I look at 3 Steemit Whales with over 10,000 followers who make $100-500 per post & try to explain their success + All the money in Curation! So if your post is HIGH quality please show me in the comments, but only the best posts will get 100% upvotes!

in #steemit7 years ago

So first of all let's check steem prices, up 13% to $1.53

And I checked my wallet, I just got a nice $40 reward! Here is a screenshot and If you know me you will know that I will probably have to spray Emojis all over this and post it to my Instagram! ;) instagram.com/ackza770 to see what I mean:

So before I apply emojis and post that reward to my Instagram as evidence of my daily hustle grind to impress all of the other Online Money makers on Instagram, I want to now take a look at some more achievements of my Steemit Blog and of some other Steemit Whales! Thanks to a Week long Steempower delegation of 7,500 Steempower given to me by @tytran I am able to upvote all the comments on my steemit posts to at least around 20 cents each! A milestone for me as I started out by only being able to give everyone at least 1 cent and now I can give people 20 cents but even 30 cents when my voting power is at its highest!

https://steemit.com/@ackza/recent-replies So as you can see here I do in fact upvote all of my replies! I like to give back to my followers who comment and its also an incentive to interact and upvote me on the platform and steemit makes it so easy to achieve reciprocity. So now I will check my voting power over at steemnow.com a tool created by Steemit user @penguinpablo to show exactly how much your votes are going to give out! So here is a screenshot of steemnow.com with my username types in:

So even at 30% Voting power my fullpower upvotes are still worth 40 cents! I am trying to let my upvotes recharge on the advice of @sweetsssj so my Upvotes can be worth more...she told me how my upvotes should be scarce and rare so they can mean more and I agree but it's hard for myself to stop upvoting, I can simply give out more smaller upvotes and save the more powerful upvotes! So anyway I would like to now go show you a feature of steemnow.com if you scroll to the very bottom where you see "Latest Posts" on the very last box at the bottom:

Scroll to the bottom of this Bottom Box and you'll see see how much money is pending total, so here it shows I have a total of $211 waiting for me on Steemit! NICE! I hope to be worthy of making that much everyday soon, but thats how much I have made in the last 7 days. ! If I can start posting high quality innovative posts I think I can accomplish this goal of making what I make in a week, but in a day! From what I can see, all I would need to do is start posting more content so I can gain more followers, and create a Facebook/Youtube campaign similar to JerryBanfield and I should be on my way to 10,000 followers and $100 per post!

Making $100 or more per post seems to require at least 10,000+ followers....here are 3 steemit whales or power users I will use as an example to explain this steemit phenomenon: @jerrybanfield @sweetsssj and @kingscrown all have over 10,000 followers and make several hundred dollars per post everyday! But all joined at different times proving that anyone can make high rewards on steemit and its not just a game for early adopters! Some believe only those that were here in the beginning make these types of rewards but @jerrybanfield joined in May 2017 so anyone can join and earn high rewards if they work hard.

Since that image is small, here is an individual closeup of these 3 screenshots. Starting with @jerrybanfield with 12,844 followers and making $100 to $400 per post:

And here we can see he only made 53 steem in Curation last week! I will explain this later and show how other steemit users like @kingscrown are making over 300 steem last week and @sweetsssj getting over 1200 last week and these are not from author rewards but this is all from curation!

And since Jerry only joined in May of this year his followers don't seem to have as much steempower as the next two steemit whales! But eventually he will be making a lot more per post as the followers that upvote him begin to save up more and more steempower! (and sometimes he also makes $1000 posts so I shouldn't sell him too short! And since Jerry isn't making as much in curation as he could be, you must wonder why he is not curating as much! Jerry could be curating better and earn as much as sweetsssj or kingscrown! We should all be curating more! This shows us how much money there is to be made on steemit with curation!

So Here is @sweetsssj with 11,717 followers and she joined in August 2016,

and she's making a good $500 per post on average! It's amazing and she could post everyday but it seems she slowed down her posting to less than once a day to let others have a chance to get on Steemit's trending page! So anyway you can go see how much she has made from just curation If you click on "rewards" and then "curator rewards" like this:

You can then see how much she has been making from "curation" which is the act of giving people an Upvote and paying them from your allotted steempower money, and if you are early to upvote a post that is high quality and end up getting lots more upvotes later then you as an early upvoter or "curator" get more of the 25% that is saved for curators! This allows you to make money simply from handing out the Upvote money you are provided as part of your steempower! You upvote a post and it ends up making a lot more money you end up getting a cut so steemit rewards the upvoting or good material! And @sweetsssj is killing it with curation, doing so well and showing everyone how much money whales can be making by helping to sort the low quality from the high quality posts! She's manually finding posts that are high quality and seem like they will continue to earn upvotes! Wow its very nice to be able to make $1,200 Steem or around $1800 a week just from upvoting high quality posts like she does! More people should manually curate like her! It would increase the quality of our steemit content and People should stop using the vote buying services and start manually curating! Now, when we go on steemnow and put in sweetsssj we find out that her upvotes are worth $99 at fullpower allowing her to give out $100 upvotes. It's almost like providing employment especially for people in developing nations! Steemit whales are providing solid income for people across the world IF these people continue to provide high quality work!

