Gave @richforever 108 Steem for his work in Africa 💯🔥❄💸😭& coming on + Setting up Mining rig thanks @tytran + PayWithSteem post promotion success + 420 Book using App to give away free cannabis products, steem dispensaries?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Just sent 108 Steem to @richforever after he came on and talked on voice and I heard him for the first time. He has done SO MUCH hard work! he deserves it!

I hope everyone like @seablue and @mughat who was there can describe the energy in that room when it happened and he told us his inspiring story, and @mughats plan just came together as well like some sort of divine intervention ;) We will build a steem university and train African Philosopher Kings who use Logic and Reason to make Ghna and Nigeria (all of west africa) richer than Europe? Anything is possible ;) especially with crypto

( Image i made for @tj4real to explain how we can send crypto to Africa in exchange for content and Music and Videos since people can create those things without much capital just using their brains)

When you search Google Images for "Steemit" and "Ghana you ge this! So proud of everyone I see on here like @tj4real and Team Ghana !

I love this project and these guys will inherit the power of their country and use it for a moral and technological and economic revolutions! Free Market Individual protecting Superior Ideas will WRECK the abusive ideas of irrationality and the ponzi scheme attitude. Maybe we can get GHNA to be a place where crypto is not taxed and watch billions in crypto pour in... its simple really its just making exemptions for crypto and you bring in a lot of companies which THEN have to bring their fast internet WITH them! We can install free wifi at one point! or so cheap no one can compete and each Citizen is provided 1 Smartphone with battery charging block, INSTEAD of Welfare! Think about that trade off! Instead of ANY welfare you just get a smartphone and some free months of internet access... thats all you need now!

HAH All my old posts come up and images i made when you google search "Steemit Ghana" YES!


Also here is some update on my ETH/Monero Mining RIg

This rig had a problem and it was the PSU! I feel bad for the broken PSU its such a heavy piece of metal with so much complexity inside, it just needs a new fuse, but I'm sure it can be fixed and used, but it has been replaced and the Miner is Fixed!

Got my Second Ethereum/Monero Mining rig Working thanks to @tytran who gave me the miner which needed something fixed and when i troubleshooted the situation and tested everything I needed and did research I discovered it was the PSU. Now I have tripled my mining capabilities!

Also MAJOR news for conspiracy people! It's Happening! +++ get this: Apparently Trump is secretly communicating to Patriots through secret 4chan leaks, the great Trump Dumps.

Apparently Obama was captured in the Philippines? Podesta in US Marshall Custody? Hillary to turn herself in Monday? Maxeen Waters to be arrested for corruption charges? How did she get a multi million dollar house and 6 million dollars? Not from investing her income that's for sure. And watch for big arrests, maybe even Trump directly addressing Americans through the Emergency Broadcast System.

Hah ok for some lighter news from the fun filled world of legal cannabis "industry" (amazing party similar to crypto just replace mining bitcoin with growing cannabis)

I have noticed that my most recent edition of 420 Book local cannabis magazine has been giving out SO much free cannabis product coupons (redeemable at the local legal dispensaries) that they had to create an App and n entire coupon system to take advantage of all the people wanting free cannabis products! They give out 500mg cartridges sometimes even!

Very cool that we have Legal cannabis magazines giving out free cannabis right? Don't you all want this in YOUR country or State? Well start making noise and invest in ads to arrange elections and get people voting to legalize cannabis for taxes and Refer to the California and Colorado MODEL that WORKS! NO ONE is saying that California and Colorado, Oregon etc are NOT working NO ONE is trying to stop that, ESPECIALLY state and local governments that are making billions off the taxes! My local cannabis collectives and dispensaries take all of their tax earnings and combine them all into ONE big check and make a BIG show out of it when they present the giant novelty check (Publishers Clearing House Style

ALSO Make sure you check out how I helped @btcvenom and his Project @paywithsteem with a 10 SBD @booster boost

and @transisto @acidyo and @ausbitbank and many other whales helped Upvote this post! @jonny-clearwater and @tytran and I helped upvote it early, i then boosted it, and here we are! $123

Oh and next post will show my NEW interview with @nantchev on his youtube channel

OOOOHWEE Our interview turned out well! And had an Amazing talk with @richforever about @mughats steem university in Ghana, Africa and this is going to be AMAZING! we will just pay a university to teach OUR curriculum and train people to learn steemit and to become philosopher kings. IQ tests will be given and the top percent will have their projects funded. @tj4real @mcsamm @samset @

@mughat 's Philosopher Kings will reign a new golden age of reason and logic and we will take over the Banking Education and Government and allow intelligent and value adding working Africans to THRIVE so much that even unproductive members will start to get jealous and want to compete! And the crumbs will be so large that even the lazy and poor will be richer than they are now!

by the way this is a genius post by @mughat about Proof of Profit mining where you get MORE STEEMPOWER if you MAKE more and can HOLD more stake!

