Muxxybot update, changes, and curator callsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #curation7 years ago (edited)


@Muxxybot is primarily a curation account, originally started for Minnow Support Project members, but now expanded to include all minnows. Those of you who follow my blog will no doubt have noticed there have been no curation posts for a little while. To be honest, I am snowed under with various different projects. The past few days I have toyed around with a few different ideas for making the account more productive, while also creating less work for myself.


Knowing @sammosk as an ideas man, I approached him and sought his counsel. He wisely suggested I seek more community involvement and recruit some curators, tasked with the mission of finding worthy posts for Muxxybot to curate. Of course, there will be a little incentive to help out so I have restructured the Muxxybot voting percentage rules to reflect this, as follows:

The Numbers


  • 5% - starting rate for curators, earned on every post they make.
  • 15% - featured posts earn this on author's every future post. 10 SP or higher delegators also earn this on every future post.
  • 20% - featured post by a 10 SP or higher delegator.
  • 25% - delegators 100 SP or more earn this on every future post.
  • 30% - featured post by a 100 SP or higher delegator.

Curators who already happen to fall into one of the categories above will get 5% rate added eg. previously featured post = 15% + 5% = 20% for being a curator. If they also delegate already, then the 5% is added to that rate eg. 100 SP delegator + featured post = 30% + curator rate = 35% upvote on all future posts.

In addition, the curator rate grows with involvement; every featured nomination adds 5% to their rate. I will monitor the situation and tweak these percentages should the need arise.

The Chosen Ones

How will I go about selecting curators? Good question, glad you asked. Initially I am looking for 4 curators, in addition to @sammosk. In order to coordinate the curation task I will create a room at the PALnet discord server and add a Muxxybot curator role - with your own sparkly new colour. I will throw this open to MSP members first.

If you want to offer your time as a curator, reply to this post with a link to what you deem to be a worthy post for Muxxybot to feast his robotic eyes on. The only criteria is that the author is a minnow (not necessarily an MSP member) and that the post has at least 3 days remaining before payout.

I will ask for up to 2 nominations per day from the curators. The curators will be asked to vote on their favourites - not including their own nominations. The posts with the highest curator votes will be featured in Muxxybot's post. They will each receive a 100% upvote from @Muxxybot and be added to his voting rules for all future posts. I will also resteem Muxxybot's post for greater visibility.

If you are not already a member of Minnow Support Project, join HERE. Delegations to Muxxybot are most appreciated. Visit THIS LINK for information.

Please apply below, as previously discussed, if you have the time to dedicate to this project. Thank you.

Check out my art contest HERE

Original image source. Muxxybot design by @overkillcoin.
Muxxybot page divider by @kristyglas.

Proud member and supporter of the #minnowsupportproject - brought to you by @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem, and @canadian-coconut
Click HERE to learn more


Master good master....*....

This interests me. I'm already a 10SP delegator. I will sure want to enter as a curator. Let me go fetch a post...


Great submission, consider yourself a Muxxybot Curator.

Wow. I'm more than honored as I accept this huge responsibility. I will do my best to the service of curation of amazing content for @muxxybot.

Happy to have you on board.

Wow. I'm more than honored as I accept this huge responsibility. I will do my best to the service of curation of amazing content for @muxxybot.

Thank you

Ill give my two votes:
Here is one I have just come across about a bad storm in Montreal by @carolynstahl

Here is another I came across earlier today from @spikedgiraffe. Its about a guy and his wicked little pet!!

I will be able to help more next month as I plan to take the month off and focus on crypto and Steemit the whole month !!!! :D

Thank you, I shall have a look at those posts.

Welcome to the Muxxybot curation team.

No way!!! Awesome... I cant wait to help :)
What happens now kind sir

I will sort out the details and let you know in PALnet

I feel there's a clear preference on Steemit for certain themes, such as cryptocurrencies and Steemit issues, while authors who write about other topics such as science don't receive much attention.
Therefore, I would like to apply to be a curator and support underrated authors.
Here's my application, an interesting article by @dber about Clyde W. Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered Pluto.

Thank you, I shall have a read. Muxxybot is very much about supporting underrated authors.

I love that story, presented well. Are you in PALnet?

In that case, welcome about the Muxxybot Curation train.

Great. Thanks!

No time myself but you guys are doing an awesome job! Upvoting and resteeming.

20 SP delegated to @muxxybot well done.

Thank you!

Thank you for the mention sirmuxxalot. Looking forward to engaging in this process. <3

Have a resteem and upboat.

Much obliged

Waiting on my delegation to return from minnowbooster so I can distributed to MSP, and I'm going to delegate to muxxy as well (as I promised months ago). I don't have as much time to curate, but I'd be happy to lend my time!

In the meantime, here's my link for consideration as a curator:

Being that you're the father of an artificial bundle of joy in muxxybot, I thought you'd appreciate it. I know I did. Clever, creative take on the functions in our brain.

I love the creativity of that post!

Consider yourself a Muxxybot Curator.

I might be interested in participating, but I will be limited communication in October probably. Is that in issue? Also, how does one define minnow? I can never figure out the lines...

Typically I think it is under 5000 SP account value.

I have just Delegated 20 Steem Power to @muxxybot
I am making a post about it and I will drop the link here
I wish you a lovely time

Thank you very much! Added you to Steemvoter rules.

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