
My thoughts...

Amazing work and uh oh! curation!

As you will find out shortly, this bot has annihilated the competition in my curate for rewards league this week!

Honestly, I hope it does not scale but am also very interested if it does and have to applaud the skill here, before I go away thinking, uh oh! curation!

Thanks @abh12345! I'm super excited to see how well it performed in comparison to the other (probably mostly manual/human) curators.

Very nice @crokkon!

It's pretty incredible that you're hitting so many curie posts. Particularly without any historic analysis of previous upvotes. Your bot obviously has good taste!

What would interest me from the "how does it perform curation wise" section is a graph of curation reward per post, showing whether the bot is hitting consistently good returns, or doing extremely well on some posts and missing on others (but still averaging out really well overall).

Fascinating stuff and, as always, pushing analysis to a higher level!

Thanks @miniature-tiger!!
Great remark on the rewards per post - I've just added a graph with the distribution of the rewards per vote. So it seems it's a bit of both: With only median rewards per vote the bot would already achieve ~80% of its current curation rewards. Having a few big hitters on top makes up the remaining 20%.

I will be looking close at your experiment. I would like to use my little steem power to curate better so the whole platform can look more interesting for newcommers.

I’m going to present the other side of the coin for you.

Personally, i think it’s extremely bad. Bots and automation absolutely kill the spirit of a social community supporting quality creators and content. I see more and more people - and bots - here strictly to game and generate maximum returns.

This is supposed to be more than cryptocurrency staking; it’s supposed to be a place where we connect, support, network, and grow as creators.

I’ve been lucky enough to be supported by some of the bigger curators. But it’s a double-edged sword. It’s false in many ways. Because too many of the votes I’m getting are bots and hustlers who aren’t actually reading my content or supporting my hard work. I’m not gaining a following or an audience...even though it appears so on the surface. I’m simply being swarmed be “curators”, most of whom couldn’t care less about what they are casting their votes for.

I discovered you and this post because you upvoted a friend’s comment on one of my posts. (Not my post, mind you.) So I decided to check out your blog and possibly connect. Imagine my surprise upon learning that it was likely an automated vote based on whatever bot you’re running. I have to tell you that from my perspective, it’s pretty insulting. It’s like those people who set up 18 bot accounts that do nothing but comment and upvote each other’s comments.

This just makes me incredibly sad.

Hi @outrayjust,

thank you for your honest opinion, this is highly appreciated! I understand your frustration and I think I and probably a lot of other users are actually in a similar situation as you. There are a couple of bots and a few "real" people with an auto-vote list. The fraction of voters that actually read and interact is probably small.

it’s supposed to be a place where we connect, support, network, and
grow as creators.

I think the main problem is that this is not enforced in the current implementation. Steem has way more aspects and I'm pretty sure this was intended by the creators. Some aspects clearly go against the principles you listed above and make this a stake-weighted place with closed communities and strong financial interests. But not all are "bad" IMO. I wouldn't be where I am today without utopian, rewarding "work" much stronger than the social aspects you mentioned. Still I think it's a great application for Steem. I don't see Steem without bots or automation to happen in the near future, no matter what I do.

For curx, you've probably read my motivation for doing it above. I have limited time to spend on Steem. I could leave my VP idle and let the few big players earn even more. I could set up an auto-voter and vote for the same 10 accounts in my "inner circle". I chose to at least spread some of the votes with curx. There are some returns, and it's more than my main account makes with curation, but it doesn't make me rich. I don't take money for votes and the votes aren't worth very much. I still like the fact that I reach way more authors than with my manual votes. I can say that I at least briefly read most of the articles curx votes on, some of them I read carefully and I definitely found authors with it that I wouldn't have discovered without. Still, I read them only after the vote.

The comment voting is a new thing since a couple of days and highly experimental. I'm not sure if this works out and if I'll stick with it. Things are a bit more complicated there and you might guess that the vote was not because the comment picked up a great aspect of the main contribution. On the other hand it probably didn't add much payout value to the comment.

I'm very sorry that you feel insulted by this automated vote.

@crokkon, I appreciate your response.

I’m a professional writer and artist. And as I’m sure you know, these talents and skills are less and less coveted and rewarded in the modern world. So this little experiment is extremely exciting for me. It’s dripping with potential.

I just don’t want to see it become a generic, automated shadow of what could be; the Fiverr of the crypto-world. But often that’s how it feels.

I’d like to see it flourish as a true community of creatives. Or maybe one needs to be built and monitored as such. And while I’m not a technophobe in any way, this is one place I’d like to see real people doing real work. And it’d be amazing if quality actually was the measure of merit.

What can I say...I’m a hopeless dreamer.

This initiative is great. Just jumped unto your account after seeing you have upvoted me. Thank you by the way.