It is very important that Steemit Team Ghana comes on and becomes friends with the Steemspeak crew like @mughat whose philosopher king steem university curriculum will conquer the planet starting with Africa and the Middle East then Europe then South America and North America and Asia and Australia

(Source of Image Here )
SO This plan is EPIC and it WILL happen! It's too good of an idea to be stopped at this points and @bania would tell us idea sex is very important! Steem Team Ghana is SO important because the change West farica will feel from Crypto will be MORE dramati and MORE uplifting than anywhere else on earth and we will see the highest levels of dramatic change (for the good) economic brightness so bright you have to sheild your eyes :D
its all @tj4real and @richforever and @kwakumax and we MUST make sure ALL Steem Ghana and all Steem AFrica members become more organized than ANY otehr crypto community EVER was when it started in every otehr country so they can get first mover advantegs AND make Ghana as Wealthy as a European Nation in 10 years!

I feel so good right now, this steem team Ghana Africa University idea is going to be amazing!

ALL THE WAY UP! were ALL THE WAY UP! Steem is gonna take over the planet! Africa is coming home to steem and we will change the world! There are problems all over the world, and Norwegians like @fyrstikken BUILD the whole WORLD for us! they are engineers and end up building ships bridges machines structures and BLOCKCHAINS for us!

LET THE WAR BEGIN! haha no diplomacy will prevail AND we will have an AMAZINg Hodl Club! a Power Up Party! We can get @thejohalfiles @sweetsssj @stellabelle @neoxian @transisto @berniesanders and SO many other whales to ALL encourage EVERYONE to power up and we can get to $2 steem in a few days and $4 steem by christmas!

I am supporting @berniesanders

And vote for @fyrst-witness

WOW and I just checked my DMs on discord for and @elgeko the incredibly talented 3d and video and graphic artist who makes VJ Sets for HUGE festivals and who has done the Video for major electronic and other music groups, has made me a great new Signature Graphic!

Foo Foo

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text 619 500 3748 and....

Follow @Ackza


Awesome you did good! Upvoted

@ackza Sorry I got here to the Party Late ZACH. I was crying over a Newbies Postings that she just made over at @mashla who is NEW to STEEMIT. Her introductory post will help all STEEMIANS to understand why Zachary is trying so Hard to help people all over the World. @arbitrarykitten was even brought to Tears. We Love you my Brother, keep spreading the Word.......

Checked it so touching especially this part where she was so honest with what she does- Tired of shrouding herself.

you can find the link to her story here:

@stokjockey i need to see these stories too asap, @mashla's. thanks for coming here too.

ahhh thank you! i will not stop! so if this brought arbitrary kitten to tears, start buiding a hydro electric dam under @arbitrarykitten 's tear ducts because Im about to start getting the water works flowing big time!

Im gonna see if we can build a playground in @ortigas100 's town like he asked for we just have to find out what happened to him, his steemit account still has a lot of steem and he hasnt been here in a while, but if we dont hear from him we will also have other projects, we see if @richforever can find a steemit user to delegate the task of getting a small playground built soemwheer....we should pick a realistic project we can complete in a short period like finding a small piece of land we can simply build on, get permission from the village leaders, or town government, and just find the building materia, hire some trustworthy workers who will also get steemit accunts so we can upvote them as they work and show us progress, (because value of work is now determiend by people online watching it rather than by the employers now! )

and so we can end up getting teh workers paid a lot mroe if they just have steemit accounts and make posst about their progress

it doenst have to be a playground its just a good example and something we can build for cheep! a school or a hospital now those things are complex but a playground is something we can build very very very cheap but it will have a HUGE impact on the local children who, like @ortigas100 said in his town do not have a playground, also if we could install wifi in this park we create we could allow children to play while parents use wifi and make steemit posts, we could even have a Information Poster on a wall or in a Sign that has instructions of how to download steemit app (when it comes out) or how to register at (we will have INSTANt account registration very soon after next hard fork ) and we will have instructions on this possible sign to teach a person how to make a post about the playground, who to tag, and what tags to use, and we can simply have instructions on how to make a good steemit post and include images of your child utilizing the playground that steemit built...

we can also do this with a computer lab for a school.... if there are schools you personally went to which may still be around, which you can viosit, if you can visit an old teacher if you ever had any teachers that you liked, maybe visit them, see if your primary/elementary school needs a computer lab, maybe we can buy a Box of tablets like the KioKit and provide primary schools with boxes of tablets, and we can fet updates everyday from the teachers showing al the kids learning and using steemit, and for higshchool an colleges we can teach the kids to REALLy use steemita nd to post homework, to create REAL jhoemwork where the students find soluytions for African Problems, and post them on Steemit instead of just giving it to thir teachers!
Students minds are all being WASTED with current education system all arouynd the world! Students essays and papers and ideas are just wasted when they could all be put online and voted in!

we can get these

they have the BRCK wifi backup battery biox built in to it

because steemit users would LOVE to get daily photos showing all the joy that can be had from building simple playgrounds!

Go to bed! lol

I was up for 2 days straight lol its how i lost 50 pounds in a month!

I have to doa post on this!