Ok so the third user here is @kingscrown and he has 10,758 Followers and makes around $200 to $300 per post

He joined on May 2016 so you can see how he has less followers than jerry banfield but he has been here for a whole extra year. So it doesn't matter how long you've been here and anyone can become a steemit whale, not just the early adopters!

So now here is how much he has been making on Curation, around 312 Steem last week! Here is the screenshot...

So When i compare HIS curation rewards with @sweetsssj I see that @kingscrown only got 312 Steem last week, 1/4th of what @sweetsssj got, but to be fair she has much more stempower! In fact she has twice as much steempower and almost $1 million dollars worth of steempower delegated to her which is very awesome to see! Ahh I just noticed that so This just makes things even more interesting! Steemit has a tendency to always just create more questions than answers! :D I will try to finish my thought! Anyway I just wanted to explain Curation Rewards and how people are able to find high quality posts that end up continuing to get upvotes even after you upvote them, see when a post gets all of its upvotes and is being sent as a reward to its author, a 25 percent cut is broken off for the "curators" and those who upvoted the post get more of the curation rewards, and those with more steempower get more! I feel like if I keep repeating this it might start to make sense for beginners! Curation is like a contract where you get a cut of posts final reward so if your upvote helps a post with its first big upvote and then the post ends up going to $1000 then you end up getting a 25% cut of that $1000.

(I hope you like this Graphic I made to explain steemit to beginners better! I Found the original image from a year old post by @rok-sivante and added some graphics to explain steemit better from hat I've learned!)
Ok so the one thing all these accounts have in common is that they all have over 10,000 followers, they all post almost everyday, and they all post very high quality Blog posts!

So if you are thinking about buying a lot of steem for investing but don't know why you would want steempower, just remember that as soon as you buy steempower you will be able to make a type of "interest" from that steempower from all the curation rewards you can make! Just know that you can immediately begin to make $1000s a week like @sweetsssj if you buy or rent the appropriate steempower and use it to go upvote Gems that you believe will end up being upvoted to the top! So you get paid for upvoting good posts. What or who decides what makes them god and how good they are? Well that is measured by how many upvotes the post ends up getting! This skill of curation is something you can develop here on Steemit but you need to get a feel for what becomes popular or upvoted here on steemit...if you can spot high quality posts and upvote them early you will start to make money just by simply upvoting a lot of good content and I think that is a pretty fun and enjoyable job! It is pretty much getting paid to Upvote, should be every reddit users dream come true! (this is why i think advertising Steemit on reddit is so important! all the potential steemit users we could ever need are all incubating over on Reddit for us to harvest when we require!)

Ok so anyway I want to show you a screenshot from Months ago when @Jerybanfield was only 1730 followers strong AND YET he was making $1000 to $1500 per POST because Steem prices was so high! Around $2.80 at one point!

So I wanted to show you this to make a point that even without his current followers he was still making thousands back when he had only 1000 followers! Jerry's trick was making very educational and exciting videos showing a screencast of himself using steemit live, showing how he could just give out $6 upvotes live on stream and stunts like this really helped steemit! Simply the act of showing someone how steemit works with a high steempower account upvoting some simple comments, and seeing a post shoot up a few dollars is always impressive to see! Jerry's videos are just screencasts showing himself using steemit, upvoting comments and other peoples posts, showing off how much his past videos made etc. Jerry was genuinely excited about Steemit in his videos and you could tell! He started using steemit posts to PAY for his steemit video ad videos to create a great Steemit Money Loop!

(Here is one of @JerryBanfield videos where he gives out $1500 worth of upvotes in one sitting! He even Upvotes @sweetsssj and her posts on this video! Anyway this is one of the reasons Jerry has so many followers! this video got 4000 views on his youtube channel with 201,000+ Subscribers !!!! he even has his steemit URl as his main Youtube Channel banner! Nice!)

