The Daily Sneak 31 August 2018 - with guest curator @porters

in #curation6 years ago

Welcome to The Daily Sneak!!!

We reward quality content, AND content curators! Come for the crypto, stay for the community!

You can earn up to 5 SBD per accepted submission for guest curating The Daily Sneak. Submission requirements are published at the bottom of each edition of The Daily Sneak.

Today's guest curator is @porters. What a treat to welcome a new guest curator into the fold, and what stellar selections and commentary, too! Welcome to The Daily Sneak, @porters!

I live in the boreal forest of Saskatchewan, Canada, where I garden and harvest from the wild. I study herbalism and like to share my knowledge of the many benefits of herbs and other substances harvested from the wild. I also work part time with the Pre-K children in the "Play and Exploration" program. I delight in opening young minds to new wonders of the world. I share some of my expertise in the book series I have written "Bringing Out the Potential of Children" and I like to share it here on Steemit too!

The Sneaked Selections

A positive take on our current world and the concept of “paradise”

I love this positive take on life in the current times, how valuable it is and how fortunate we are to be living in these times. @dedicatedguy points out many things we take for granted, like access to information, good quality food, more freedom, and choices in education.With all the darkness and negativity in the world it is good to have a light shone on the positive things in our paradise on earth.

Re-think "Success"

This all starts with the question of what would be a "successful" life to you? Drawing you to look deeper into what holds meaning in your life; giving you lots of inspiration and examples of folks who had the courage to follow their passion and went on to do big things; A much needed shake up, to check in and see if you are going the direction you truly intend to go in your life, and what possibilities there may be if you take heart and follow your bliss.

Companion Planting - A Must In Your Garden

For all gardeners out there, here's a well put together article to give you some more arsenal to have your plants thrive and work together protecting each other. This companion planting information is given in quick to digest infographic form, and points you to more info if needed.

The Cultivated Apothecary: Week 7 Edition 1: Homemade Shower Cube For Congestion, Upper Respiratory Issues & Allergies

What a wonderful article for making your own home remedy. This one is homemade Shower cubes for congestion, upper respiratory issues and allergies. Read her directions for making this or watch it being made in a video. Then do it yourself and add it to your medicine chest!

Getting to Know Herbs: Motherwort

This article had a special appeal to me. I have a keen interest in herbs, and @krnel does a very thorough job on this herb, Motherwort. He gives its qualities, history, where it is found, a description, and its many uses.


Excellent first curation form new guest curator @porters, with amazing selections and thoughtful commentary! For submitting these excellent articles and commentary, @porters earns 5 SBD.

Each of these highlighted articles receives full upvotes and resteems from @thedailysneak. In addition, @thedailysneak sponsors featured writers for Steem Basic Income!

Submission Requirements

On to the submission requirements for The Daily Sneak:

  1. You can choose from 2 to 5 articles for your entry. Submissions with only one selected article will be ignored.
  2. All articles chosen for curation need to have been published within the last 5 days before your entry. It may take time for me to publish your curation, and curated articles need to be within the reward window when your submission is published.
  3. You cannot submit your own post for curation. Selections from nsfw will not be accepted. We also check for plagiarism and only highlight original content.
  4. Selected posts should have less than $50 in total rewards and have not previously been curated by The Daily Sneak.
  5. We try to spread the love around, so while selections from authors that have been highlighted before are welcome, they might not be included if the author's last inclusion was recent. Similarly, if you include two articles from the same author in one submission, we will typically highlight only one of the two.
  6. Be sure to include your personal bio for me to introduce you to readers, and make sure that each selection has commentary. This can be just a few sentences about why you think the selection is worth our attention, or what is great about it - something that will make people want to click through the headline and check out the actual article. English is preferred, but other languages will be considered as long as English translation is included.
  7. Please use this web form to submit your entry.
  8. Including image links to the source article is not required (and we prefer to leave some mystery if photography is highlighted and the article has only one photo.) However, we like to include images in The Daily Sneak, and not including any image links may decrease the likelihood of your submissions being published.

If you include more than 2 articles in your submission and not all are approved for publication, your submission may still be published into an edition of The Daily Sneak, as long as at least 2 articles are approved. This could happen for several different reasons. If you are unsure why an article was cut, please review the submission guidelines again. If you are still unsure, feel free to ask politely why it was cut.

Submission Reward

A brief biography of each guest curator will be included in the edition that uses their submission. In addition, each guest curator will receive 1 SBD for each article from their submission that is highlighted in The Daily Sneak. That's up to 5 SBD for each accepted submission!

Right now @thedailysneak's upvote is not worth as much as we are paying for guest curation. Why do we pay so much for guest curation? We believe that quality curation is very important to Steem. Paying our curators well encourages them to spend more time reviewing content and picking out the best pieces!

Banner headline sourced from Pixabay. All other images are sourced from the curated articles. Published commentary about articles are the !originalworks personal opinions of the guest curators, and may not represent the opinions of The Daily Sneak or its editor.


Thanks @porters and @thedailysnake. I feel honoured to see one of my articles in the list above :0)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank-you for having me as a guest curator and for the rewards!

We get a lot of submissions from people that clearly didn't read the guidelines at all, so it's always fun to see what we get when submissions come in from somebody new. I was super impressed by the quality of your commentary and selections! ...and really grateful that you followed all the guidelines.

I enjoyed doing it! thanks for setting up the initiative! Is this something that I can continue to contribute or are you looking for new curators to feature? Thanks so much for the STEEM too!

You can continue to contribute. We mostly do first come first served with submissions that meet the quality threshold, so don't expect to be published every day, and if a submission is skipped it might be because there were too many queued before it and the articles aged too much.

Okay! Good to know. Thanks!

Thank you so much @porters and @thedailysneak

Deeply appreciative for your support and sharing

Hi @thedailysneak!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 2.387 which ranks you at #17467 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 48 places in the last three days (old rank 17515).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 450 contributions, your post is ranked at #257.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • Only a few people are following you, try to convince more people with good work.
  • The readers like your work!
  • You have already shown user engagement, try to improve it further.

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Thanks! I really appreciate what your team is doing. I think the evaluation is a nice touch to help people see their areas of improvement!

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

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