Ask Me Anything And Drag Me Into Conversation - Steemians I Need Your Quick HELPsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

Ask me anything

The time is ticking and I need your quick help!

See the ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ TIMER

Here it is what's all about

7 days ago I joined @merej99's Community Challenge "Putting my money where my mouth is."
(You may find my participation entry under her post, deep down among other comments.)

My Entry to @merej99's Community Challenge

Challenge Requirements

Basically, the challenge has only 3 main requirements that might seem as easy ones at first glance but in fact, they are not.

  1. Post minimum 7 posts (1 per day) until challenge ends
  2. Each post must have minimum 300 words
  3. Have minimum of 500 comments until the end of challenge

There were some other requirements but above is the crucial base. My main problem is those 500 comments which I heavily lacking. If I calculated that well I'm missing about 350 comments. I tried my best to accomplish that one too. But, not wanting to post some stupid comment or those spammy ones like "Nice," "Upvoted" or similar, I must say it wasn't easy to find 500 quality posts on which I would have something to say in reply.

Therefore, I came up with this idea.

Ask Me Anything And Drag Me Into Conversation!

If I calculated well my missing comments for described challenge I would need 40 volunteers to ask me 10 questions or 80 volunteers to ask me 5 questions. You may ask all your questions in one comment if you prefer and I will answer each one as a separate reply.

You might be asking yourself...

What's in it for me?

My current voting power is at the moment something around 88%. So, here it is what I can offer you in return:

  1. Every comment with question/s I would upvote with 10% of my voting power and I will continue to do that until first 50 comments is reached. As this would also be a voting experiment, after placing 50 upvotes I would check my voting power. If my calculation is right I would be at around 79% of voting power. If that turns out to be true, I would keep upvoting your comments with 10% of my voting power. If NOT, I will reduce my upvotes to 1%, to be able to upvote following possible 300 comments after which, in that case, my voting power would be drained to almost total zero.
  2. As well, every commentator would gain my Follow (no questions asked) and I promise I will keep following you for at least one month. If you continue to post quality and interesting posts after that 1st month you will stay on my following list. If not, I'm sorry, but I'll have to unfollow you. I hope it wouldn't happen.

The remaining time

As I'm not quite sure when exactly the challenge ends, is it at midnight 00:00 meaning the beginning of July 18, 2017 or at midnight 24:00 meaning the end of July 18, 2017, I would take the worse case scenario as valid. Meaning, that from now (at the time of publishing this) on, I have only 17 hours to go.

So, let's go!

I'm counting on you!


Edited the Timer, as I just found out that I have one more day to meet the goal!

Posted on Monday, July 17, 2017


hope you're close to your goal ana-maria! I'm brand new to the site but appreciate the creativity you're showing to engage on a more meaningful level! <3 You've given me great food for thought!

Closer yes, but still not close! 🙂

BTW - Thanks for the questions so far @kooshikoo (upvoted, answered and followed) and @scalextrix (upvoted, answered but no need to follow as I was already following). 🙂

So how's your challenge going? what is the thinking behind your contest have you ever question it?

The challenge is over! - For me, it was a great experience and for some things even eye opening experience!
So, in short, even I didn't manage to cross the line on time, I'm not regretting even a bit for being part of it. 🙂

Oh that's too bad. Wish I would've seen your post earlier. Three hundred comments easy lol Have a good day

It's OK! 🙂 And thank you, @dreamingirwin like you did it (seen my post earlier and helped me).
Well, it wasn't that easy as it might seem at the first glance. To be honest, I didn't expect it to be as hard as it was. Not to mention, that I ran out of Bandwidth several times during the process. That's something I wasn't even aware before it exists. 😉

I read an article that said there was a glitch in the bandwidth last week, but they fixed it later. I ran into the same problem.

What are your top 5 musical artists/bands?

It's a hard one for me to answer as I don't have specific artist or band I would be a fan of. I'm more like if I like a song I like it and it might be the only one I like from certain artist or band. However, in general, and as an old school girl, I like a lot the sound of the '80s although I don't feel stuck there. So here are some things that I like...

1) Freddie Mercury and Queen

2) Tina Turners - Simply The Best

3) Almost every performance by André Rieu (The King of Waltz) and his Johann Strauss Orchestra

4) Almost everything by my fellow citizens Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser, better known as "2CELLOS" for whose performance Elton John said:

“…Go and see them live, because it really is astonishing! I can’t remember seeing anything as exciting as them since I saw Jimi Hendrix live back in the 60’s…”

2CELLOS - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction [Live at Arena di Verona]

5) Another great performer from my country, but piano player Maksim Mrvica. His performing skills and interpretation may be best seen by playing 'Flight of the BumbleBee' or 'Kolibri' that I'm bringing you here.

But I like the most him playing Wonderland 🙂 as it is very bright and spirit lifting melody for me. Just close your eyes and listen. 🙂

If this challenge was offered again in the future, would you do it?

hahahaha - You read my mind!
Yes, I would, but next time I would join earlier, right at the beginning (if I do not miss it) and I would equip myself with heavy artillery. 😉

That might be a good idea. I can't believe we're nearly done. It's been exhausting but a lot of fun too. I don't know what I'm going to do without this crazy pace!