He was drawing in so many users and the proof is in how fast he got his follower count up! He got something like 3000 followers per month in 4 months basically 12,000 followers in 4 months when it took @kingscrown over a year just to get his 10,000 followers! But it seems that @kingscrowns followers may be older and have more steempower, either way all 3 of these great steemit whales, sweetsssj kingscrown and jerrybanfield, all 3 post high quality posts! Sweetsssj does Travel Blogs, KingsCrown does posts about Steemit and Cryptocurrency, Jerry does steemit marketing and social media vlogging to promote steemit on other platforms and has found a nice little niche here posting about steemit related subjects and new projects like Dtube.video the decentralized Dtube or about his new job as Steemit Witness and makes more and more posts about new features of steemit itself. And his Youtube Videos helped him get all his steemit followers! So imagine if we ALL id a Youtube Channel like this to promote steemit (and other crypto stuff) ! Jerry has 200K subscribers on Youtube so I believe a steemit related Youtube Channel is a winning combo and could allow many of us to get millions of new users and thousands of new steemit followers! (It wont hurt Jerry since there's more than enough for everyone who wants it!

So here is a screenshot of the "#trending page on Steemit or Steemit.com/trending and what do you know? @sweetsssj is # 1 with her latest Travel Blog! Whenever she posts she gets to the very front page of Steemit.com! Almost like she's TOO good at Steemit so she has had to take a break from posting everyday to give other users a chance to get on Trending! XD. And she has begun to focus more on Curation now! So start posting high quality posts and you might just get the attention of a master curator like her! If you post a high quality blog post, you may get noticed by one of the many other steemit whales who make it their business to curate and upvote high quality posts! And spend some time finding high quality posts in the "new" section for yourself and give curation a try! Remember curators get 25%! Don't let your upvotes go to waste, go and curate!

Now speaking of that Steemit Trending page....

Look who else is on the very front page of steemit! It's @KingsCrown who hapens to be the third steemit whale on our list! So his post about the current prices of Steemit and other altcoins and this seems to be one of his niches! The secret to steemit is consistency and high quality posts AND AND AND to have FUN using steemit :D because people ca TELL if youre actualy having FUn while posting! But also operate your steemit account like a job, like a company! Always make sure to spend some time upvoting only high quality posts and if you HAVE to upvote your friends low quality posts just give them a 1% upvote! Save your 100% upvotes for people who perform the best! Ok ok ok it's fine to hand out upvotes to friends and family for a period of time until you start earning a lot of steempower and then you need to get serious! We all like to spread the wealth while we are new to the platform, I'll consider this like a free stimulus program, but then get serious and only upvote the HIGHEST quality posts! I am going to see how much I can make with the 7,500 Steempower I have for a few more days thanks to @tytran who rented me some steempower from @minnowbooster. I will be looking for high quality posts so if you REALLY have a high quality post , show me below, just tell me WHY you think I would like your post but tell me WHY it actually deserves a 100 percent upvote! Only the BEST posts will get 100% Upvotes from myself and maybe @tytran if wants to also practice making more money via curation!

Ok thanks for reading!Steemit has all sorts of money waiting for us to earn! There are plenty of opportunities for us all! And I also predict steem to make it to $10 before the end of the year! Wooo it's going to be nice! Even $5 Steem could provide that sort of "told ya do" smugness for every last person who held their steem! My wish is for steem to simply outperform Bitcoin so we can be smug in knowing we did the right thing by holding Steempower instead of BTC!

Here is me in my new Steemit Hat with custom Ackza steemit screenname, sent to me by awesome new steemit user @tytran who also sent me a Steemit T shirt, hoodie, ethereum mining rig, I also got a Bitcoin wallet Nano ledger S from san diego steemit user @silverbit and an Ethereum mining rig from San Diego steemit user @higomex and so there are a lot of very nice people in this local San Diego steemit club!

Follow @tytran if you want to join our San Diego Steemit Guild which will become a powerful business network for finding local talent and getting as many San Diego residents onto the steem blockchain as possible! We will try to help each other's high quality steemit posts and eventually set up curator's just for local San Diego content! So join my San Diego Steemit club if you are in Southern California or San Diego! We will teach local users how to post high quality and stop rewarding the low quality posts! I will start demanding higher standards and I wont be upvoting low quality posts anymore! And check out @tj4real and @richforever and @kwakumax to support some amazing Steemit Promotions going on in Africa!


And congrats to @tj4real for getting up to $155 on his post 6 days ago thanks to Steemit WHales like @stephenkendal @thejohalfiles and even an upvote from @nanzo-scoop ! Helping make an African steemit user means SO much! It helps these African Steemit users in Ghana So much more than $150 in the USA or developed nation. $155 is like a whole month wage!

