Do not tell me you panic sold right!?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

It is all about a short term leverage gain.

Heidi Travels warned you, just like I and others did, now keep your eye on the market...

Still holding on to my cryptos

Yes, even when it is red all over the Cryptocurrency/ Bitmoney market, I'm holding on to my current portfolio. It is all there: Bitcoin {BTC}, Litecoin {LTC}, Gulden {NLG}, Digibyte {DGB}, Verge {XVG} and of course Steem Power {SP}. Almost forgot, yet also my Golos Power {GP} is where it was. This hyped soap bubble will happen again and again. Every time the prices get to a new All Time High {ATH} and the Bitmoney/ Cryptocurrency market going to new height levels fast, then it will be triggered. Mostly this is done by automated trading software, also known as bots, that are set to trigger at a certain threshold. Creating a lot of sell offers at once. And most of the time this leads to a huge follow up panic sell.

A lot of FUD {Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt} is being spread during this massive automated sell. And when panic strikes, all cryptos go into the red, then the automated trading software will start to put buy offers at a certain level. After a few days the market will have regained to the levels of the last total capacity, at that time most of the cryptos will start to move back into the green again. Today is was busy with other things, most of the time away from the world wide web. My brother told me while we were busy with some woodwork. He'd bought some Digibyte as well, getting into cryptos too. Had a chat about it later this evening, concluding to hold on to our current porfolio, as soon it will be all in the green again.

There has been spread a lot of bullshait lately

Some billionair, in the financial realm ruled by banks, mind you, would have stated that Bitcoin is a soap bubble. While there were misleading headers that claimed the same billionair would have stated it was the time to invest in Bitcoin. The content of the articles being the opposite. There is a lot of misleading by crypto related social media and also by mainstream media. Even leaving out that banks actually are very involved with 'cryptos' like Ripple and Stellar. It is very important to stay very sceptical towards mainstream mass media and their so called 'news'. There is a struggle between the controlled and centralized financial realm and the free and decentralized cryptos realm. It is healthy to stay aware that the banks have a monopoly on money and cryptos are tough competition.

Also, a billionair in that by the banks controled, centralized and monopolized money realm would only want to keep investments to stay in that realm. So I find it very doubtfull that someone from that financial realm even should be considered to be taken seriously, just think about it. All so called 'news' that comes from instances that normally support the controlled, centralized and monopolized money realm, should absolutely be considered mostly as complete and utter bullshait. Only ment to spread FUD {Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt}, causing panic. Some lies that are being spread like that are even worse, so stay sceptic when it comes from the mainstream mass media propaganda channels.

The upside being that the more 'the dark side' tries to cause damage to cryptos means that 'it' feels the heat of the free decentralized Bitmoney closing in, ready to take over. Just stay calm and keep your eye on the Cryptocurrency market...

Have a good one!

Stay calm, it's a hype!

Artwork^ cc-by-sa @oaldamster

^ Inspired by the works of E. Munch and V. van Gogh.


Great post, I hear you for sure, come to my trollbox! :3 Followed, please follow back.


Thank you, followed you in return. :-)

My time is limited, thank you for the invite, but not enough hours in my day. ;-)

"...It's all a fugazi...", "...They are all addicted...", "...Take the commission home..."
Noted! :-)


But yeah, in this case take that BTC home

My man

What the best time to buy newcomer like IOTA?

IOTA is totally new to me. Did not even know it excisted until it hit the top 10 in the cryptocurrency market. Interesting approach, yet need to dive into that deeper.

For me buying has a lot to do with 'gut' feeling, a hunch and sympathy for a certain project. Also what I think about the technology is important and if it is Free and Open Source.

That is not always the most profitable, but it is something that works best for me. Even when I do lose some in the proces, my focus is long-term.

For me IOTA is outside my field of interest. Yet, I guess that most would state that it is best to buy when the price is relatively low and a huge gain is to be expected. Often that is when it is in the red, or like Heidi Travels wrote: "that is when they are on sale."

