you have any questions. This covers most of the Curie questions you might have - https://steemit.com/curation/@curie/curie-whitepaper

Really though, right now my limit is 5 submissions per week, but I can work up to have unlimited submissions soon. Once that kicks in it will be great to be able to get some of the resteemed posts submitted for the big boost. If you could let everyone know that if they come across one of these exceptional posts to let me know. If it meets the standard and the timing is right I will do what I can to get it submitted and get the authors some recognition.

Yes, @katrina-ariel 's timing worked out perfectly. I knew if someone didn't submit her before I became a curator (once you get "Curied" they aren't likely to do it again unless a lot of tie passes and the post is totally different but still exceptional, so if someone else had submitted her I wouldnt have been able to.) that she'd be one of if not the first I tried to submit. Then she posted that great post like two hours after I got accepted.

cool... I'm going to get this out either tonight or tomorrow (depending on how my energy level is) ;)

Cool. Day 2 has gone well too. Just got @krishnendukj 's newest art post added with a great upvote. https://steemit.com/art/@krishnendukj/green-eyed-girl-digital-art-and-process
This is fun! lol

Seriously glowing over here. So happy, so grateful.

Kudos to you, too @davemccoy, for everything you do! I think a post about @randomwanderings is a fabulous idea! :)

Congratulations @randomwanderings! That's wonderful that you are now part of the curie guild and the newbieresteemday initiative. Best to you with discovering more talent and I look forward to reading them!

Thanks @beeyou, I love having the chance to be able to help others along and share their great work.

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I'm still not really sure what curie is but it sounds as if you do have to be active in people's posts and feedbacks. I need like a step by step of what to do per day to understand this better. Also, congratulations! upvoted you!

Hi @suematters, Check out the Curie Whitepaper which should help to explain what it is all about. https://steemit.com/curation/@curie/curie-whitepaper

Basically though, Curie is a guild whose goal it is to find exceptional content and authors who might otherwise go unnoticed. To do this there are curators who search day and night for these great quality posts and authors. Once we find one we submit it, the content is then reviewed by another team and if accepted it will get an upvote from Curie and its curation trail which results in a substantial overall upvote.

Hooray!!! I'm so happy you're working with @curie! I'm also hugely honoured that one of my posts inspired you enough to nominate it. Wow! Thank you so much for your encouragement in my first weeks on Steemit (I'm on day... i dunno, 16 or something now?) Helping newbies is crucial, as Steemit can be overwhelming, but it can also be so much fun!

I'm super inspired by your dedication to create a better experience for minnows. Gratitude and brightest blessings to you! Keep being awesome, and Steem on! :)

Sweet! You also just became my official first curated post!

And you're officially amazing! Thank you so much!!! Please pass on my gratitude to the @curie team. The post you boosted is so personal and raw and real... I'm tearing up over here (with mommy hormones it takes very little to make me cry, but still...)

Seriously honoured and massively grateful. Sending hugs from Canada!

You definitely deserve it, as does the post. (and many of your posts) You really do have a way to pull people into your story. Happy to be able to do it.

Of course liking 80s music videos, Rocky Horror, and now The Muppets is also a big plus. lol

congrats to you too @katrina-ariel... it was only a matter of time til you were discovered, but I'm super happy that @randomwanderings took the time to showcase you!

ps I'm not sure if you have "officially" accepted membership in #newbieresteemday, but if not I will give you an honorary degree to "newbieU" ;)

Why thank you. :) I'll have to come back when I'm rested (I'm up past my bedtime, again) and check out #newbieresteemday again. I don't resteem much, honestly, but I LOVE to comment, and I have been delegated some SP for a month (this minnow got adopted by the amazing @topkpop), so I'm happy to share the love!

I will give you a hint so you don't lose any sleep. If you just be you, then you will be supporting our mission. (Resteeming is a very small component). The main thing is we want to help each other to grow and prosper. I know you're in, so you can now go get your rest, so that energy level recharges to 1000% again ;)

This is amazing and will be resteemed for sure!!!

You have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday ... I made today my #newbieresteemday, and invite you and others to do the same. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

I'm so very happy for you, I know you'll do a great job because I know how involved you are with looking out for quality posts and giving constructive feedback, I wish you all the best! :)

Thanks! I hope some of that feedback has helped. Your art is very good and needs to be seen by more people.

Oh it definitely has :)

Congratulations. I hope I can be a curator too 😊

Thanks! Even if you can't get in as a Curie curator there are other groups doing similar things. And while our #newbieresteemday may not provide the big upvotes it can help many people be seen a bit more.

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