Preppers' Curation Day- Weekly Edition 6

in #curation6 years ago


Badge by @facelessmyth

Prepping Curation

There are many posts and curation pages displaying a wide array of topics, but yet have I discovered one solely dedicated to prepping, preppers and survival; and if there was one before I have not seen an update in months. So, in my endeavors to curate more topics under the main umbrella of homesteading, self-reliance, off-grid living and more, I will be doing a weekly post every Monday dedicated to preppers.

Topics I will be searching for include (but not restricted to):

  • Prepping
  • Survival
  • Self-reliance
  • Self-sustainability
  • Bushcrafting
  • Food prepping
  • Protection (of home, family and possessions)
  • DIY Health
  • 2nd Amendment concerns
  • Gear and supplies
  • Skills & DIY Instructions

Now keeping in mind these posts will be written by other steemians, considered good quality and not plagiarized.

When I find new posts in the above mentioned topics that meet criteria I desire the posts to have, I will post in upcoming Preppers Curation Day Weekly Editions and let the author know of the sharing and curation.

I will be looking through the Preppers Discord group and channels and taking recommendations from fellow preppers in the same group and community.

Curation Schedule & Days

See my full post here

10 Items To Include In Your Self-Sufficiency Plan: Power Grid Failure by @liquidtravel

Obviously the most pressing issue related to a power grid failure is the loss of power. This means everything from sanitation, refrigeration, food prep and cooking, lighting, communications, and transportation could be affected. Usually, a power outage only lasts a few hours, maybe a full day, and "most" of us will have the necessary supplies on hand to handle this kind of emergency. But, what it the outage lasted longer?

Survival Skills - Learn to move quietly and stay out of sight@fernowl13

I was watching a Sci-Fi movie on Amazon Prime last night. It was about a major and long-term power outage and the people living and/or passing through this little town. It was so memorable, I can’t even remember the name, but there were several scenes where (I’m sure it was in the script but…) the actors were supposed to be hiding, yet they were making enough noise to wake the dead.

A CME, An EMP & A TREE - Prepper Considerations @preppervetuk

Coronal Mass Ejection - CME
Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics – T.R.E.E.
Electromagnetic Pulse / Phenomena – E.M.P.

Any good Prepper should have carried out some form of assessment in order to establish what they are preparing for. There is however, a threat that lies with us no matter where on the planet we reside, this being the threats from Solar activity CME/Solar Flares and Nuclear detonation.

Check out the Preppers Online Edition here

Preppers Discord Server, which you can join by this invite link -



As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Hi Dawne, thank you for continuing to produce these excellent curation posts.

I have spread the votes across the curated posts, except one.

I am no longer voting on the posts that are getting the bulk of their rewards from bid-bots as for me that is somewhat at odds with the principles of manual curation.

I may move soon to not voting at all on bid-botted posts.

Prepping curation, thanks for doing this!

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