But, it is your choice to make, I can only share how things work for me personally.

I think that price right now pretty high, we can compare with BitShare who have about the same number of coins and stable system Steemit, Golos.
I guess question only in how to use it and stable systems created on this platform.
I'm still waiting and looking at market from time to tyme.
Hope soon will be good technical review, because my last post in blog is not enough.

It would indeed help to get more insight it the technical part of it all. That is why I prefer Free and Open Sourced projects. Maybe there will be more technicla info soon.

Bitshares, Golos and Steem are indeed very stable high performance platforms.

More info is always welcome it can really help choose wether to invest or not.

I'm trying to accumulate information in this post
Iota vs byteball added.
Right now looking for transaction speed test and comapring with BitShare

Speed is essential, in my opinion. My view is quite narrow, all those other systems and cryptos are too much to handle for me. Currently I focus on BTC, LTC, DGB, VERGE and NLG. And for the modern tech Steem (Golos), Bitshares and for the future EOS.

When projects are centralized closed sourced, or banks/government connected, I cast them aside right away. But that is my personal choice. The technology of iota seems quite interesting, yet I am short in time as it is, but hope to be able to dive into their whitepaper at a later stage.




It comes cheap right now. ;-)


If I had another few K extra, would buy everything I could get for it, NO THINKING there!



Looks like a lot have lost their minds a bit at the moment. Yet I think a lot of automated selling is involved. Leverage gain proces. Together with the amount of FUD that has beeing spread lately creates a lethal mixture: panic selling.

See where it goes from now, how far the drop and where it stops. But it will get back up, at least that is what I think. As if everything is on sale now...

All I can say, you are right!

Don't want to share my caveman knowledge on crypto :p

I'll just look dumb myself as well;) "HA HA"

How bout I follow you and get more INFO in the future ;)

Sounds like a good investment in own MY FUTURE!


Followed you back! ;-)

Oh, you seem far from a caveman to me, hahaha.
Be yourself, you are guaranteed best at being that.

Thanks for following me!



I don't get the panic.
I get my pension paid into a UK bank and draw it in Portugal as Euros.
Between the banks and the exchange rates I get ripped off regularly.
We don't hear major screaming when fiat currencies fluctuate like that but for some reason we need to be in a panic about crypto.
Nope. If it's cheap buy some more until it goes up again.
Crypto is the new kid on the block so of course there will be ups and downs. Long term though it will all go up and the banks will cry.

Yes, the panic seems strange to me too. Especially because it seems partly FUD innitiated. Yet, like I wrote in a follow up post today: It is hard to argue with panic.

And yes exchange from crypto to fiat can give quite a loss, or a gain on the banks part... The panic selling is a strange phenomena, maybe because the concept of cryptos is fresh and new. And now they come cheap.

In it for the long-term and expecting they will indeed move back up again.

Never sell just buy more!

The time seems about right to do so!

I am pretty sure that we will see Steem over 5 $ at this year. So yes, it is good time to buy more ;P

At least 5! ;-)
My speculation is 12$. So a lot to gain!

Hodl tether, buy cheap and chill.

Looks solid to do it that way.

Of course I dont.

The key point is to always buy more! .)

Very wise!

And it seemsvthey are up for grabs now!

no I haven't ;)
I'm frozen when Im trading he he
if it keeps dropping I might even buy some again :)

Time to double down soon

It seems about time...

Hahaha, very good, keep your cool.
And buy like as if they were on sale. =D

yes.. but I couldn't buy
lost the time waiting for a dive maybe

You know best yourself if and when Ivy. ;-) Looks like the climb back up already started again.

After a dip like this, FOMO starts to take over again.

Oh absolutely FOMO is already lurking around the corner, what to buy now cheap...

Just to bad LiteBit is just about always out of stock :S, like now for instance...

Hm, that looks like many already started to buying again. That is a pitty indeed...

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