Everything is Economics

in #freedom7 years ago

When the principles of economics are applied only to things that can be valued in numbers, we miss out on their most important lessons. We tend to think of economics as "stuff having to do with money," but many exchanges of value occur without being counted in numbers at all. Every human interaction can be better understood as an economic exchange. We might think this cheapens interpersonal relations, but it actually elevates them.


Drawing an arbitrary line between what is and isn’t part of the economy limits our understanding of how rich we all are, and keeps us from properly understanding our most important relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. We don’t need paper or numbers in a relationship for there to be a great exchange of value. Even in a simple conversation, we are exchanging our time, energy, ideas, and attention. Every voluntary interaction happens because those involved think it benefits them. All voluntary interactions are economic transactions. Is marriage not a voluntary exchange of our most valuable assets of time, love, and affection?

When we arbitrarily separate what is and isn’t considered economics, we diminish the value of that which we exclude. Pretending these principles don’t apply in some situations encourages irrational behavior based on misunderstandings and inaccurate evaluations. This also creates openings for manipulation. The current system of measuring value that excludes relationships diminishes them and elevates the part of the economy prone to government manipulation. By expanding our concept of the economy, we can see the greater value in life that governments can never touch, and just how insignificant governments really are when it comes to the true sum of the human experience.

Chapter 6 Section VI From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.


Yes, maybe it's time to try to leave "normal life" and live a freeer life without taxes and a big brother society that monitors and demands.

Great post, @adamkokesh once again. 100% upvote for you, sir. What you're saying here is so spot-on right. It is very similar to what Ludwig von Mises said in his classic Human Action, which helped him win a Nobel Prize in economics. Economics is about people relating to people.

Thanx of all the great info you continue to give us, Adam. Keep up the good work!

Exactly! Thank you for the support brother!

All 100-pages are a combo of many of authors like Ludwig von Mises. Adam admits he didn't come up with this stuff he just put what he has read, learned and experienced in to his own words. If you haven't read the whole book yet, you should and heck Adam will even read it to while you drive, workout or mow the grass. You can download a Free e-copy in all the formats out there and it comes in most languages. FREEDOM is always Free at TheFreedomLine.com/Freedom @steemthatshare @sydesjokes @steemthat @steemfleamarket #Freedom4All #2018EuropeanFREEDOMTour The schedule is out!

i agree! I have read Adam's book, FREEDOM, and love it. It is an easy read, concise and packed with great ideas not only on philosophy (very important for how to live) but on practicality. I'm a huge fan of Adam Kokesh and love his work.

Thank you, @fhstralow for your comment. I look forward to connecting with you more down the road.

And economics has become a system of control... Fortunately we now have an exit from government manipulation.

Thanks Adam Kokesh for staying in the fight and trying to educate the masses. I think the first time I came across you was when you got arrested for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial. A lot has happened since then. Stay on mission.

Thank you so much for the continued support!

Why was ur book banned?

I guess because it teaches about freedom of the individual and how to not be slave, which I guess is against their policy, though prison is supposedly a rehabilitation center...

Lol. Freedom? Individuality? Those are terrible terrible things. Lol. Hypocrites!

Adam, I gave you an upvote and it actually took a penny away. That is pretty sad I have that much voting power. We can't all be content creators or have that much Steem. To me the up-votes (Likes), resteems, comments and promotions are more important than the amount of $$$ my vote can get, although, $$$ is what makes the world go around or holds the world in place. I heard that this guy in Hollywood is paying $750,000/month for rent or was, he is buying the house now. Even if I had that kind of money I wouldn't pay that kind of rent. I would be helping people and would rather give it away and help feed people. That kind of money could feed a lot of people. I don't understand why in this day and time there are still people going to bed hungry and don't have a safe place to lay their head at night. Maybe you should do a special illustrated edition of FREEDOM? Hey talking about FREEDOM, your 100 page e-book makes a great Christmas gift, Holiday present or for any reason you can find to spread FREEDOM. Get your Free e-book at TheFreedomLine.com/Freedom. Be sure to check out @steemthat, @superiorcoins and @steemfleamarket

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

Very interesting message! This is what my IB economics teacher constantly tries to show our class!

Thanks for the post Adam. Sorry I was late to the game on reading it, but I will keep an eye on your future posts. Really great explanation here and now I'm beginning to read through your book.

Hi @adamkokesh, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

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