Thanks, great you like it. Leave a vote as well :)

I am really not an expert here on Steemit, but from my limited understanding (being so new here) I feel the Steemit community will be the loser if these voting bots and now your curation bots are used by a lot of users. The social aspect will be ruined and quality will degrade.

If Steemit were ever to reach even a sizable percentage of say the facebook userbase, most of the users will not be technically savvy to use these bots, then why will they join this uneven playing field?

Thanks for your opinion, your points are absolutely valid. I agree on paid upvote bots and try to mostly avoid them myself as well. I wouldn't say bots in general are bad and especially content based approaches like utopian can bring a completely new aspect to steem. For my curation experiment here with the time I'm willing to spend on steem, I would never reach such a broad user base with manual curation. It feels slightly better than setting an auto-voter to always the same people. On the other hand I haven't really "read" what this account votes on. You see, I'm myself still undecided...

Yes, I understand that it may become difficult for someone to curate content from tens of thousands of Steemians... it will be interesting to see how things work out eventually. I have learnt in the past few days that without paid upvoting, its very difficult for minnows to become hot or trending, so that tempts me as well....

Well, as a manual curator, this sucks coz a bot outdid me :D but this is certainly an interesting experiment. Not sure what the future implications would be, but I would certainly like to know the timings of the votes... This does allow a way for idle accounts to do curation and not only spread some love, but gain some cool SP.

Thanks for you comment, @jznsamuel! I just looked up the data, at least @curx didn't vote before any of your votes :D
I'd like to keep technical details low here at the moment, I hope you understand. But I guess you're long enough on steem to know the tools to find the information that you're asking for... ;)

Hello, your 'curx' bot is stealing people's curation rewards. It is not acceptable.

Dear @monajam, with all respect, but this is not true. The steem reverse auction system ensures that each voter, human or bot, has a chance for curation rewards by choosing a trade-off in the vote value wrt to the post age. My bot even votes after the reverse auction time, leaving all options to people. In your case, you actively gave up all curation rewards by changing your vote. This was your decision, you threw money on the street for the public, don't blame others for picking it up.

This is not true.
I have observed that when you upvote a comment, that has not been upvoted by anyone, you get all the curation rewards. And, in caseyou upvote your own comment, you get 3 rewards (i) 2 rewards in the form of SBD and SP, called author rewards, (ii) 1 reward in the form of SP called curation reward.
I am trying to grow my account, and when I self-voted my comment, curx immediately upvoted my comment, and after the payout, I saw that I got 2 rewards only (author rewards), and all the curation rewards were taken by curx. Curx is following me, and I don't want that. Please solve this issue.
I had a look on the steemd of curx and I have noticed that it is upvoting comments that has a large payout, and take the curation rewards of the people. It is a serious issue which you need to resolve.
Thank you.

I think there is a misunderstanding how the curation system works. If you change your vote, no matter if it is a self vote or a vote on a comment from somebody else, you give up all curation rewards for that. You would not receive curation rewards even if curx wouldn't vote on that comment. It is not taking curation rewards of the people, it is taking rewards people declined. If you want curation rewards for votes, don't change the vote.

Yes, I know that. I did not change my votes before. It was only yesterday that I discovered that all my curation rewards went to curx. So after that, when I self-vote and curx vote after me, then I un-vote. In this way, I lose my voting power. I have this SP from someone and I have it not for ever. I just got a chance to grow my account, and now, I am stressed because of this. I would be grateful if you have a look at the issue; may be check your code, and test it for yourself. At least, help me stay away curx from me :)
Thanks a lot for understanding.

There is no issue. The screenshot you showed above are both situations where you changed your vote.

edit: here are the details:
#1: you unvoted here and revoted here.
#2: you unvoted here and revoted here.
You lose any curation rewards once you change your vote, no matter what you do afterwards.

If you vote once and keep that vote, curx will never vote on that comment.

Thanks a lot. Curx didn't follow me after that. I appreciate your help :)
One thing I would like to mention is that I know that I unvoted, but when I 're-voted', curx came after that. Curx was not there when I was unvoting.
Anyway, I am glad curx didn't come again :)

thanks @monajam, glad we could figure this out :)

One thing I would like to mention is that I know that I unvoted, but when I 're-voted', curx came after that. Curx was not there when I was unvoting.

Keep in mind that you give up all curation rewards once you change your vote, no matter what you do afterwards. So even after the revote, you aren't eligible to curation rewards. This means that the curation share of your vote is distributed between all other votes who didn't change their vote, even if they vote only after you.

OK, then I wait, and when it happens again, I let you know. I don't change votes, and this is not one, but 2 votes.
Anyway, I will let you know if it happens again, and you will see that curx vote AFTER me, not before me, and that, I didn't change the vote.
Thanks and have a nice day.

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