Finding Good Curators for Delegation ๐Ÿ“ข DELEGATION CONTEST ๐Ÿ”Š

in #curation โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)
Scroll to the bottom for the contest

If you're a stakeholder that leases delegation, you might find that the people you delegate to are not adding any value to the network that gives your token value.

For instance, the list above of accounts selling upvotes to anybody regardless of the quality of content. Note there are few views and the comments are almost all bots. Rewarding this content makes it difficult for good content creators to attain a reward for their more engaging content. Advertising does not bring people to social media networks. But good quality or popular content does, and in the past it has been these satisfied content creators who later invest in Steem Power. If these people leave before they reach that euphoria that entices them to invest, the STEEM network is only left with people trying to make money from their own posts, but with no interest in other peoples. These people are far less likely to invest in STEEM if they can just continuously purchase upvotes with the money they made from the last upvote.

13 out of the 23 people delegating from @freedom are selling their upvotes. Apart from @utopian-io and @dmania who rewards the content creators for using the platform and makes @freedom a beneficiary of all post rewards, the others appear to be upvoting anti-socially.

You might argue that people are inherently selfish and there is nothing wrong with upvoting yourself. I would argue that too much of anything can be bad for you and it is up to the major stakeholders to decide and hold each other accountable for what is too anti-social. This is the reason we were given the downvote, but punishing those who purchased a service from a major stakeholder gives us a catch-22 where the STEEM network suffers from appearing to be a scam either way.

In her recent post @whatsup asked if user retention is even important anymore. I would argue that if it isn't, it's because the quality of content is no longer important since you can just continuously earn STEEM and SBD by leasing delegations and selling upvotes. She also made the important point that "Anything earned easily isn't valuable and will not go up in price." The reason this is important is because when we had people buying steem and powering it up it was not easy. Now that you can sell upvotes and delegation - now that you can buy upvotes and delegation - it is easy.

This might seem OK to some.

For the large stakeholders selling delegation and upvotes, this is a profitable way to make money. Even though a stakeholder with 500'000 SP would make $5'000 every time the price of STEEM goes up by 1c, this is locked up in Steem Power which has to be powered down before taking it out. Selling upvotes and leasing delegation on the other hand allows them to stay powered up while they continue to send what they make to dump on the markets.

The small stakeholders however are here to increase their stake in the platform. And instead of buying Steem Power to do so they are buying upvotes or renting delegation. The price at which they buy gives them just enough SBD to pay for the next upvote and the same value in Steem Power. If the power of STEEM were to go up, this could eventually become profitable for the small stakeholder. Unfortunately this system creates very little demand to buy STEEM. Those people who do buy it to purchase upvotes are more likely to lose more money than they make due to the price of STEEM continuing to crash as the stakeholders selling upvotes and delegations dump their liquid profits on the dieing market.


Well that really depends on the response from this post. If the stakeholders want to turn STEEM into a place where stakeholders make money but content creators and curators do not, then I do not wish to be part of this. Instead of investing their delegations in bots that drive good content creators away from the platform due to only advertising getting rewarded, stakeholders could be investing in good quality curators like we have seen from @ned, @stellabelle and @fulltimegeek and I've explained exactly how you can profit from this in my last post.

Finding good curators is hard so let me help you!

I do understand that there is a risk in delegating to people who don't bring any value to the platform. For this we could set up a referral or recommendation system. Here is a list of curators that I deem to be people who would be great curators from what I can tell from their charts. If you are a large stakeholder selling upvotes or delegations, and you want to see the whole network grow rather than just make money until this unsustainable system implodes, then consider some of these minnow curators, who retain users on the platform and make nothing for their efforts to bring value to your token.

10% max on one account

@zinovi of Bulgaria, @ammonite from Ireland , @anaman in Africa

@oluwoleolaide from Africa, @harrywolton from Pakistan, hafiz34 in Saudi Arabia

@oendertuerk in Germany, @iwrite from the Philippines, @heroic15397 USA

@sanmi who hosts the caption contest, @techtek who's a developer and @rakkasan84 who's a veteran.

@armshippie , @molovelly , @artsygoddess three great community curators

@illuminatus of Nigeria, @xyzashu from India, @yandot from Indonesia

@bambam808 who hosts SteemitsGotTalent, @udibekwe from UEA and @daudimitch from the Carribean

@johurulbot from Bangladesh, @jonknight who is a fiction writer and poet and @limabeing who hosts the GirlPowa community

@thekittygirl from the US, @jakemore from Ghana and @RiskDebonair from Ireland

@jodipamungkas from Indonesia, @tinypaleokitchen from Belgium, @erikaflynn from Ukraine

5% max on one account

@kaykunoichi from New Zealand and @ehiboss

@maintain4real-eu from Nigeria and @myeasin

@salmankhoja from Pakistan and @rehan12

@clayboyn and @guiltyparties who are both witnesses

@steemitgraven29 and @otemzi who are excellent engagers from the Voices of the Underground

Given the chance these people (and many other good curators) would do wonders for this network, retaining users from within their communities for long enough to turn many of them into investors. We could encourage good quality content that brings investors to steemit. We could turn this ship around so that not only do the current whales make money, but the people giving value to their token make money too.

Join us on discord

I will soon be hosting a contest to win 3000 SP in delegation. Please join the server above and register to enter.


