Yesterday I Went to the Waves Meetup in Amsterdam - These are my Take-Aways

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I went to the Waves Meetup at the Primalbase office in Amsterdam. First there were some presentations and after that there was a possibility to network with the other attendants and some members of the Waves team (and free beers ;-))

These kind of meetups are one of my favourite activities since I always meet interesting people and I get new insights from the discussions :-)



Let me share with you the most interesting pieces of information I got from the presentations about Waves in general and future developments.

(Update: Jarno from WavesNode was kind enough to share the slides of his part of the presentation with me, so the first images are of much better quality now!)

General impression



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Roadmap 2018

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Waves DEX - Upcoming fiat gateways: CNY, JPY, KRW, CHF, AUD, GPB and RUB (currently EUR, USD, TRY)

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Waves DEX - Upcoming crypto gateways: Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Monero, Ripple and NEM (currently Waves, Bitcoin, Ethereum, ZCash, Litecoin)

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Other general updates: more liquidity for new tokens, better tokens and an investment bank for the crypto world (Tokenomica)

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Team - More than 60 people (slide was outdated) working for Waves including 30+ developers. Waves really focuses on the tech and has one of the biggest core development teams of all crypto projects.


April release


Smart contracts


Recap on smart contracts on Bitcoin



Recap on smart contracts on Ethereum





Comparison smart contracts on Bitcoin vs Ethereum.


  • Has a simple finite funds-protecting script attached to a coin.
  • Can't access data on the blockchain
  • There is no 'gas'


  • Turing-complete programs
  • Read/Write data from/to blockchain
  • You need 'gas'


Upcoming smart contracts on Waves. Version 1 will be more Bitcoin-like and non-Turing complete. Version 2 will be more advanced and Ethereum-like, Turing complete and will be able to handle applications like CryptoKitties without breaking a sweat.









Q&A at the end with some solid questions and feedback


Quite an informative and great evening I have to say. Fully up to speed with all the developments within Waves and meeting new interesting people is always nice!


---> 👍🏼 Follow me for regular updates on my cryptocurrency portfolio, crypto related articles and inspiring articles about personal time & life management.
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor, trader or developer. I am just a blockchain & cryptocurrencies enthusiast. Make sure you do your own research, draw your own conclusions and do not invest any money that you cannot afford to lose.


free beers!!!
i want to see alt coins on waves, not just tokens. and lots of them!

Hahah indeed!

They are planning on adding Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Monero, Ripple and NEM. If you would have to pick, which 3 other coins would you like to see?

bitcoin cash, monero, nem.
i dont like ripple and dash is not as private as they claim.

Nice one - been at the last one in Amsterdam too (December) when they launched the DEX. Glad to see some other guys convinced about Waves. Following you now.

That event was also awesome indeed!

Waves has a great team behind it and the community has a great vibe. Personally I am very happy to see the smart contracts and atomic swaps coming to the platform :-)

Now on my way to Bitcoin Wednesday in Amsterdam. Also a great event and the lead developer/PM of Waves will present something as well.

Good to hear you're convinced too @uwelang!

Agreed, fantastic team - I know most of them. Keep Rocking on the Waves of Success!

A Waves meetup in Amsterdam! I didn't know about this one!
I still am on the fence with Waves. I don't 'get' it but a lot of people, including you, are hyped about it. I've been interested in 'getting' it for a while, maybe I should've gone to this event too

Too bad, you should definitely join one! Then we can also discuss about Steemit ;-)

I might sometime if there's a good one!
Let me know when there's something of interest on the horizon!
Has to work with my work too though, still doing insanely long hours and strange workdays (like this saturday)

What kind of boss makes you work on Saturdays?

I will let you know when something interesting in coming up :-)

Worse: I made these arrangements myself..

Organizing a photoshoot (in Amsterdam :P ) and working with volunteers, meant that saturday was the best time for everybody to be able to show up. So I have only myself to blame!
And about those long work hours... same deal really. I kind of get to make my own hours, but there's just a lot to do and I have a lot of responsabilities But still at minimum wage :(
Thinking that I may as well get a non-serious job that pays the same!

Hmmzzz, well, as long as you get the right energy from the work it is good right :-)

Haha I was just thinking about Waves yesterday when considering alt coins with upcoming events and nice low prices now as BTC figures itself out.

Looks like a well-put-together event that we are going to move into hosting over here. Thanks for posting the info. Nothing wrong with free beers either!

The event was well organised indeed, I've experienced much worse ;-)

waves has a great team behind,
There were token created by waves much easy than ethereum and more cheap than ether.

If ever you like to support the #redfishcoin, a steemit redfish community token. One of verified asset, It will be great of help for redfish awarenes. Updated by @redfishelp

Token creation on Waves is indeed rediculously easy and fast :-)

There were many token created in waves that are useless, and also in ethereum,

True. I guess everybody is just playing around with it a bit. Fortunately that does no harm :-)

Well put together, Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome!

nice. Thanks for sharing.
Would have been good to get more out of your post. Could not really read the slides and you did not really give any more info about them. Maybe you could have asked them for the slides and actually used them instead of only your phone pics.
I gave you a thumbs up. Keep it up.

Yeah, I notice the photos are not great. I'll edit a bit of the info and give some more detail. Thanks for the feedback!

@mastercore: I updated the post now since Jarno (from WavesNode) was kind enough to share his slides with me. So at least the first part is easier to read now ;-)

Great post. It's really encouraging to see all these different coins have such enthusiastic communities, it's good for the market as a whole. I am going to look into waves, had been meaning to.

Thanks again!

You're welcome @rhyscn :-)

To be honest I don't know anything about waves. But I would like to ask you, are there any other interesting events in the coming months? What's further on your agenda?

I would like to attend a event about crypto. To see how it is in real life.

I just returned from Bitcoin Wednesday. Great event every first Wednesday of the month in Amsterdam. Can get quite in-depth sometimes, but I always get some new insights :-)

Next one is the 4th of April I believe.

No other events are on my agenda currently, usually they end up there a week before.

Where can I find info about this monthly bitcoin event?

So waves will integrate smart contracts? That sounds great even the meet up were free beers i would like to assist that kind of meetup

Yup, they are now working on it and will integrate smart contracts soon.

So we can see waves to the moon? 🙊

Hahaha maybe this will have a nice effect on the price indeed, you never know :-)

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