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RE: Will Money Be Missed In A Post Scarcity World?

the vast majority of humans will be taken into all kinds of endeavors by their curiosity and desire to connect and engage with others and the human need to discover what we can do and to experience our own prowess.

I think this is undoubtedly true, however what I'm wondering, is will we have a collective will to do? Without industry driving us forward, will the effort of the individual be enough. One person designed the printing press, however it took the commercial will of many to turn it into a daily part of our lives.



True, true but I think that alongside the individual need to create and "do", we also as a species have a need to work together, to do stuff together, to be part of something greater than our individual selves. And whether we'll get too lazy for this to continue I don't know but I like to think that our drives to do, be, create, interact and see evidence of our efforts will rise above everything else. Of course I AM an idealist ;-)

I hope you're right; and maybe it's just a case of new incentives will take the place of the old economic ones. One thing is for sure though, we'll all be a lot happier without it. :-)


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