I believe you would first focus on your 'steps' you've mentioned earlier. The graduation of your two sons, applying for a passport, blogging on Steemit to earn enough for your travel to Lisbon. Remember? 😉

Great idea! And thank you so much @kooshikoo for helping her out!
@ana-maria we also have two fun, interactive posts. One is called GIF WARS and the other is 20 Questions where several of our challengers have used them to cross the finish line! That being said... Let me see if I can come up with a couple questions for you too. Gimme a minute :)

Thank you, @merej99 for all your great support!
I noticed that "20 Questions" post and already been through it laughing myself off.
As soon as I finish replying to the question here (arrived while I was sleeping) and finish my final post entry, I will take a look on that "GIF WAR". You can bet on it! 😉

I'll probably be heading off to bed in about an hour. I'm trying to publish the Daily Diary before I go to sleep. It's already 3:20 AM here. Ah... I don't think I'll ever have a regular sleep schedule!

Can you add my post afterward, by editing it as I'm afraid I wouldn't finish it before you go to sleep?!

I've got your latest post in the list...just hit the button to publish it. Don't worry. Get your editing done. It's not going to change the link so you should be okay to take your time with it.

Thank you very much, again! 🙂

Are you planning on attending Steemfest in Lisbon?

I would love to, but I'm afraid I wouldn't have that chance. Maybe next time.
Although, I'm still hoping. You never know, something might change in the last moment.

I've got to focus on steps. First step. Get past my sons' graduation, one next week and the other graduates in three weeks; apply for my passport; keep blogging on Steemit and hope the value increases because this is going to be my travel fund! LOL

I'm 'crossing fingers' for you to succeed! 🙂

Thank you! I appreciate that :D

Can you name 5 of your favorite Steemit content creators and tell me WHY?

That's not an easy one!
However, things are as follow...

1) and 2) @uwelang and @littlenewthings are my old friends from some past time from some other platforms. As content creators, I like their vivid spirit, positive energy, and supportive attitude, while at the same time always being ready for some jokes and fun. As well, I think I may say that we learn a lot from each other, or at least I've learned a lot from them.

3) Then I would place you, dear @merej99 - As you are maybe just a month older Steemian than I am, and having a chance to find you at the very beginning of my arrival here, I remember my first impression and thoughts I had reading your articles. It was something like: "OMG, this woman is normal! Thank God!" In other words, I like you being YOU. As well as for above two, I like your positive energy, extremely supportive attitude in constant chase of finding new ways how to help others and each other, selflessly sharing information, tips, and tricks, new findings etc. And besides all of that, still being a very approachable ordinary woman with all your flaws and virtues, especially when you bring them to light and show them to us in a funny way.

4) Here I would put my Steemian friend @velimir who I would never find or meet if there wasn't Steemit, although it happens to be that he is my fellow citizen. I like his Motorcycle travel stories, and that's in fact, how I found him, in the first place. He is a genuine young man, also very helpful and supportive, with traveler and explorer spirit, lot of positive energy (although, it might not be seen always and at the first glance). Here on Steemit, he is sharing his motorcycle travelogues about the places, some of which even I never visited although I'm living here and they are not very far to reach. He inspires me! I also like chatting with him, and in the moment waiting for his return to town and looking forward to our first 'Fellow Steemian Coffee'!

5) I was arguing with myself a lot about that 5th place. But if I want to be honest then I have to admit it belongs to Jeff Berwick or better known as The Dollar Vigilante. I found him (same as you) almost at the beginning of my arrival to Steemit (through that second profile, first). Contrary to what might be general thinking, not because of his huge and I think still an unbeaten success on Steemit (although it was the initial reason why I found him, in the first place), but because of his somewhat controversial and intriguing personality.
Although I wouldn't agree with him (especially at the beginning) for many things, he managed to keep my attention. Besides those things I would rather argue than agree with him, he shared with the community a lot of good stuff. As well, he evolved a lot from times when he arrived here till today. For me, it was not only fun but as well educational to watch him grow in certain aspects and through the changes connected with it.
Despite the fact that he might be at least very provocative (sometimes even rude, although much less, lately) I couldn't get rid of the feeling that deep down he is a good, honest and supportive guy in all his sometimes very raw straight forwardness, and that's how he kept me still following him.

I made the list! LOL
I almost never make "the list" :D One of the things I love about Steemit is how real people are. And when you find them, they are treasures. My world has expanded in so many areas because of the people I've met here. Hugs to you.

Hugs to you too, @merej99! For the rest, I can only agree! 🙂

There are many others who would deserve to be on this list, but you've asked only for 5. 😉

How did you find Steemit in the first place?

The whole and full credit for that goes to a wonderful person here on Steemit hidden behind username @kreativ!
She invited and introduced me to Steemit and I can't thank her enough!

I also remember who introduced me to Steemit @phoenixmaid
And I am ever so grateful for her friendship. I "met her" from Bubblews a few years ago and we stayed in touch all this time.

Let's say quite a similar story happen to me with @kreativ, @uwelang and @littlenewthings. We met first on TSU several years ago, went together through some other platforms, networks, and apps and stayed in touch. 🙂

Have you voted for any Steemit Witnesses yet? If so, what was the deciding factor in choosing them?

Yes, I did. Deciding factors were the work they presented or some projects in progress they were developing and which I like, as well as their selfless dedication to improve Steemit or bring new things to it. Sometimes was more of one of those mention things, sometimes the other. Depends from case to case and from witness to witness.

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