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This as been an issue for quite sometime now, we all agree that every steem power holder as every right to use it the way he/she thinks is the best.
But why not try another approach?
Say, trust these little minmows with certain amount of steem power and expect them to bring back your investment in form of curation rewards same time retaining new users to this great platform and helping out quality content creators.
Supported and fully resteemed

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

Great post, I'm also a bit concerned about this. I do feel upvote bots and delegators has a place in this community, and they do help the community, but I think the owners should always have a team, who quality checks the material, and blacklists people who abuse them. Though it's obviously not the main income, the community is what makes steem different.
I've used minnowbooster since the start, but I always work hard on my posts. Now that I've gotten some more SP, I'm delegating a bit to minnowbooster, but unless I stop upvoting irrelevant one sentence comments for them full of typos, I will stop using them all together.

For the past few weeks I've been working with Buildteam (the guys behind minnowbooster) to make it more friendly to content creators, communities and curators. So far - they've improved rates for community account SP leasing. I am hoping to get them to do more.

Glad to hear it. Like I said, minnowbooster all in all does help the community, and I have seen progress, that's why I'm still delegating, but some moderators would probably be in both their and the community's interest.

I am still trying to better understand how the content quality vs profit balance can work best and we discuss it a lot on the minnowbooster marketing channel. :)

Personally I don't see any bot promoted post as an abuse. Apart from maybe plagiarism. But I see the selling for a price that appears to make a return but does not as an abuse.

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

I personally think the abuse is when you use the bots to promote garbage, other people's work and comments that doesn't bring anything to the platform. As long as you put in the work, I have no problems with them.

One mans garbage is another mans treasure. If everything were manual voting on this system we would still be fighting over who got what, but I think it's important as a community to learn to respect other views and opinions because we are so multicultural and full of different philosophies, but we could do with mutual respect for what people value.

I concur, still I think we can agree that ''great post I upvote and follow you, please upvote and follow me'' is not something that should be upvoted.

I do agree. But isn't that the same as "send sbd and I upvote you" or what it usually says "this post has been upvoted by this bot that has a name that sounds like it's helping you"

pretty much, unless you've used a service

Why is a service any different?

Who are you to determine what is garbage and what isn't?

What I consider garbage is spam, I think we all can agree that it's bad for the platform... Also the content is not relevant to me, it's the amount of work put in. You can easily see when someone put in work on a post, if people keep paying to upvote stuff they just blurted out in a minute, it's gonna hurt both this platform and our investment.

All stakeholders have the right. Though I do see it as more destructive to downvote than upvoting the content stakeholders or their delegates prefer.

To have good curators is not the problem but ensuring they are not auto voting is where the problem lies, as those producing unique and good content will be left out, it is now food for the thought to have good curators, in my own idea am thinking that whoever you to delegate to. Also select those to monitor who may later get the delegation if the first set of people are not making proper use of such delegation.
Thank your @beanz for your support to steemit community the whole community love what you are doing.๐ŸŽ–

I support this wholeheartedly. I curate and comment so much more than I post, and without the little whale delegation I got, it would mean very little.

One small note: power corrupts. So these delegations need to be small, relatively, to prevent abuse.

It could also be large if the delegator is willing to keep them under check. People receiving delegation should be told what not to do with it and that they run the risk of losing it if they do. Most people don't need to be told, but it puts them in an employee mindframe.

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

Yeah, I occasionally poke my patron, steempty, on Facebook chat to keep him updated on what I do aside from voting a lot for good content. Having mutual real-world friends helps a ton in maintaining reliability. If I fuck up, it's my real world good name on the line.

Thanks for sharing your post on Pimp Your Post Thursday on Discord.

Great to hear you on voice chat again.

Wow, this is such a great post! It reminds me that I've beeb slacking on the curation efforts myself, lately. I've been too focused on trying to promote my own posts to try to raise funds for a trip home. But I do plan to go back into my 75/25 curation/posting habits soon.

I love the work that you do, and I'm glad you bring up this problem in the community. Someone had to say it, and I'm glad it's someone with such gravitas on this platform, because your voice is always guaranteed to be heard by the masses of Steemit. I hope we can come up with a good solution to this!

A little embarrassed with my self vote percentage. Super happy to see my name up there though!

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

You shouldn't be. You still have a minnow vote, and I'm currently hosting a contest that will encourage minnows to practice voting a little more socially, for the day they might get some delegation, so I hope you'll enter.

Yessss I will. Thanks beanz

Wow Sir @iwrite is mentioned according to the list. Congrats Sir!

Thank u for your concern to the minnows. You're so kind @beanz.

Sir @iwrite is one of the best curators on my discord server. I follow his blog and love his resteems.

I donโ€™t think clay is a witness, but he is an excellent curator. Iโ€™m excited to see who wins your 3k delegation

I'm not a witness but I seent it.

Oh oops, thank you, I think I've made that mistake before

This is the "Trough of Disillusionment"

Same as bitcoin in 2014/2015.


Huge developments in the next year. SMTs subtokens with add a variety of different monetary and distribution properties that will help with the platform inequality. STEEM is quietly changing from a social reward token to the liquidity and security token of this ecosystem. SMT will be the Layer 2 technology that will really move this network forward.

STEEM = (investment/liquidity/security) token

SMTs = (reward/community) token

I've been shown that chart before. I think it was a few months before steem hit 7c.

7c. Amazing time to buy. If only I had been up to date with the changes to the network.

STEEM will go through many more booms and busts before we succeed.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65733.39
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51