Nigeria arise: @destinysaid Nigerian community curation report #1

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

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Clearing a few things first, I hope to be dropping this once a week , around 9pm ish west African time, for as long as possible. I hope to update you all with my activities as a promoter of Nigerian content.

Hello steemians!
Being an introvert, it is with a little difficulty that I tow this route, non the less I feel it important to do so. @ehiboss already wrote a wonderful piece here about how @donkeypong got in contact with 5 of us and what our duty as Nigerian curators have so far been. But to those who know not, here's a recap of what went down there;

What went down.

  1. @donkeypong got in contact with @gbenga @ehiboss ,myself @destinysaid, 2 other well known Nigerians on steemit. The goal of this meeting was to find ways in which the Nigerian community on steemit could be grown to become self sufficient and strong.

  2. We were entrusted with the responsibility to curate and promote Nigerian posts. A good amount of steem power was allocated to a central account to give good Nigerian posts a boost, so to speak.

Work done so far

Since given this opportunity and responsiblity, a lot of posts, good posts mind you, have been helped out anyway we could, be it in form of upvote, resteems or commenting to keep the conversation alive.

NEW Nigerians are not also left out as well. Guides written by us though the guidance of @donkeypong have been put out, things you ought to know on steemit and tools needed to make your steemit experience smooth. Links to some great guides are given below;

Three ways to write great and quality posts

Great steemit tools to know as a nigerian

Using the Nigerian tag

Eradicating plagiarism and the boost original creators need

Nigeria arise!

Image source

A long distance still needs to be transversed in order to get to the desired level we want the nigerian community to be.

unfortunately a lot of Nigerians currently on steemit fail to do basic things like spell check, proper referencing of images and quotes, or even proper use of tags.

As time goes on, links to existing topics on such subjects, and new links to reflect the current situation, will be dropped on our various outlets so both new and existing NG steemians could learn from them. This is especially important because people often follow a set of general rules when curating works.

Support for the community and Africa

Despite the move to build the Nigerian community, my blog states "upcoming steemit ambassador to Africa" and it has been saying that for 3months now. I'm a very afro-centric individual, favouring anything African, to anything foreign.

please if as an African, you're not on Africa united of steem chat, please leave your username in the coment and an admin will add.(please I don't own the group, gavvet, and 2 others are the admins there).

Africa united is a community on steem chat that hopes to bring africans together and to promote African related content.

Proper use of tags on your posts, its important to use the Nigeria tag whenever possible.
Ultimately it is my wish that the Nigerian community waxa stronger.


Hi, I am Nigerian (and thus African) and not on the Africa United steemchat. Hook a brotha up 😃

I am of course @edumurphy.

Sure thing sir Ed

Can't seem to find you on steem chat though, are you registered there?

It's been great to work with you so far. This community is really coming together, thanks to the hard work of people like you.

Thanks sir D :D

Great post. Am registered on SteemChat as @pearleu

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