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RE: December 6th -- Steemit Ramble #133 -- Curating Great Posts for You

in #curation7 years ago

As I write this I’m reaching over my tomcat as he lays on his side across my lap snoozing. So, no, I’m not attached to my feline friends at all.

And as I read this, I am reaching over my own beautiful, long-haired orange tomcat as he snoozes in my lap (his very favorite spot in the whole house.) I work this way more than I want to admit (publicly and out loud.)

All my life my animals have been my best friends ... and they have consistently treated me better than most people I have known. I do my best to return the favor.


My tom just lays his head on my leg while I'm working on the couch. I'm grateful he doesn't actually try laying across my lap as he's a 22lb solid mass of muscle. The queen lays on my chest for me to work around. She's smaller.

Mine isn't that big, thank goodness. He will be 2 on March 24 (my birthday!!) and when he tucks his head under the keyboard he's actually not in the way. I think he stayed small deliberately. He is such a hedonist!!

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