Steemit Ghana keeps producing high quality posts that show the potential of steemit rewards in a developing country and how $10 or $20 a day becomes a SERIOUS job for West Africans! So keep spreading the word of Steemit to help improve the quality of life of our fellow humans around the world! The stronger steem cryptocurrency becomes the better chance more people have to live off of steemit rewards! I sincerely believe Steemit blockchain could support the lives of hundreds of millions of people, many who would not have many other opportunities to make as much money online as can be made with cryptocurrency! As @tj4real once said on Steemit, "We feed ourselves with cryptocurrency here (in Africa)" (Paraphrase)

Some inspirational music video Time:

And a good Money Counting Song "No Complaints" MetroBoomin and Migos

Just had to leave those Music videos in there! Thanks for reading! I took the time to reread and edit my Post, hope it counted!
And remember, if you have some high quality posts you just posted, show me in the comments so i can curate!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Wow! Really nice. I learned so many things from reading this. And a special thanks to @retiredinsamar for posting it where I could see it, otherwise it might have passed me by, maybe forever. Now let's see if I can apply some of this and help Steemit grow as much as possible, hopefully me along with it.

Fantastic post, my friend! You've got so much information in there, I'm definitely coming back to this one later when I have more time.

Steemit is a world of potential. I'm pretty sure all you have to do here is play the game and you'll be rewarded. I can't believe how supportive the community is for newcomers who are eager to learn. That's me. I've been working really hard, and I actually see it starting to pay off.

Thanks, @ackza! Keep up the good work.

Happy to follow you:)

And here's a link to the most recent post in my series called High On Dispensaries


I manage a weed shop in Colorado, just writing about it. :) Thanks

AMAZING post man i upvoted it 100% 40 cent upvote pushed it up over $3.08 so i hope u get that cannabis post some attention on the #cannabis category! look at steemit.com/trending/cannabis and get some friends on that cannabis section i promise u can get ur post over $20 today! i think ur post will make it man~! Post like that A LOT post every day with that quality u will have an audience man!

hey i am following you now too! Good job!

You are grindin hard just like yooo boy! Love seeing this type of action!

yeah man I have to catch up to you!
Maybe i should do an ecpsose on your progress next XD I could fill some real space by doingthat! but it woudl end up going from a space filler to a great post and inspire another batch of minnows to "start stackin"

hmm yeah i might just do a post on you since you have 3942 Followers and $8,700+ in steam power and you joined in may 2017 two months after me! man i gotta catch up to you man!!! See i wasn't able to make as much money as you because im not Asian man lol XD I need some of that Asian work ethic to boost my spirits like that extra Nitro Tank in fast and furious! lol just kidding man! We should do some Joey Salads style Prank Videos for Dtube and steemit!

But dude steemit is like a Videogame man! you got a higher score than me ! Its like imagine if we had competitive videogames on steemit! imagine playing counter strike and starcraft over steem blockchain!

PLUS u have 25,000 Steempower delegated to you, u rent that out? I bet it pays for itself on curation rewards right??? I should do a guide on how to rent steam power and use it for curation to PAY for itself!

Hey buddy. LOL @ "Asian work ethic". That is a stereotype I don't mind getting. Of course I'm a workaholic myself and being Asian is a coincidence. Anyway this was an educational post and it shows your love for this platform. I'm sure you will reach your 10,000 follower goal. You're already 25% of the way there!!! Just keep up the good work!!!

Very nice post , maybe I need to read it twice since it's have a lot of valuable information.
Upvoted and following:)
I thought having 63 reputation is almost a whale.

I have only been on here for a month, this post really highlighted a few things that I was unclear about.

That was great you included the dudes from Ghana. I hope they all do well from it, what an awesome thing to see them making a life with steemit.

man I really love your passion for the platform XD Didn't know about kingscrown, he just gained a follower thanks to you. He has some nice shit. Keep steeming :*

The post is now getting my head spin for a while .Man over Hundred dollars per post ,sounds amazing as ever ,everyone wanna get there ,and as it seems nicely explained about the curation rewards and 3 of the Giants :)

I just gave you a 59 cent upvote! i gave u a 100% slider bar upvote, and im around 37.5% voting power (u can check anyones voting power on steemnow.com ) and thanks to @tytran for renting for 1 week for me 7,500 steempower so i can so this and give out 59 cents at 100percent upvote ...normally at 2000 steempower im only giving out like a 20 cent upvote ...but yeah its still great but ..for now i have these rented steempower upvotes, and i am able to maybe get up to $1.75 or so per upvote soon, i hope i can he;p a lot of people with it

yeah ,and thanks for the upvote ,I wish i will get there soon .and you are doing a great job buddy and allowing new users to use Steemit at fullest .
Thank you very much again and best of luck for the next target of $1.75 :)

My positive side is saying 'great post and analysis using lots of data,

My cynical side is saying.... For my next post I'll be analyzing why posts that are about 'success on Steemit' are successful. Following that I'll be analyzing why I disappeared up my own ass.

Wow dude you put in some work on that article! I still don't understand how to give people different percentages of an up-vote but eventually I'll learn all this stuff.

u dont have enough steempower and when u do, youll see the slider bar pop up like this

Oh I see!

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