Sept. 15 -- Steemit Ramble -- Notes on My Favourite Reads

in #curation8 years ago

I’m late getting started on my Ramble today. I spent a few hours writing a post about the burning of the SS Noronic in Toronto Harbour in 1949. There is a family connection to that for me in that my mother’s best friend, Eileen couldn’t be maid of honour that day for my parents wedding because of the fire. 

So, I’m going to start off today with a link of my own as a favourite read. But keep in mind, I’m biased :) 

Burning of the SS Noronic. 

I have about 30 posts open and off I’m heading to do some reading and finding my favourites on this 13th day of my challenge. 

Boosting Leadership Skills = Healthier Happier You and Your Workmates

Leadership doesn’t always come naturally and if it does, it pays to be aware of the needs of those you are leading. A leader is only as good as those who follow. @booky takes us through various aspects of leadership skills and how to engage them. 

Myths in the Sky: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

The constellations we see in the sky all seem to have a link to ancient history and mythology. @senseye is creating a series to share about those stories. This one is about The Great Bear and the Little Bear. Not a long read but a good one. 

The Lame Game of Blame

@the-alien writes about the blame game that is so active in some parts of Steemit. People holding forth on all that is wrong with the system. Often post after post, comment after comment. They may feel justified in what they are doing but it is really disheartening to the people who come here and work to make the system work instead of trying to game the system. 

I’m not a person who has had great success but I can see, day by day, bit by bit I am moving up. Not by posting about all that is wrong, but by actively seeking out what is right and good. By trying to create content that others enjoy and appreciate enough to upvote me or follow me. 

Why Do I Bother....

@fitmama expresses some of the despair and frustrations we all feel at various times. Well written and descriptive. It’s not hard to find yourself some where in that post. 

Wall Street's Ethical Behaviors: Are we not also accountable?

@mlialen writes a straightforward post about corporate social responsibility. He points out what most of us are guilty of, complaining about the behaviour of corporations yet not taking that to heart as part of making our purchasing decisions. Company profits continue to grow because we don’t speak with our purchases. I’m just as guilty. 

NaNoWriMo!!!! 6 weeks away! Come join a Steemit writing team!

@reneenouveau has made a great suggestion here to work together to support each other for this annual event, the National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of November. You can think about the novel but not actually start until Nov. 1st. 

I am not a novelist, yet. I know I couldn’t be one in November. It is a brutally busy month. But I think this a great concept. 

Memorial pictures of my dog (RIP)

It’s always hard to lose one of our fur buddies. @modernbukowski shares some pictures of his buddy who recently passed. He looks like a character who has his master well trained to give him lots of loving. 

Seriously, what is a STEEM witness? Why should I care? How do I become one? (Answer)

I keep coming across references to ‘Witnesses’ on Steemit and wondered what it was all about. @someguy123 writes a post to try to explain what a witness is and how they come to be. Some of it was a bit techy… but I understood more at the end than I did at the start, that is a plus. 

A Bribe from a Criminal - What Would You Do? [Your Participation is Requested #3]

This post is kind of different. @voltarius lays out a scenario and then asks you, the reader what you’d do. Pretty well any answer can have an argument for or against it. Could make for a good discussion if more took part. 

Where in The Heck are Dan & Ned?

This is a fun post by @fat-like-buddha. Ever done the Where’s Waldo game? This is a variation only hunting for Dan & Ned. If you want to play, don’t look at the comments until you finish. 

Wrap-up of Day 13

Well, this has been an interesting day. This is the first day that I’ve tried to write two posts in one day. My Ramble and another post. I had a lot of interruptions when I had planned a day of pretty much uninterrupted work. So, the fact I have gotten both posts done. I’m happy. This one wont be long getting ready to go up. 

Subscribing to My Posts

In addition to following me on Steemit, which I really appreciate. If you want to be sure to know about every post, you can subscribe at my other blog. I’ll send you an email when I post.

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on 

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post. 

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile 

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Good choices, keep to the good work :)

Honored to be included. Good summary, thanks. Upvoted :)

Thanks for the shoutout here, much appreciated!

Thanks for the mention, much appreciated. And thanks for pointing me to other great reads!

There are some good ones, that is for sure

Thanks for taking notice of my little fun post. It felt great to get away from the serious writing and do something fun.

Thanks for including it in your post!

Thanks .. I included it because it was fun. We all need some fun :)

What a cool thing to do! (following for more of these)

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