How i lost 50 pounds without even trying thanks to steemit and by staying up for 2 days in a row just burning energy with my brain (and your brain can take up as much as 30% of the energy your body produces, the brain goes through blood so fast! so much nutrients and oxygen has to go up there!

It is cool to see you ran the troubleshooting of the rig yourself. Glad to meet a fellow DIY person.

heyy buddy nice seeing you here. ma African bruv

@ackza is my man, I do visit his blog every now and then.

cool man thats great. then we are siblings, @greenrun

Thank you man! I just followed you and i do apreciate your loyaltY!

so im gonago upvote all ur recent post! WOAH man u are makin mroe than me now on ur posst! GREAT job man! save that steempower! steem is about to hit $2 i got some inside info about some investments and a plan to power up everyone untill Christmas and push steem to $3 by new years!!!!! so keep it dont power down telle veryone to power up and not powerdown too!!!!

Thanks for all the upvotes. I appreciate the love you've expressed to me and other fellow steemians. You are a very generous person. I appreciate your straightforwardness and simple way of handling things. Thank you very much.

yup yup, our brains are like CPUs and the blood going to them is like the water cooling tubes, or no its like the electric cables coming into the Video cards in a mining rig... our brains dont produce as much heat as the video cards but just imagine how fast and complex our brains are and they ARE organic computers humans can compute math we can draw photorealistic portraits and now we are mining with our minds!

Mining with our MINDS is what crypto currency has led humanity into! a new era where the BRAIN itself is used in a massive network like Bitcoin Miners but instead of ASIC antminers or Video cards on racks in a warehouse, imagine a office building full of people on computes or better yet, imagine these people at their OWN homes and all just working from home, on their computes while everything is delivered to their houses via drones and delivery robots and we will have many WALKING drones they dont all have to fly, and we will have giant fish farms off the coast

and look at how BIG we can build as humans!

LOOK at these CITIES in the ocean that Norway builds by connecting Oil Riug Platforms!

This will be what we have in the future! we will create these off the coast of Africa and make a crypto currency paradise where you can sell real estate etc fish farms off the african coast will allow african nations to feed all of africa CHEAP we will have 1 trillion people on the earth!

I love your projections. Makes one hungry for that future.

Great updates @ackza! Highly rEsteemed.
Check out Bitland in Ghana when you have a chance.
SteemON Bruv!


whoaa seen it? crypto is really shaping cultures

@ackza you need to see this video

Awesome! Glad you found them. They're on here on Steemit.

Thanks imma check this out too

WOAHHH Blockchain land registry for ghana since Ghanahas a very bad land registry system and if you can actually PROVE you own land then youll be able to Invest in real estate knowing that you own the land! WOW his could alow BILLIONS of dollars to come flooding into Ghana if they can allow westenr people to invest in real estate like crypto and SELL the land just as easily for a profit!

if you can allow a western crypto user, like @fyrstikken or @mughat for example. to buy land with cryptocurrency as aninvestment, CHEAP land in Ghana africa, in a way that he could also sell it for crypt on a marketplace whenever he wanted,

Because imagine we could then build on theland and send crypto to construction companies who could build the homesor apt buildings or condos for us, and we can build a university and build dorm rooms, and we can also just BUY a WING of a university, but we have an interest in paying Students to learn our curriculum and teach them how to use steemit and crypto currency etc.... but the buying of the land is where it starts and if we could buy the land over the internet with crypto and we had people to goa nd drive a sign into the ground with a sign witha QR code, and these signs will be like the "stake" plantd into the ground, andthe QR code on it will let someone scanit, and that QR code will be a public key which will allow someone to se who or what company or what organization is listed as the owner of that land... and we can then show those QR codes in images and videos to prove that yes that land has a physical marker that is also matching a government backed database and the government will get its cut too! it wil be beautiful!

very true man. great ambitions

@frankbacon, bitland? never heard that. will do ma research since im in Ghana.

🤖💬 This post has received a 14.29 % upvote from @iseekush sponsored by @netgodbeerus

Join our Cannabis Curation Team

🤖💬 This post has received a 14.29 % upvote from @dab4dab sponsored by @netgodbeerus


Join our Cannabis Curation Team

heyy @ackza i got a good guy here. I met him today on steemspeak. he's from India. I thought he's from Dubai. lol I made a mistake check out his services to team ghana in this post

yes @manishmike10 is funny and he seems loyal

he should be working with @firepower to get advice on creating a large crypto group in India

Yes India and West Africa will have a developing world alliance and india has always had influence in Africa

Damn the guy is so committed in his endeavors. He’s serious and consistent

Sha one word AWESOME
Resteeeeeemed bossssss

Hello @ackza

Thankd for you support to team Ghana particularly @richforever and @tj4real. The decision to support steem university in West Africa is highly appreciated.

If I may know how these projects work, maybe there is some ways I can contribute. I seek more clarification on this.

@eurogee and @euronation

yooo man look who's talking.... THE SMART ONE
very well said bro.
the one and only @eurogee

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